Friends who incourage "cheating"

Does anyone else have those friends that say "Oh, why dont you just eat what you want today?" Or "One meal wont hurt"? Although i find it flattering that people think I've done well enough now that i should or could take a day off, its getting old. I take regular cheat meals and i eat whatever I want in moderation. I think the reason why I get annoyed is because I really do occassionally have urges to eat like i used to and maybe those words make me more tempted.


  • shrtcke4478
    shrtcke4478 Posts: 1 Member
    All the time my friends (multiple) at work do this! It’s so frustrating because it’s already a struggle sometimes to stay strong at work as it is because all they do is have events with food & eat. Think they do it to make themselves feel better about eating bad. Plus they tell me I don’t need to lose anymore and I still do. But again think it’s to make themselves feel better.
  • mel35645
    mel35645 Posts: 267 Member
    I have friends and family that so things like that. I do t think they mean it but it can be frustrating, if we had a foos alergyvthwy wouksnt offer it to us. The thing i try to remember is I am trying to create a lifestyle for myself not a phase. Stay strong and remember you deserve to be healthy!
  • rj0150684
    rj0150684 Posts: 227 Member
    Was food a big part of socializing with them before you changed your lifestyle? They might feel a little left out or feel like your friendship isn’t as strong because you aren’t bonding in that way anymore. Also, if you’re having cheat meals, do you have them with people or just by yourself? If you’re doing it anyway (and in moderation), might as well enjoy it with friends. Obviously stick to what you think is best for you. Just some suggestions. I doubt your friends are intentionally trying to sabotage you (although it does happen)
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    I just take satisfaction in being able to refuse their offers - politely, but firmly. Makes them look a bit silly. Also, everytime I refuse temptation out of choice, proves to me that my choices are less about will and more about habit - so embrace each opportunity to prove it I say. :)

    Well said.