Belly dancing?

I love, love love Zumba with a passion, but I may need to make room for belly dancing. I've been doing Mayte's belly dancing workout on ExerciseTV & I am in love with it! Has anyone tried Shimmy? I'm trying to find the best DVD out there. I'd love to really get into this and become a belly dancer instructor as my city doesn't really offer it.

Happy dieting & exercising! (:


  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I love shimmy - my grand-daughter does it with me & gets a big kick out of it (and esp Nana doing belly dancing lol)
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    That sounds like a great goal! I know nothing about it, but when I was in high school, our Latin Honor Society sponsor used to take us to a restaurant with a belly dancer and we all had the time of our lives!! That was a VERY long time ago, by the way. But, I've had a soft spot (besides my fat belly) for belly dancers ever since. Let us know how you are doing!! I LOVE the little cymbals! How exciting.....
  • Zedama
    Zedama Posts: 33 Member
    Lol Sounds like a fun time! (: I may have to try Shimmy out on youtube before I buy their DVD. I'm sure it will be worth it!