ALL MY LADIES! What are your daily calorie goals?



  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    40 years old, 5 '1, working on losing the last 30 pounds (already lost 100 and maintained that for almost 2 years)

    i eat around 1350 every day (sedentary) and do not eat back most of my exercise cals.

    I lose about 2 pounds/ week when I am consistent.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    edited June 2018
    5'8" and at a healthy BMI. My goal is around 1700 before exercise adjustments are added from my fitbit (usually ends up being around 2100 total for the day after adjustment). I'm working on recomp eating within 250 cals of maintenance every day, some days over and some days under.
  • BNY721
    BNY721 Posts: 125 Member
    33, 5’1” 130 I maintain on roughly 1800 (lift 6x a week)..but am currently eating in a small deficit to get a bit leaner.
  • allisonlane161
    allisonlane161 Posts: 269 Member
    edited June 2018
    56 years old, 5'8 at goal weight, but still trying to lose a bit more. I exercise--both cardio and weights--a lot, so my calories go between 1500-1700. On days I don't exercise (and those are not very often) I still could not do only 1200. I'd say that day is closer to 1400. Sometimes I'm over the 1700, but that's rare also.
  • etherealanwar
    etherealanwar Posts: 465 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    34, 140lbs, 5'7. Strength 4x per week, cardio 2x per week. About 2400cals average losing around 0.5lb give or take per week.

    I find this insane! How you are losing instead of gaining on that high amount of calories just baffles me, but honestly kudos to you that's awesome. When I go above 2000 calories I start to gain...and according to online calculators my maintenance is going to be around 1600-1700 calories when I reach my goal weight of 135lbs (I'm 5'4" ).

    I wish it would be higher but I do plan on starting a lifting routine when I reach my goal. Doubt it will help much considering it's difficult to put on a decent amount of muscle mass for women.

    I would say most of it is due to my activity. I am not sedentary. Also I have a pretty decent amount of muscle mass, which in itself may not burn a lot.. but I use them often (especially with 4 lower body days a week), also I am able to sit at a higher weight and still look lean, so more weight helps too.. again maybe not sitting but when I move.

    Start lifting now. Just because you may not put on muscle doesn't mean it isn't beneficial. I highly recommend you do not wait until you get to goal, if you start now you will preserve way more muscle as you lose and your body composition will be much better off. Trying to build muscle when you get to goal is like trying to put flower petals back on a flower after picking them off, or waiting for it to grow again next year.

    I know that I should start lifting now to preserve my muscle but I always seem to give up because it just *feels* like nothing is happening (even though I know it is helping in the long run). I just really need to accept the fact that progress won't show in regards to toning up because of the layer of fat I still have to get rid of but that I WILL look better at my goal if I start.

    It's been really hard trying to instill that into my mind and stick to it...I start for a week or two then fall off. I pay for the gym membership and barely utilize it. Pretty pathetic now that I'm typing this up to be honest.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    34, 140lbs, 5'7. Strength 4x per week, cardio 2x per week. About 2400cals average losing around 0.5lb give or take per week.

    I find this insane! How you are losing instead of gaining on that high amount of calories just baffles me, but honestly kudos to you that's awesome. When I go above 2000 calories I start to gain...and according to online calculators my maintenance is going to be around 1600-1700 calories when I reach my goal weight of 135lbs (I'm 5'4" ).

    I wish it would be higher but I do plan on starting a lifting routine when I reach my goal. Doubt it will help much considering it's difficult to put on a decent amount of muscle mass for women.

    I would say most of it is due to my activity. I am not sedentary. Also I have a pretty decent amount of muscle mass, which in itself may not burn a lot.. but I use them often (especially with 4 lower body days a week), also I am able to sit at a higher weight and still look lean, so more weight helps too.. again maybe not sitting but when I move.

