Workout at home

Im looking for friends that workout mainly from home. (not using exercise equipment, not running) I want friends with similar environment. Walking, home workouts, youtube, dvds..feel kinda defeated when i hear about gym related exercises being logged and im over here like... I cleaned for 20 minutes...


  • RandiJustine0810
    RandiJustine0810 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi!! I do my workouts at home. Walking on trails close to home and light weightlifting at home. Don’t be discouraged, there’s tons you can do at home with little to no equipment!! Chin up!
  • PaperDoll_
    PaperDoll_ Posts: 32,850 Member
    This makes me sad. Is what you're doing working for you? Don't let anyone else's workouts make you feel defeated. People are at all stages on here. While I workout at home sometimes using an exercise bike or weights and sometimes go to the gym, I wouldn't judge anyone for doing what they're able and capable of doing. Everyone's home lives are different and the amount of time they have to devote to workouts is different. Some people don't workout at all. Be proud of yourself for what you are doing, and good luck with whatever your goals are.
  • littlebear0121
    littlebear0121 Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi Crochetmam...I do my workouts at home. I walk, do Fitness Blender workouts, and bike sometimes. I feel sad that I don't have time to go to the gym because I love going to the gym, but at least this way my kids see me working out and I'm a good example in at least that way.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Hey, last week part of my workout was "raking" the lawn for 20 minutes. I mostly workout at home myself, I'm also a returning full time student so when I am in school I can get a good workout at the school facilities. I found a "used" treadmill super cheap and I have a few weights I work out with. I also do morning Yoga per the wellness channel on TV and do the "30-day" challenge apps to supplement. My yoga mat was the best money I ever spent on exercise equipment, followed by my $2000 NordicTrac I found for $250.

    Don't feel defeated just because you don't go to the gym to workout. There are a ton of workouts you can do at home. Also, for different DVD's hit up donation stores and yardsales.
  • Vanessa1166
    Vanessa1166 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi..Girl i love working out at home. I use to go to the gym and it wasn't for me. You spend most of your time has taken me a few years but i have made my own nice little home gym in my daughters old bedroom..nothing major...just a bench, free weights, yoga can find everything you need at Walmart and Target..or even Amazon. I also love they have all types of workouts. Good luck and never feel are here and that is more than most people
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    I workout at home. I just use my body weight and things around the house.

    Lift a small table, a bag a dog food, laundry detergent, end of the sofa, etc...
    Push ups, planks, dips, leg lifts, handstands against a wall
    Walk/Run in place when watching TV

    The one piece of equipment I bought was: jump rope!
    I was surprised at the amount of calories that are burned in such a short period of time so I was sold.
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    I workout at home, use Youtube equipment-free workouts. I tend to do about 30 mins a day and then live a sedentary life otherwise.
  • Clobern80
    Clobern80 Posts: 714 Member
    -Walking, even around the house
    -Walking up and down stairs
    -Using stairs for calf exercises
    -Body weight exercises including (but not limited to) push-ups, planks, lunges, squats, speed skaters, knee raises, kicks, shadow boxing, dips on the couch, etc.

    That is like a fraction of a fraction of what you can do. YouTube videos are great for workouts at home including HIIT and Tabata.

    Don't feel defeated or less because you need to do workouts at home. Just find ways to make it fun! For example, when I was sick for 2 weeks I tried to get through as many HIIT videos as I could. I would workout until I was exhausted that day and then start again the next day.
  • Crochetmama84
    Crochetmama84 Posts: 224 Member
    emmies_123 wrote: »
    I workout at home, use Youtube equipment-free workouts. I tend to do about 30 mins a day and then live a sedentary life otherwise.

    You are me. Lol
  • emmies_123
    emmies_123 Posts: 513 Member
    Lol in that case, you may like "Jessica Smith TV" You can look her up straight on Youtube, or you can go to her website and look at "Workout videos" which are organized by type. I have been working through her beginner sets.

    You are crochet mama, I will be Cross-stitch mama =)
  • Crochetmama84
    Crochetmama84 Posts: 224 Member
    emmies_123 wrote: »
    Lol in that case, you may like "Jessica Smith TV" You can look her up straight on Youtube, or you can go to her website and look at "Workout videos" which are organized by type. I have been working through her beginner sets.

    You are crochet mama, I will be Cross-stitch mama =)

    I do cross stitch and plastic canvas too.. Just not as much as crochet.
  • ginjennie
    ginjennie Posts: 80 Member
    I workout at home as I am not a fan of the gym and quite like it. Also walk as much as a can and vary my exercises and find a quick workout first thing for me is a great stress reducer.
  • carlenebyrd
    carlenebyrd Posts: 23 Member
    I workout at home find the gym boring and out my comfort zone. I do fittness marshal he is a youtuber who does arobic dance to popular songs he is full of energy and aot of fun. I lost over 30 pounds and still going dancing. I also walk i have a track behind my house makes it easy to just go take a walk i have a dog so i walk it atleast 2 times a day or more. I track my steps and shoot for 10000 everyday. Im also thinking about taking up yoga plenty of videos on Youtube for that.
  • simonpaulhowell
    simonpaulhowell Posts: 58 Member
    I do Insanity and T25...theres tonnes of stuff on you tube that you can start with for free aswell...
  • annaeri26
    annaeri26 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey girl!! Do Not feel defeated! Your amazing and you can do this!
    I’m an ex bikini competitor, I gained about 70 ibs from my pregnancy from being on bedrest and I have 50ibs left to lose!
    I’m making a YouTube channel about it if you’d like to join :smile:
    I’ll be going over, home workouts, what foods to eat, and lots more! I’d love to help you :smile: