How did you make yourself a Priority?



  • mabearof6
    mabearof6 Posts: 684 Member
    You do realize that if you eat right, take time to exercise and some quiet time for your mind; that you will be more productive, efficient, and better organized in your home and family life.

    you really can't afford not to do this. It isn't selfish.. you need to be an example to your children and you owe it to them to take care of yourself first.

    So much this!!!!

    I schedule workouts and me time and treat it like any work meeting, or kids activities. That time is non-negotiable!
  • health4me84
    health4me84 Posts: 14 Member
    I am so thankful for all your input and advice/tips. It means the world to me, just to get insight from outside sources. So I guess a little follow up. Unfortunately I have no financial means for a vacation (for 2 weeks etc) or a maid this summer, as most of our funds are going to my schooling at the moment. I cannot take off a semester because you see I started this program taking OSAP, but they cut my funds off last year (pissed me off huge!), but the deal is that as long as I take the same course load, straight school, I dont have to pay them back until I graduate. So I am trudging along until I graduate in December.

    I gotta say during my 3 weeks off during semesters (April to May), I took all that you guys said and really thought about what I want and how to change my mind set. I cannot be all or nothing about exercise/food etc. But I also cannot wait until school is done, because my family and I need to be healthy sooner than later. After all I am only 34 years old, I don't want to look haggard and feel like crap. So I took a deep breath and made a plan going into this semester, which included my fitness, food, me time, family time and sleep.
    • My 10 (almost 11) year old son now puts away the laundry, cleans his room, cleans our living room and empties the dishwasher a few times a week (for a small price of course lol)
    • My spouse has stepped it up with doing dishes after work since i make the dinner, he cleans after the cat, does all yardwork/garbage and picks up where he can.
    • I now go to bed by 10:30-11pm and sleep until 6:30 am.
    • I now make walking a Priority EVERYDAY! its not exactly what I prefer for exercise, but its something I enjoy and is manageable daily. I weigh 243 lbs! I used to workout like crazy and walking didnt feel like exercise. Now it does lol unfortunately. So that is what I am doing until I have a good routine going for myself. So I walk on my lunch (eat at my desk), I walk with my son along the lake near by and I will take 15 mins walk break during homework and do a walk away the pounds video. I will definitely progress with more challenging exercise when I don't feel like I am having a heart attack just from walking.
    • I feel that my Iron supplement / more iron rich foods has made a little improvement in my energy now. I find myself less tired, but more importantly I am grasping my homework and work more easily, like i don't have dumb brain anymore lol.
    • The Walking as helped my restless legs I think? As it occurs less often now.
    • For "Me" Time now, I try to get in a 20-30 mins catnap after work almost every day. I also colour with my son and spend more time grooming (like baths, painting my nails, girly S&#*) I need to, to feel good and not so zombie from my life!

    I also made the decision to pull my kid from most of his organized sports this summer. Now some of you may not agree with this, but I have reasons. We have never been on a family Vacation before. Like never. And doing University in the summer sucks! But with my son getting older and we live near all his friends etc. This summer he is cool with playing outside with his friends after I am home from work, leaving me to do homework during the week. Then on weekends I have booked us for camping, we have season passes for Canadas Wonderland! We are taking road trips to places i have wanted to see but never wanted to pay to go etc. I even booked tree top trekking and hiking through caves! He will continue his karate/soccer/swimming in the fall. But for this summer I am making my family and myself a priority! I am trying to organize the time and unfortunately doing all his activities during the week takes time away from my homework. By making these plans.... its like a weight of dread has left my chest. I am ready to live some kind of life, skinny or not, I want to be happy :) Sorry for the novel! Thanks!
  • health4me84
    health4me84 Posts: 14 Member
    You HAVE to make time for yourself and it will probably mean letting go of something in order to do that. The question is, do you think you need to be a priority? I battled with this for 20+ years. I missed out on so much!
    NEVER GIVE UP! By God’s grace, I did this with degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, 5 bone spurs on my spine, #fibromyalgia, plantar facetious and heel spurs, Achilles bone spurs, and chronic pain from so many health issues! I did this when I made myself the priority! Best to you! orh8wyxrpr17.jpeg

    Wow very inspiring!!
  • health4me84
    health4me84 Posts: 14 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    Look to others that have busy schedules and try out what they do. There are 168 hours in a week. Exercise should take about 3-4 hours of this time. Logging my intake/output takes ~5 min/day.

