Always looking to learn!

So I used to weigh 420 lbs at my heaviest, I've dropped to 280 over a span of 3 years! I feel amazing but ab workouts and knowing the best foods to eat are some things I'm always into learning more about! Any tips tricks or ideas to help me start toning my mid section a little more would be awesome! Abs are a ways away for me but looking toner would be nice! Thanks in advance!


  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    Wowee congrats on your loss so far!! I’m guessing you’re smart enough to know that abs are made in the kitchen and not through spot toning. Your body will lose weight from where it wants in the order it wants. :smile:
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    The best foods to eat are foods you like, can afford and attain, that don't make you ill, that comply with your values and ethics and are socially acceptable, composed into meals eaten at times that fit your schedule, and providing you with all the nutrition you need every day, and not too many calories over time.