High Fibre Diet

mamajess82 Posts: 51
edited 5:43AM in Food and Nutrition
Does anyone follow a high fibre diet here?

I need to start followig a HF diet for health reasons within my family and wanted to know;

a) thoughts on a HF diet
b) easy tips
c) any noticeable benefits




  • That is a good thing to have, I'm in the same boat... Hopefully someone has some suggestions :)
  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    How high do you consider high fiber? I try to hit 25 grams of fiber a day, but I don't consider that especially high. (Well it might be compared with the typical American diet!)
  • EileenKM
    EileenKM Posts: 13
    I sure do!!

    This is my Bible: The G.I. Diet by Rick Gallup. Though I now count calories (he doesn't emphasize this, almost denounces it), Gallup provides some excellent pointers on some great high fiber foods. Very important to keep fluids up though or it won't work!
  • sweetiebelle
    sweetiebelle Posts: 332 Member
    My doc told me to take benefiber 3 time a day. It . It helps. I also eat fiber one bars. Activia yogurt works
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I know one easy tip. Benefibre! It's tasteless and you can add it to almost anything. 3g of fiber in every small spoon serving.
  • glenr79
    glenr79 Posts: 283 Member
    Does anyone follow a high fibre diet here?

    I need to start followig a HF diet for health reasons within my family and wanted to know;

    a) thoughts on a HF diet
    b) easy tips
    c) any noticeable benefits

    I follow a high fiber, high lean protein diet. All of my carbs come from whole grains and foods with high fiber.. I have lost losts of body fat since I started eating high fiber. They are in low calories and very beneficial to weight loss, and overall health. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, oatmeal, I also buy fiberone cereal, the best tasting high fiber cereal on the market. For one cup of fiber it has 11 to 13g of fiber, most of your other cereals only have 5g or less, and it taste great!! But I have more energy, decreased body fat, and went from a 6 pack to an 8 pack... You definitely need to do this, there is also almost no sugar in fiber diets... just a little, so you are getting the good carbs and not the bad ones.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I dooooooooo! I'm also vegetarian though... I haven't really noticed much, except water is a bigger must!
  • shivaslives
    shivaslives Posts: 279 Member
    The classic Fit-for-Life diet emphasizes digestive health and is relatively high fiber. Most vegetable proteins, like legumes, are also a great way to get fiber.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Eating fiber = feeling full. Always a good thing!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I just had quite a lesson in high fiber foods. They do NOT all necessarily have the same impact on us. It depends on what your body can handle.

    I've been having trouble with gut-lock for awhile and couldn't figure out what was causing it. Everyone said to increase fiber and drink plenty of water. No problem. I can easily get 30-40g of fiber from foods I like and drink 12-14 cups of water but still... Something was turning into cement in my intestines. Really annoying!!

    So I started tinkering with my diet, more fresh fruits and veggies, cut the bread, and improved the situation a bit, but not entirely. Then one day I had a bowl of Fiber One cereal, which I hadn't had in awhile, and WHAM A JAM!!! How's that for weird? It's fiber!! Everyone says fiber is supposed to help with this problem!!

    I mentioned it to my doctor while we were walking last weekend and she said maybe I've developed gluten intolerance. New one on me. She suggested cutting all wheat/gluten products out of my diet for awhile to see what happens. Well whaddya know but the problem has gradually "passed" over the course of a week after months and months of aggravation!

    So please keep this in mind when increasing fiber in your diet. If you start having problems maybe stay away from wheat/gluten and see if that helps.

    I'm now taking psyllium capsules and rely on fresh fruits and veggies for most of my fiber. No more bran cereal for me =(
  • Great & helpful replies already. Will take pointers on board. Thanks!
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    Some days I don't do so well, but most days I hit close to 40g of fiber. I eat a lot of beans, which really pushes my fiber up.
  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    That's the concept behind this diet/lifestyle book. More fiber = more weight loss, better glycemic control, better health
  • Here's a good plan with high fibre foods - http://www.spoonfedsuppers.com/healthy-eating/healthy-diet/high_fibre_foods - it helps plan the meals so you don't think about it. It helps you to stay fuller for longer, beat cravings and regulate your blood sugar levels, as well as "sweep" the digestive system.
  • RaeMe
    RaeMe Posts: 11
    I'm not sure what the line is for a high fiber diet, but I aim for 50g each day and it looks like I naturally hit at least 40. I focus on lots of vegetables and try to make sure that most of my "junk food" has fiber in it.

    One of my current questions is actually how to properly limit carbs while also keeping fiber up. I need a high fiber diet because it apparently helps regulate hormones.
  • l3long
    l3long Posts: 153 Member
    This is an old thread but I will revivie it and see what happens ....

    I, too, am eating high fibre for medical reasons. I am gluten intolerant as well so I look for non-wheat fibre sources and I believe in getting my fibre from whole foods not Benefibre. Here is what I typically do ....

    First, my main "bread" is made from flax seed. The recipe is here http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/breads/r/flaxbasicfoc.htm

    I cut it into nine pieces which means each slice has 8g fibre and 250 cal. But, it really fills you up ... that contains almost 1/4 cup of flax seed per slice.

    I also make sure to eat on bean or lentil based meal per day (1 cup of beans typically has about 20g of fibre). Usually, I open a can of chicken, rice and veggy based soup, add a couple cans of beans (whatever kind strikes my fancy) add a half cup of dried red lentils and some water and simmer until the lentils cook (the red lentils make it creamy almost like a creamed soup). I will often also throw in leftover cooked meat of any kind to top this off. I freeze this in 1 cup containers to eat at my leisure :)

    Also, I replace rice in my meals with red lentils. they are really delicious and so high in fibre. 1/4 cup is 50 cal and has 7 g fibre. they are so creamy tasting you think they are refined carbs.

    and ... eat lots of raw veggies

    To top it all off, I will take a tbsp of chia seed in water which has 11 g fibre and 100 cal

    For a sweet treat, I make my own larabars with dates, other dried fruit and nuts and seeds 10 dates have 7 g of fibre

    Also, dark chocolate is actually surprisingly high in fibre but must be eaten in moderation to keep calories down

    Frozen mixed berries with a little sugar are also a high fibre sweet treat (1/2 cup raspberries has 6 g of fibre)

    Eating like this it is really easy to consume 40-50 g of fibre and still stay within my calories.

    Of course lots of water and exercise is essential to keep all this fibre moving through my system :)

    I would love to hear others eating high fibre to get new ideas on high fibre eating
  • l3long
    l3long Posts: 153 Member
    Ground flax seed, chia seed and beans are also great fibre sources for the gluten inolerant.
  • pancake100
    pancake100 Posts: 23 Member
    Ground flax seed, chia seed and beans are also great fibre sources for the gluten inolerant.
    This and plus whole foods. I always end up getting too much fiber myself.:)
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