Back at it with PCOS



  • LotjeVR
    LotjeVR Posts: 1 Member
    I am 33 and also struggling with PCOS. When i was 16 i started taking bith control pills and i kept taking them untill i was 26. My boyfriend and i felt ready to become parents so i stopped taking the pills. 3 months later i was still waiting for my first natural menstruation so i went to the doctor, i was given pills to force a menstruation. It came a few days later, the next months were cycles of 2 or 3 months which i found very frustrating. Sometimes i menstruated for 3 weeks straight, i was in serious pain too. Went back to the doc and this time i had to take pills to stop the bleeding. This part of my life was a real rollercoaster, also lost my job because of the sick days i had to take due to the pain i was in. ( i often asked myself if i was a *kitten* who couldn’t just suck it up) At a visit to the gynecologist he said everything looked normal except one little cyst but i didnt have to worry about it. After a blood analysis he said i had most of the symptoms for PCOS and the hormones were clearly screaming PCOS. He suggested to try and loose some weight.
    The baby wish was put aside and i tried to focus on my weight, when i didn’t seem to be sucessful i got into a depression for over a year. Two years ago i started going to the gym. I started weight training and some cardio, i felt better and people said i looked better, more radiant and overall more happy but... i did not loose any weight or centimers. Another blood analysis showed that mu hormone levels were more to normal and that i should keep doind what i was doing so i did. My parter and i are trying to get pregnant again but not with the help of a gynecologist because i don’t want the stress and i am not ready for hormone shots or pills to make me moody or fatter.
    In february my partner fell from a ladder and broke both his elbows, he needed my help 24/7. Could not eat on his own, couldn’t go the toilet on his own, he needed me for everything so the first thing that went down the drain was my fitness routine and i even gained more weight, by now he’s almost recovered and i can pick up where i left off... but this time it feels so damn hard, i don’t feel motivated and i kind of don’t know how to start again... i feel so ashamed...
  • Fat_Fighter87
    Fat_Fighter87 Posts: 61 Member
    I was officially diagnosed with this following a scan 6 weeks ago. No periods for over 18months, bloated, weight gain, mood swings, SO tired all the time and uncontrollable sugar cravings. Oh and the Acne - don't get me started on that! (I have managed to sort this out msyelf through skin peels thankfully!)

    I am currently awaiting an appointment with a specialist and praying they put me on Metformin as I have tried to tackle the symptoms myself through diet and exercise (before I even knew I had it!) but with little results.

    I'm still learning and very open to connecting with others who have this.

    Looking forward to finally feeling like myself again
  • aresvallis
    aresvallis Posts: 30 Member
    bloated, weight gain, mood swings, SO tired all the time and uncontrollable sugar cravings.

    Being tired all the time sounds like a red flag they should be checking you for thyroid function, too.
  • skigal303
    skigal303 Posts: 39 Member
    edited June 2018
    I have my doctor's appt. to find out if I have PCOS today. They also tested my hormone and vitamin levels along with my thyroid. I'm hoping for some answers. I've been sticking to low carb all week and the scale finally moved so I'm going to keep that up no matter the diagnosis.
  • sandywerks
    sandywerks Posts: 94 Member
    Discovered I had PCOS nearly 20 years ago but was active, never much of a carb addict so held a decent weight until it was compounded by hypothyroidism. Double whammy. I too have found out that over-exercising is counterproductive since it taps out my thyroid as much as that stinks! Low carb does help. I wish you luck in finding out what works best for you!
  • jonathanbowler
    jonathanbowler Posts: 4 Member
    sandywerks wrote: »
    Discovered I had PCOS nearly 20 years ago but was active, never much of a carb addict so held a decent weight until it was compounded by hypothyroidism. Double whammy. I too have found out that over-exercising is counterproductive since it taps out my thyroid as much as that stinks! Low carb does help. I wish you luck in finding out what works best for you!

    My wife is in the same boat, she has PCOS as well as Hypothyroidism.

    For my wife, we do a lot of cardio and weights, while she keeps the carbs down (I am in the process of gaining weight while she is losing, so difficult for planning meals). It can be long and difficult, but slowly she is getting to where she wants to be :)
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    I found out I had PCOS at age of 14, I'm 26 now. I have been successful with the weight loss but understand the losing and gaining system. I have also have a chronic pain illness so cyst bursting, medicine changing all end up with the scale going up. Feel free add me. I try to be motivational and funny about making this a lifestyle
  • angeliachapman15
    angeliachapman15 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too! My hubby and I have been on the path to kids, but want to at least lose a few pounds before we do. I'd love if some people added me so I can have accountability and encouragement! PCOS is soooo difficult and makes weight loss even harder :#
  • Fat_Fighter87
    Fat_Fighter87 Posts: 61 Member
    aresvallis wrote: »
    bloated, weight gain, mood swings, SO tired all the time and uncontrollable sugar cravings.

    Being tired all the time sounds like a red flag they should be checking you for thyroid function, too.

    I think they may have tested this as I had some blood tests following the scan. I take sea kelp supplements to jog my metabolism and have honestly found them to be the best thing ever!
  • iamkarent
    iamkarent Posts: 144 Member
    I have PCOS as well. After first two kids I had remarried and was told I had pcos and was no longer ovulating...even did the clomid luck. So went on with life...and eventually got a little hobby farm and was far more active. The weight was still an issue, but I think it was the constant activity that triggered my body to work better. Got a flu that wouldnt go,,,nope...pregnant...and then boom right again after.

    Keep up hope....

    And also...remember even if the scale doesnt seem to move as much with PCOS...getting more active and getting the sugars in check DOES make a difference even if the scale doesnt show it.....

    Those two youngest are 9 and 10 now, and older two are 23 and I am not in the trying to have kids phase...but I certainly relate to the struggles of PCOS with weight and sugar cravings so feel free to add me as a friend if you are going through the same thing and want friends in the same boat :)
  • happyhiggins
    happyhiggins Posts: 42 Member
    My name is Danielle. I also have PCOS. Ladies feel free to add me & join my group. It would be nice to chat with others who are going through the same thing.
  • Iffiormana
    Iffiormana Posts: 244 Member
    Hey there my PCOS buddies add me too.I’m on metformin,but my cycles have been super regular.My main issue has always been weight gain