Less Alcohol- June 2018- One Day at a Time



  • SpanishFusion
    SpanishFusion Posts: 261 Member
    ^^ I wish there was a 'pin' function, where every time we logged in, this is what we see! Good stuff.
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    @pismodiver - welcome! I get it - when I look back at some of those "incidents" in my own life, I just cringe or break out in a cold sweat. Great the way you're looking ahead and making a plan for yourself.

    @JulieAL1969 - cannot wait to hear how the fast goes. I've messed around with intermittent, which for me mostly means just not eating between around 7 p.m. and noon the next day and found that it gave my WL a boost.
  • SpanishFusion
    SpanishFusion Posts: 261 Member
    edited June 2018
    @kittybenn and @JulieAL1969 For the last 2 weeks, I've been doing 5:2 IF. I love it! The 2 is rough, no lie. But I actually get more calories on the 5 than when I was doing a straight 7 days deficit. Also on those 2 days, there's no way I can be anything but AF. I'm not sharing my precious 600 calories on those 2 days with alcohol.

    Here is the link for the group that I am in. They are very supportive people. Almost like this thread. (we are special.)

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I totally agree with that. I am significantly more self-aware than I was. I may not have figured it all out yet but I am closer than when I started. Sometimes this thread just shows me how I am different. The video I reposted of the young woman who quit for instance. Even though there are some similarities (probably the common stuff among all of us) she and I are not alike in the big stuff.
  • kittybenn
    kittybenn Posts: 444 Member
    Wow, @Leeg5656 - super interesting to hear about your 5:2 experience. I get the no alcohol on those 600 calorie days. How do you decide how many cals on the fasting days?
  • knotgood77
    knotgood77 Posts: 69 Member
    Got through last month with little to no problem! Here is to an AF June next!