    For my n=1. I get up at 5 am take Synthroid and 16 oz water, do calisthenics/run and review the plan for the day. I get our 3 kids up at 6:30, do calisthenics with them, breakfast, ready for school and dropoff to daycare/school. Work from 8-5. I eat at my desk and work out over lunch. Every hour I make sure I get in min 250 steps. Leave work hit the gym for 30 mins. Head home and catch up with the family - homework, dinner, rock climbing, music, etc. and download, review the day, prep for tomorrow, put kids to bed and spend quality time with the wife. Sleep at ~11pm - 12am.

    My wife does the same routine, but gets up at 4:30 to work out, then works from 6-3 and picks up kids from school.

    We've been doing this for over 3 years now prioritizing health. I went 14 years not prioritizing this and suffered for it in all aspects of life. Looking back and remembering my statement "I don't have time for this" was just fear. Fear of change. Fear of the unknown. Seems silly now.

    My partner helps where he can, but he too often only comes home past 7pm. I think like so many women, I feel like if I don't get it all done, who will? I don't want to take time away from my little man, I already feel guilty enough for always having to do homework.

    Understand that everyone needs purpose. What people (men especially) want is to get a task, complete the task, and be recognized for doing a good job. Time to flex those management muscles and delegate tasks. The most frustrating thing for me is to watch my wife get frustrated, but not ask for help. How old are your kids? Where can they step up and start helping with the household chores?

    Thank you! Great tips :)
  • health4me84
    health4me84 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great suggestions!! I really do appreciate it. Having low iron is the pits for sure, but I am working on that with diet and supplement since my Dr. says it seems like it may be more of an absorption issue? I actually do meal plan every Sunday as well. It feels very time consuming, but like said above, I regret it when I don't lol. Now that its spring/summer I may start to walk in the mornings since its not dark. I do get an hour lunch which would also be awesome for walking, but I do have office clothes/shoes on. Would I change at work? Or put on some sneakers with my skirts lol. I am joking, I actually use my lunch hour for homework, since I do online courses. Honestly, as proud as I am to be graduating from school soon, this school thing with so much homework is brutal. So time consuming! But I guess nothing easy is worth doing right? I also really liked the idea of buying a few pre-packed dinners and adding more veggies to. Again like said, not the healthiest... but better than eating out completely (and cheaper). As far as the chores, I think this is probably my own control issue thing lol. I have to stop taking it all on and allow my son (who is 10) and partner to take on more. So the plan is wake up earlier for walks, plan quicker meals, do as much homework as I can earlier in the day, go to bed earlier and let the family do more S*%$ around the house :) Thanks for the support!

    My best tip is to talk to your Dr about faster ways of boosting your iron. Low iron causes fatigue (I couldn't make it 3 hours awake at my lowest) and it takes time to build up inside your body when you supplement.

    Yes, get your son to do things around the house! Also take a walk around the block WITH your kid/ partner - time spent together and a bit of exercise in :) The cat nap will also be your best friend

    I agreed with your exercising with the family :) Yeah unfortunately my dr (here in Canada) did not find very low Iron that big of a deal..... Just prescribed me a supplement that is supposed to be very high in iron and easily absorbed and thats it. If anything, was more interested in helping me sleep with pills lol. But I am certainly working on the Iron issue and hopefully by next blood work will show an improvement.
  • msforeverfaithful
    msforeverfaithful Posts: 8 Member
    I have an 11-month-old and a four-year-old. I have a 1 hour 10 min commute in the morning 5 days a week. I work 40 hours a week. I didn't know how I could find the time. So first i began to take walking breaks at work. I'm due two 15 breaks so I took them by walking. the next thing I did was actively play with my kids. After that, I joined a Brittne Babe fitness challenge that focused on HIIT workouts. The workouts were short. During the challenge, I also followed a clean foods diet. Thank you for sharing! We are moms and if there is one thing we know how to do it is to find a way. Good luck!
  • donnaquinn35
    donnaquinn35 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 46. I am a mother, have a full time job, and a returning college student. I need help with this as well send me a friend request if you would like to work together