Latest NSV!!!

I MADE IT UP ALL THE HILLS ON THE BIKE RIDE WITH MY BOYFRIEND TODAY!!! 3 of them gaining like 500 ft on the big on and I did all them without stopping and made it to the top.....
I normally have to stop and walk!... But I did it!! And my lovely man was encouraging me the whole way..'way to go babe' and 'your doing it babe' I <3 him...

My leggs are fantastically jello :)

Just had to share!


  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    Fantastic! That most certainly is a victory! Congratulations on your strength and endurance, YOU DID IT!!!!!
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    Great job!! I have such a hard time riding mine up hills I can't wait you be able to without stopping. Congrats:) gotta love the jello-y legs feeling.
  • ChristalJo
    Congratulations!! That is a big step!
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    SUCH a great story!!! Good for you -- you deserve to be proud. Heck, I don't know you and I'M proud of you. :)

    Seriously: well done. Reaching milestones like this are the best.
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    Thanks all... and yes i do love the jello-y feeling... to to follow it up, boyfriend made a fruit salad for us!
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Congrats! .. While in Tahoe I had to bike uphills too and told myself.. "This path Won't beat me!".. Determination is key in battling the uphills on the road and in life! :)

    Enjoy the fruit salad.. You earned it! and I'm glad you have a great guy to support you!
  • Spedden
    Spedden Posts: 207
    That is a WONDERFUL NSV! Thanks for sharing, and keep posting more so we can all cheer you on, too!
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    Congrats! .. While in Tahoe I had to bike uphills too and told myself.. "This path Won't beat me!".. Determination is key in battling the uphills on the road and in life! :)

    Enjoy the fruit salad.. You earned it! and I'm glad you have a great guy to support you!

    Yeah I'm VERY lucky to have someone who supports what I'm doing.. won't let me buy ice cream... and even has a few pounds to lose himself.. I wouldn't be doing this good without him,,,*LIGHTBULB* wow... that's totally true..Now I feel even more loved :)
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