Newbie hunger

categ78 Posts: 47 Member
I’m just starting to track and even after 4/5 days I can feel my hunger building up.

I’m eating a very small deficit using the eat more to lose calculations, sticking to my macros with mostly unprocessed foods and drinking plenty of water

How long did it take to get through the initial hunger stage and for your body to adjust a bit? Does it go away?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Something is not right. You're not supposed to eat so little that you're troubled by hunger. How small deficit are we talking, and what's your height and weight? Are you eating a balanced diet? Your body doesn't adjust to hunger. If you're eating too little, you'll be more and more hungry. But *you* can get used to mild hunger/not being full all the time. Look into "the hunger scale" and find your own hunger and satiety cues. And then there's cravings, which have nothing to do with hunger or satiety.
  • categ78
    categ78 Posts: 47 Member
    Thank you for your reply..

    Compared to lots of people I’m certain I’m eating loads but I’m getting a little jittery due to hunger at times and woke in the night feeling proper hungry at the mo hence my question.

    I think I have a high metabolism and have always eaten lots which is why I’ve used such a high kcal goal for now..

    I’m 5’3 and 132lb with 28% body fat which is what I want to reduce
    I’m aiming for 1800 kcal a day 40% carb 40% protein 20% fat
    I’m relatively low activity at work but walk to and from station 45 min in all per day
    I work out four times a week 2 heavy weight training with a trainer for an hour and 2 cardio usually spin but don’t add back my ex kcal as I’m already including them in my total daily goal
    I’m totally happy for a very slow loss and have put aside a year to get to my goal training and diet wise and I only want to lose about 10lb!!

    Any ideas helpful xx

  • john_bens2002
    john_bens2002 Posts: 1 Member
    According to my gym Trainers hunger and muscle pain are normal
    We have hot used to being able to be sated all the time. Hunger is a normal feeling.
    No pain no gain
    I gave dropped 8 kgs since Jan this year I wake up hungry for my breakfast. I eat carefully and while hunger is there I have never felt healthier
    Ask any athlete or successful person. The pain comes first
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited June 2018
    I would say you're moderately active, but at any rate, you're supposed to eat back your exercise calories, or else you're creating a too large deficit, so no wonder you're hungry.

    Your macros are off, and that in itself could explain why you're hungry. Reduce protein and increase fat, and maybe carbs.
  • miaow828
    miaow828 Posts: 22 Member
    Look up high volume/low calorie foods. Being on a cut myself, this has helped tremendously with my hunger.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    protein/high fiber helps me stave off hunger. Sometimes a spoonful of greek yogurt can do the trick. It will get easier.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,583 Member
    Timing of eating can also make a difference for some of us - all of that 3 meals, 6 meals, one meal, snacks or no, which meal is bigger, etc. But it's very individual: Experiment with your routine and see if you can find a better one.

    If you're waking up hungry in the night, maybe you need to save calories for a bedtime snack. Or, weirdly, for some (like me) a solid protein-y breakfast reduces hunger and cravings all through the day, including evening.

    I'll assume you're distinguishing habitual, stress, or bored eating cravings from actual hunger, but I'll mention for other potential readers that sorting out those distinctions is very helpful, and dealing with them directly (habitual = intentionally make a new habit; stress = stress reduction techniques; bored = new hobby, especially one that requires clean hands or creates dirty ones ;) ).