5:2 anyone???

ginge39 Posts: 20 Member
I was chatting to someone the other day and they mentioned bout the 5:2 yet dint go much into details bout it. Soooo just wondering if anyone is doing this and what do you munch on whilst dong the 5 and what ya munching whilst on the 2?


  • ruthweir1969
    ruthweir1969 Posts: 6 Member
    Been reading up about it and just started today ,gonna do it for a week and c , wasnt hungry much today so thought may as well use today as the fast day ,and get it out the way
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    I did it years ago to lose my excess weight. Lost weight at a steady and sensible rate and the switch to maintenance at goal weight was easy.

    The 5 days are at your maintenance calories - I just ate my normal foods in normal amounts (but kept an eye on my overall protein levels to help support a lot of exercise).
    On the 2 fasting days I prioritised protein and had two high taste but tiny meals and plenty of low/no calorie drinks.

    Some of the recipes in The Fast Diet book were actually very tasty. See https://thefastdiet.co.uk/ for more info.
  • ginge39
    ginge39 Posts: 20 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    I did it years ago to lose my excess weight. Lost weight at a steady and sensible rate and the switch to maintenance at goal weight was easy.

    The 5 days are at your maintenance calories - I just ate my normal foods in normal amounts (but kept an eye on my overall protein levels to help support a lot of exercise).
    On the 2 fasting days I prioritised protein and had two high taste but tiny meals and plenty of low/no calorie drinks.

    Some of the recipes in The Fast Diet book were actually very tasty. See https://thefastdiet.co.uk/ for more info.

    Thanks huni
  • Johnd2000
    Johnd2000 Posts: 198 Member
    I did something like this for about 9 months. I ate 1600/800 and it worked quite well, but I was completely inactive at the time. Not sure I could’ve stuck to it if I was working.
  • renaecotton123
    renaecotton123 Posts: 15 Member
    I plan to save this method for when I hit a plateau. Right now, 1750-1850 daily calories is causing steady losses.