    Start lifting now. Just because you may not put on muscle doesn't mean it isn't beneficial. I highly recommend you do not wait until you get to goal, if you start now you will preserve way more muscle as you lose and your body composition will be much better off. Trying to build muscle when you get to goal is like trying to put flower petals back on a flower after picking them off, or waiting for it to grow again next year.

    I know that I should start lifting now to preserve my muscle but I always seem to give up because it just *feels* like nothing is happening (even though I know it is helping in the long run). I just really need to accept the fact that progress won't show in regards to toning up because of the layer of fat I still have to get rid of but that I WILL look better at my goal if I start.

    It's been really hard trying to instill that into my mind and stick to it...I start for a week or two then fall off. I pay for the gym membership and barely utilize it. Pretty pathetic now that I'm typing this up to be honest.

    It is not a quick process, but take lots of progress photos and measurements and you will start to see the difference.

    I've done it both ways... cardio only in a deficit .. body composition results were.... ok.. but nowhere near compared to when I was lifting in a deficit.

    Is working out at home an option? There are plenty of great bodyweight programs to get you started if you don't want to commit to a membership just yet.
  • Lora2380
    Lora2380 Posts: 195 Member
    5’5 and have been eating at 1200 to loose 1.5-2lbs a week and eating back 1/2 workout cals and it caught up to me, I’m tired, hungry and my hair is getting brittle and Thinner, I’m upping cals to 1 lb a week loss 1350- 1400 cals until the end of June then will probably go maintenance for a month before trying for the last 5 lbs. to give my body a break. I have been on 1200 since feb. 30lbs down.
  • etherealanwar
    etherealanwar Posts: 465 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    34, 140lbs, 5'7. Strength 4x per week, cardio 2x per week. About 2400cals average losing around 0.5lb give or take per week.

    I find this insane! How you are losing instead of gaining on that high amount of calories just baffles me, but honestly kudos to you that's awesome. When I go above 2000 calories I start to gain...and according to online calculators my maintenance is going to be around 1600-1700 calories when I reach my goal weight of 135lbs (I'm 5'4" ).

    I wish it would be higher but I do plan on starting a lifting routine when I reach my goal. Doubt it will help much considering it's difficult to put on a decent amount of muscle mass for women.

    I would say most of it is due to my activity. I am not sedentary. Also I have a pretty decent amount of muscle mass, which in itself may not burn a lot.. but I use them often (especially with 4 lower body days a week), also I am able to sit at a higher weight and still look lean, so more weight helps too.. again maybe not sitting but when I move.

    Start lifting now. Just because you may not put on muscle doesn't mean it isn't beneficial. I highly recommend you do not wait until you get to goal, if you start now you will preserve way more muscle as you lose and your body composition will be much better off. Trying to build muscle when you get to goal is like trying to put flower petals back on a flower after picking them off, or waiting for it to grow again next year.

    I know that I should start lifting now to preserve my muscle but I always seem to give up because it just *feels* like nothing is happening (even though I know it is helping in the long run). I just really need to accept the fact that progress won't show in regards to toning up because of the layer of fat I still have to get rid of but that I WILL look better at my goal if I start.

    It's been really hard trying to instill that into my mind and stick to it...I start for a week or two then fall off. I pay for the gym membership and barely utilize it. Pretty pathetic now that I'm typing this up to be honest.

    It is not a quick process, but take lots of progress photos and measurements and you will start to see the difference.

    I've done it both ways... cardio only in a deficit .. body composition results were.... ok.. but nowhere near compared to when I was lifting in a deficit.

    Is working out at home an option? There are plenty of great bodyweight programs to get you started if you don't want to commit to a membership just yet.

