How fat would you let your spouse get?



  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    pshhh after 5lbs id tell that fatty to shape up!
    (joke.) id only say sumthin if i were worried.
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    As long as it didn't interfere with our naked wrestling, I'd be ok with it..
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I wouldn't care what weight he was as long as I could get him to eat his darn vegetables!
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    My husband and I have jokingly talked about this before. We decided that we wouldn't leave each other because of weight, but we were allowed to refuse to have sex because of the weight.

    But seriously, I am 50-70 lbs overweight now, and he still finds me attractive, and I don't think that I could ever find him unattractive.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    My husband admits he is a bit overweight but is too lazy to do anything about it. I would only say anything if I noticed it really taking a toll on his daily life.

    I do however wish he would have said something to me sooner. I actually told him a couple weeks ago that I wish he did not love me no matter what. Of course he though that wa crazy but I explained I meant that if he had a problem with my size I would have changed sooner.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    I squeeze his moobs and tell him they're hot :bigsmile:
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    this is a tough one for me....

    my husband isn't overweight but has a tendency at times to be lazy. i have a problem with lazy.....

    i also have a problem with double standards (eg. expecting women to keep/maintain their nice-fit figures while the men don't really think twice about theirs).

    i will just keep it at i don't like laziness. and call me judgmental, but i would say something at a 50 lb gain. he is only 5'7.5"....he would be pretty darn unhealthy.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I asked my hubs that before. He made sure to be clear that he doesn't give an ess about my weight or appearance (mmHM), but he DID say that he'd make me start working out if I LITERALLY couldn't fit through the front door, strictly for health purposes.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I think being silent while they get FAT, would be no different than ignoring them taking up drug use or destructive behavior.

    I believe that saying 'their body, their life' is cowardice, and selfish.
  • skinnimini16
    My only fear would be her happiness. Since it is obviously she would not be happy I would help guide her to be happy.
    thats sweet...i like this answer
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm perfectly aware that I'm overweight, and get extremely angry when someone tells me that I am, as if I didn't already know. I refuse to treat my husband like that. If he's overweight, he knows it. Not my job to clean him up.

    THIS. They already know. When they are ready, they will lose weight. I wouldn't want my husband pointing out how much weight I've gained (duh... I already know) and I'm pretty sure he would feel the same way.
  • shannon877
    shannon877 Posts: 55 Member
    I think being silent while they get FAT, would be no different than ignoring them taking up drug use or destructive behavior.

    I believe that saying 'their body, their life' is cowardice, and selfish.
    And along these lines, if they're not ready to change then nothing you say can change them.
    You can cook them grilled salmon and asparagus, but on the way to work they'll drive thru McDonald's.

    I'm looking out for #1, and I'll make every effort to help...when they are ready to change.
  • CSelf1
    CSelf1 Posts: 431 Member
    I don't think you can "let" your spouse get don't own them. You are their partner and should support them in everything, through thick and thin ;-). My husband and I both let ourselves go a bit too much but that was never a deal breaker for either of us and while we both knew that we needed to lose weight and get in shape, sometimes life gets in the way. In between working and raising kids, along with all of the other activities, sometimes you are just plain tired and you get pushed to the bottom of the list. I'm not saying that's the best way to do things but you also have to be ready to make the change yourself, not because someone else tells you to. If you don't do it for you then it will never truly work and the weight will come back. I am happy to say that now that our kids are more self sufficient, we have both found the time and put the energy into making ourselves look and feel better! I am DEFINITELY glad I stuck it out with him because he is even hotter now than when we first met in high school, lol!!
  • darkangelnc
    I like to have something to hold onto. Right now I'm a big guy though and I know how down I get about my appearance. The more we work on getting healthy together, the closer we are becoming emotionally.

    I would never "make" her loose weight but I would also never "make" her eat herself into depression. Food often replaces an emotional need in people. If you can nurture that need then there will never be a reason to tell your spouse how big they are getting.

    ~I step off of milk crate
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    I wouldn't want him to say anything to me -- I know how much I weigh! -- so, the Golden Rule applies, I think.

    Howesomever, I'm the one who does the meal planning in the household, and buys the groceries, and I can/have changed our diets without anybody else noticing.
  • Chunkabutt83
    my hubby is a bit overweight, but thats just who he is and i would love him no matter what. He loves all 375 pounds of my *kitten* so i have no room to judge :)
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    I've never said anything to my SO (significant other) cuz of his weight, but his health habits bother me, and that I do mention (CONDIMENTS DO NOT EQUAL VEGETABLES... KETCHUP IS NOT A TOMATO!!!!)...

    to all the people saying their SO's weight is their problem.... I want mine to live as long as, if not longer than me... it is my problem if I lose him to a heart attack/diabetes/the myriad other issues that come up with being overweight.
  • Zedama
    Zedama Posts: 33 Member
    I think I would have to say something to him if it were getting out of control. Out of control meaning that his health would be at high risk. I don't think it would matter to me as far as physical attraction. He would still be sexy! He has love muffins (love handles) and I absolutely love them. (:
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    Regarding his weight, I wouldn't really care as long as it wasn't physically hindering him and causing him pain.

    I had a bf who had so many health related issues because he was very overweight. Bad knees, bad back, and he even had gout (even if it is or isn't related by weight he continued to eat things he shouldnt have that caused him to swell up from it). He was very unhealthy and didn't do anything about his problems. I left him because of how inconsiderate he was about himself, and how mean he was to me. He had issues.. haha.

    My current bf (1 year anni today), is obsessed with his weight. I wouldn't want him to ever get fat, but ONLY because I know how he would try to lose it, and it is one of the worst ways. I would help keep him on track, and he is my motivation for me to get thinner. He was around 50 pounds heavier before I met him.

    Wow, I didn't even know people got gout anymore. I don't mean that to sound mean - I just thought it was one of those 1700s diseases that had been eradicated with modern health/hygiene, like scurvy.

    On a related note, I asked my husband the other night if being a woman's becoming morbidly obese was an excuse for her husband to cheat, and his response (I am totally not kidding) was a ten minute freestyle rap he titled, "Keep Her on the Track".

    As for me, I wouldn't tell him to change for cosmetic reasons. I love who he is inside first, outside secondarily. But I would (and have, even when he isn't overweight) point out things like, "Maybe it would be better to drink a liter of water instead of a liter of orange soda" or "Since you've mentioned being concerned about your weight, do you know that cup of ceasar dressing adds a lot of calories you may not want to your salad?"
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Well I would say something depending on health. Also we need to be honest with our spouses. Of course they know as we know and feel extra weight packing on. So gestures can help and give a person that nudge they need to get moving in the right direction. It can hurt for someone you love to say your packing on the pounds but atleast they are being real and honest.

    You can't wonder why he or she is distant or treats you funny. Just take it and give it with kindness.