Hello from So Cal

I am ready to make a change in my life. I have always been heavy. I lost 40 pounds in the beginning of this year because I was at teh heaviest I have ever been (281). I did it by watching what I ate and using my treadmill at home. I got pu,ped because we had a biggest loser challenge at my work (I came in 2nd). I was all pumped but as soon as it was over I went right back to my old ways and now the scale is creaping up and I do NOT want to go back. Long story short, the weight I am currently at is 263 and I need HELP!! I have a treadmill at home and a pool in the back yard. My biggest temptation is at work, too much pot lucks and going out to eat. If anyone has any advice please help, thanks.


  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    Start using the food diary here faithfully. No lying. Then, make a decision that no matter what happens, you are going to change and never give up. You can do it. Do not expect perfection, take great joy and accept credit for every single little step you take in the right direction!

    Relegate the scale to a lower priority. Be POSITIVE! Think about it this way.....if you decide that you are going to monitor your food, start making changes and trying to keep with them every day and make healthier choices in food and exercise as often as you can, you are much more likely to be successful and happier.

    It's OK to stumble from time to time or even sometimes choose a food or meal that isn't on your healthy list. That is no reason to quit...even if you make unhealthy choices for days. That's why your MFP are here to help you find the motivation to start walking on the healthy path again.

    If you take this type of attitude on the journey, then you are less likely to give up. Remember......most days your good choices will far outweight your unhealthy ones. So, during a month, you will probably have a high percentage of compliant food choices than not. Just because you string together a period of time with unhealthy choices, that doesn't ruin all of the good choices you've made, so why not just keep renewing your resolve to keep going? Each good choice is a victory for you and your healthy future!!!

  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    do some hard-core walking in your pool, get you started as for the temptation at work, be strong to build a better you

  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Hello form NorCal

    Like so many of us, it sounds like you have a life problem and it won't be solved by make a temporary change or a few minor changes. You are going to have to change lots of things (for the rest of your life, not just while you are dieting). I love to eat and if left to my own devices, I tend to gain 1 1/2 lbs monthly (with apparently no end in sight).

    What I'm doing now = logging what I eat, exercising daily, eating within my calorie goals, making healthy eating choices . . . I'm going to have to do those things for the rest of my life, even if I get to goal. I can't see it any other way.

    Having said that, take it slow and be easy on yourself. If you can make one change a month, that's great. I agree that step one is logging everything you put in your mouth. I think you are going to love this site. It really works and is very supportive. It helps to keep you motivated. Get involved!

    Feel free to read my profile and/or add me as a friend. You can do this.
  • holdondreamaway
    Hey from Elsewhere in SoCal!

    You've got a head start with that treadmill and pool at home! Make time for it, once you're ready to add a new change to your lifestyle, think about putting the treadmill in front of your tv, that way when you think about vegging out, you'll also think about putting in five minutes, then as time goes on ten, then twenty, etc. Swimming is awesome exercise! Invite a friend, have fun! You won't believe how much you've burned! Also, when it comes to temptation, I've been first removing myself from them and then replacing them. My bf is that annoying type who never has to watch what he eats, so he has the worst snacks! I used to join in every time he pulled out some chips, or finish his soda (if not get my own). First I told myself to stop that. If I must I have one chip for taste, not as a snack. At that point I tell myself that if I'm hungry, I should get a snack of my own. My favorites right now are berries (eat them like candy!), carrot sticks, cucumber slices, and yoplait light yogurt. The black forest cake was my "sweet" for the day! As for your work, I would start by taking smaller portions at pot lucks, just to get the flavor of a dish. Next I would bring my own packed lunch from home, it would give you absolute control over what you eat. Try to eat out less, for one thing you'll save money packing lunch and you'll be able to make better choices with less temptation. Finally, if you eat out, look for the healthy thing on the menu. Track everything to keep yourself accountable. When you must, it's okay to explain to people that you're making changes and don't want to do things the way you used to. Make it want, not can't. I've had some friends give me a hard time, but I've also been surprised with a lot of support, especially since I've started getting some results! Just stick with it! This is a great community.
  • timeforme23
    Hello from SoCal also!

    Welcome, this is a great start!