    Yeah that's a good idea on taking progress pictures! I don't mind paying for the gym if I get myself into the routine of actually going. I actually like lifting and it makes me feel good. I just need to get over being lazy and force myself to start going! I had an excuse that it takes way too long to drive there, work out for an hour and drive back on weekdays when I don't have much time after work but I can get around that by going Friday-Monday then taking rest days. Thanks for the tips and encouragement :)

    I'm sure when I start and get past my stupid mentality I'll be so glad I did.
  • kdbulger
    kdbulger Posts: 396 Member
    edited June 2018
    My MFP calorie goal to lose 1lb a week has me at 1480 calories per day (set for sedentary). However, I burn on average 500+ calories per day with running, strength, and general NEAT (my heart rate monitor is synced) so I tend to eat a majority of those calories back. I average probably 1700-1900 cals a day. Some days I can and do eat well into the 2000s if I have run and been otherwise active in a day.

    I'm 32, 179lbs, 5'7", and work out 5 days a week. I've lost 40lbs since August 2017. I will note that I am not in a rush to lose this weight. I like food. I'm losing 0.93 lbs a week when you average out my loss over the weeks since I started.
  • snemberton
    snemberton Posts: 175 Member
    I have an Apple Watch that I wear nearly all the time except when I'm sleeping. I use MFP for tracking my calorie intake, but a spreadsheet to get more accurate overall information. My resting calories average 1980 every day. I have a move goal of 600 calories each day and have only missed that a couple of times this month because I was terribly sick for a couple of days with a bad cold. I often go well above that, making my average 720. To meet that goal, it's a mixture of everyday activity here at home and intentional exercise (cardio and strength at the gym, plus some yoga and stretching). My average combined resting and active calories are 2735 as of today. I eat typically 2000-2100 calories a day. (Not super strict on logging but pretty close.) Spreadsheet says my average deficit is 627 calories. My calculations come out to say I should have lost 3.4 lbs since I started using this method three weeks ago, and my actual loss is 3lbs.

    I'm 207 now, 5'7" with a goal of 160 (then I'll re-evaluate to see how much farther I need to go.) I've lost 10lbs overall since I started. 1/2 inch lost from my waist and an inch each on my hips and thighs just this last week. (Didn't start the measurements until last week.) I suppose I could be more strict logging and limit myself to slightly fewer calories, but I'm very happy with everything so far, I eat a lot of my favorite foods still (just smaller portions) and bonus, I'm not starving all the time.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    edited June 2018
    I aim for 2000 but don't often stay under. Maintenance for me is somewhere around 2300-2500 plus exercise.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    1200 + ~75% of my exercise calories.
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    5'2", 118, and maintaining/slowly losing on 1600 base + adding in exercise calories on top.
  • jillstreett
    jillstreett Posts: 69 Member
    Eat at about 500 LESS than your TDEE for a one pound a week loss. It's very hard for me, personally, to guess what I burn each time I exercise, and for fear of guessing wrong on either calories in or calories out, I use TDEE which gives you one number and that number works for every day, no matter the type or duration of exercise. If you are scared the TDEE-500 is too high, then set your activity multiplier down by one notch to ensure room for error.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    edited June 2018
    5'5", 62 y/o, weight in the lower 130s, pretty sedentary outside of intentional exercise (retired), lose a pound or so a month on 1850 net calories when I stick to it. I eat back exercise calories on top of that, most days (200-400 of them, so gross eating is often 2000-2300ish). Plan is to reduce weight slowly back to the 120s, but I keep splurging on top of the calories indicated, and have effectively been maintaining in the low 130s for about the past year.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Eat at about 500 LESS than your TDEE for a one pound a week loss. It's very hard for me, personally, to guess what I burn each time I exercise, and for fear of guessing wrong on either calories in or calories out, I use TDEE which gives you one number and that number works for every day, no matter the type or duration of exercise. If you are scared the TDEE-500 is too high, then set your activity multiplier down by one notch to ensure room for error.

    But without some kind of estimation of your calories out, you can't determine your TDEE.
  • HilTri
    HilTri Posts: 378 Member
    AveriaKyle wrote: »
    2200 cals
    25yr old female
    162cm 57.4kg.
    Not including exercise calories.

    Me too! But I am not 25, I am 48. I am maintaining.