could unchecked hypothyroid be causing my plateau?

OK. So I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in June and put on medication. A month ago, I was supposed to get my blood work done to test my thyroid level and to determine whether my dosage needs to be raised. However, I lost 6lbs (without exercise and diet) and have gained a ton of energy and feel great while on the current dosage, and lost another 7 lbs through exercise and diet in about 3 weeks. But I am now at a frustrating plateau as I have been the same weight for a week now...the only change is that I am doing MORE exercise now! However, I know that I have put off getting my blood work for my thyroid medication... One reason is that I don't like the doctor or the clinic that I have it done at... Could it be possible that the medication allowed me to lose 13 lbs, but I need a higher dosage to lose more despite feeling great?


  • jsoaper01
    jsoaper01 Posts: 99 Member
    could be, have them check your b12, Vit D while you are there.
  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
    It wouldn't hurt to get it checked...
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Regardless of the weight that you lost or gained and/or how you feel, if the doctor wants you to check thyroid levels in a consistent matter, you should do it.

    At the beginning of your diagnosis and treatment, medication could or should be adjusted according with the lab results and how you feel. Let the doctor, with your input; determine what a good dose is for you.

    Good luck!
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    It's possible. And you need to get it checked. But you also said you have been exercising more. Did you also increase your calories? Something I didn't realize right away, the more exercise, the more fuel your body needs. Regardless of the exercise or food intake, you need to have a net calorie of 1200 or above. I lost a lot of weight in the beginning, and always had a huge amount of calories left over. It caught up with me, and now I have been on a plateau for months. I have taken thyroid medicine since I was 11. You do have to work harder, when you have a thyroid problem, but the most important thing I can pass on is... watch your net calories.
  • Dacia24
    Dacia24 Posts: 11 Member
    I have just been told that I also have the same thing going on. It is SUPER important that you get checked out like your Dr. says. Your thyroid controls your whole body and if it is not maintained correctly you can put your body into some serious risks. I had to find out that out the hard way when I was sent to the hospital. I am not trying to scare you but, a thyroid disorder is a huge deal but, it is not recognized by people. My thyroid may have to be removed because I have ignored it and now I may have thyroid cancer. PLEASE, keep your meds at the right dose and keep up on your Dr. appts. If you do not like your Dr. or the clinic do whatever you have to do to find the right Dr. for you. Yes, your wight loss could be from the meds that you are now taking but, it could also me that your dose is not right for your body and only a blood test can tell for sure. That is awesome that you are working out, keep up the good work and I know that you will be happy and healthy like you want. Also, your body could be plateauing because you have lost a lot of weight so fast... Keep at it and you will see results.
  • cantina920
    cantina920 Posts: 53 Member
    Get your bloodwork done. I had mine done in June--YIKES!! My dose was increased AND now I take B12 and vit D daily. I feel much better!!
  • cantina920
    cantina920 Posts: 53 Member
    Get your bloodwork done. I had mine done in June--YIKES!! My dose was increased AND now I take B12 and vit D daily. I feel much better!! I was rechecked this month, and everything is great!
  • carriecarrot
    carriecarrot Posts: 70 Member
    I have just been told that I also have the same thing going on. It is SUPER important that you get checked out like your Dr. says. Your thyroid controls your whole body and if it is not maintained correctly you can put your body into some serious risks. I had to find out that out the hard way when I was sent to the hospital. I am not trying to scare you but, a thyroid disorder is a huge deal but, it is not recognized by people. My thyroid may have to be removed because I have ignored it and now I may have thyroid cancer. PLEASE, keep your meds at the right dose and keep up on your Dr. appts. If you do not like your Dr. or the clinic do whatever you have to do to find the right Dr. for you. Yes, your wight loss could be from the meds that you are now taking but, it could also me that your dose is not right for your body and only a blood test can tell for sure. That is awesome that you are working out, keep up the good work and I know that you will be happy and healthy like you want. Also, your body could be plateauing because you have lost a lot of weight so fast... Keep at it and you will see results.

    Good post. It is very encouraging. Yes... I just need to keep up with my appointments and keep at it and not get so easily discouraged.... lol, that was easier to type than to do. I guess I should just suck it up and go in for my blood work. The first time the lab worker that took my blood made fun of me for looking away when she stuck the needle in my arm and my doctor is the type that tries to give you tests and treatments that you don't need and charge you for them (I do understand that I need my thyroid lab test though). I just want my thyroid managed... I don't have the money to pay for anything else! *sigh*...