New and looking for friends on here :)

Hi everyone, my name is Rachel and I am 26 y/o. I've been struggling with being overweight for the last 10 years or so. However, recently it has started to affect my health and I think it's time for a wake up call. My HA1C levels were high when I had them tested, my doctor is concerned I have sleep apnea, I had to have my gallbladder removed a few months ago because of the fatty foods I was eating, etc. etc. etc. In the past, I've been making excuses like "I'm too busy" but that's not something that can happen anymore.

Seeing other people succeed helps me to succeed, so if you're looking for new friends, I am as well :smile:
I tend to be really active on the internet so I plan to be around as much as I can!


  • chrisahubbard
    chrisahubbard Posts: 201 Member
  • skystarfor
    skystarfor Posts: 17 Member
    I understand all as my situation is same ... but i lost some weight and will lose more

    Try not eating after 6 or 7 pm and if u are real hungry take a fruit or yogurt. It worked for me

    Please add me

  • EifionCockram
    EifionCockram Posts: 122 Member
    you can do it with all the support within mfp
  • gcibsthom
    gcibsthom Posts: 30,138 Member
    Hi..I've been on this mfp for about 2.5 years and reached my goal weight. Lost 117 lbs. If you are that young and have the health issues, then yes, you need to start your healthy lifestyle now (I don't use the word diet...that sounds too temporary). It is so much harder to do as you get older. It's just a matter of healthy habits. If I can do it at my age(ancient), then you can do it too...the support you find here will help you tremendously. If you want to add me, you can. There are thousands of people here for support. Good luck
  • BacktheBlue18
    BacktheBlue18 Posts: 23 Member
    I dropped my A1C from 10.1 to 5.5 is less than 4 months. You got this!
  • MaxFirstPremolar
    MaxFirstPremolar Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you everyone for the encouraging words and for everyone who has added me so far :smile: I look forward to getting to know everyone!! <3
  • jonathanthewlis
    jonathanthewlis Posts: 143 Member
    Good luck you can make the changes you need to!
  • ShamikaLeak
    ShamikaLeak Posts: 5 Member
    You can do this take it one day at a time......log everything you eat & drink.....feel free to add me