Lets see your maintenance results!

DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
I entered maintenance in November of last year. Here is my 6-month weight chart since then. The black line on the chart is my goal weight - 171lbs for a 6'2" 40-something YO male.


My reflections:

December - new to maintenance, daily fluctuations probably reflective of a binge/restrict holiday mentality

January - Average weight slightly up. Wife and I had a new baby! and it got really cold so my running mileage dropped drastically.

February to March - Downward trend. I was able to increase my running mileage slightly once we were adjusted to the baby being home. I got the flu in early March which explains the three consecutive odd measurements.

Late March to mid-April - Upward trend. started drifting back into old habits but caught it early due to daily measurements. Made a resolution to limit calories for a week or two in order to lose 2 pounds.

Late April to current - Downward trend. weight actually on a slight decline as the warm weather had arrived and my running mileage is back up to about 30-35 miles per week. Also ran my first half marathon. I've been slowly increasing calories to offset but I don't mind heading into summer vacation with a little bit of runway so I can eat drink all I want.

My method in a nutshell - no logging but daily control and tracking. Semi-restricted calories for breakfast and lunch with modest snacks mid-morning and mid-afternoon. Eat however much of whatever I want for dinner with no limit. Dessert or night snack of <200 calories. Alcohol generally limited to Friday/Saturday nights though 1-2 drinks on a random weeknight is fine.

Overall I'm pretty happy with my results. Maintenance is a bit harder than I thought it would be but I think I'm starting to find the groove. I find that if I stay conscious about the number of calories that I'm eating, I don't really have to consciously work to keep them within limit. It just kind of happens.

Let's see yours!


  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,857 Member
    Well done DX2 and congrats on the new addition to your family. One of my insights into maintenance after 9 whole long months is that there will be a lot of fluctuations but just a few weeks of tightening up again and boom, you are right back where you need to be. No need to obsess over the day to day stuff as much. I figure heck, it took me several months to lose, but if I only have to watch myself for a week or so once or twice a year to stay where I am, that's not a big deal. MFP is a great tool but once in maintenance we need to think longer term and try to enjoy ourselves a little. BOO on the FLU. I had that for a couple weeks in Feb also.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    I wish maintenance was so easy for me. I am finding I have to have a goal or I get listless. What I did learn through my time in maintenance was, food is fuel. Someone on here told me that. Not love, no emotion, simply fuel. Now in am actually lean bulking. I find that as I stated above I need a goal. I may one day join your ranks completely, but for now, I will soldier on. Lol keep the faith ya'll.