Check out my food diary

check out todays food diary im sure i neednt comment, but help!


  • AshinAms
    AshinAms Posts: 283 Member
    I had a look at your diary and it all seems like pretty healthy stuff, so even though you are over calories you are still giving your body good nutrients!

    Maybe you should try set your rate of loss a bit lower so that you can eat more? Also, if you have a little baby remember you are probably lightly active instead of sedentary, I don't know what your rate of activity is set at, but it could be more than you estimate. My kids are big, and I thought I had moved back to sedentary but apparently cleaning up after tweens still burns loads of cals!

    For me, to stave off evening binges I have to eat more earlier in the day so I try to make my morning meal the biggest one and then keep all the other meals at about the same amount of calories. I also eat often (3 meals and 2 snacks). I tend to die of hunger at around 4 pm so I scheduled a snack then and try to have something like apple with peanut butter that will keep me going until dinner time. I also try to eat more protein than the guidelines on here as I find it helps with the bingeing.

    The quality of your diet looks really good! Well done!
  • jess_austin
    I agree with the above, you seem to be eating very healthily but i think portion size might be your problem. For example you state 200g worth of wholemeal pasta, this seems like exactly how much i would normally have eaten but in actual fact 90g is the recommended amount for a single meal on most pasta packets. When i first did this i thought that it was a tiny amount of pasta but it really is adequate to fill you up!! Also, instead of a whole can of tuna use half etc. as you can always go back for me if you really are hungry. Ideally you should actually try to have smaller lunch/dinner portions and then snack in between on fruit, low fat yoghurt and vegetables as not only does the vitamins in the fruit boost your immune system and aid reduction in water weight my eating regular healthy snacks it boosts your metabolic rate higher meaning you can burn more calories!! So it is possible to eat more and still lose weight Hurray!!

    So you really are doing great just keep at it but dont be put off by putting your daily calorie intake up to maybe 1500 calories because having a child means you dont exactly have a sit down lifestyle so you will need more energy than most people who just have office jobs.

    Good luck!!
  • mghane
    mghane Posts: 109 Member
    Here are my suggestions:

    I have oatmeal for breakfast many times too, and it helps in keeping me full for a long while---I personally make my oatmeal with .75 cup water, 1/3 cup oatmeal, 1 medium mashed banana, and mix in some fresh berries. That right there cuts out about 100 calories...because of the creaminess of the mashed banana and it's sweetness, I don't miss the milk or added sugar in there at all.

    Lunch: Your bread choice was pretty high cal. Here are some alternatives. Skip the bread all together and go for a huge salad with the tuna and rest of the stuff on top. Or keep the bread in there but pick something with less cals... like Nature's Own, 100% Whole wheat bread (only 50 cals per slice!)

    For Dinner---definitely look for an extra lean ground beef, or use ground turkey or ground chicken instead--and watch portions. For example, using even 1/2 of the amount of beef you used would have saved you 270 cals. You could have halved your pasta portion too! I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but eating slowly will help cue your body on when it's no longer hungry.

    Finally, your snackage... definitely rethink the snacks. Go for something healthier like some yogurt with a couple tblspoons granola and some fruit, or a fresh fruit smoothie with some protein powder. The snack you had today didn't even have ACTUAL yogurt coating on it... it was yogurt FLAVORED (I looked up the ingredients)---and it specifically says the first two ingredients are sugar and oil. That's a heck of a lot of sugar! Veggies with a yogurt dip... even a 100 cal healthy choice fudge bar (or skinny cow icecream bar/sandwich) are better options.

    I used to think amount would keep me full... but now I realize that portion control, fat content, sugar content, any many times choosing the right ingredients help far more. I will not miss say, .2 extra cups of oatmeal, or the extra 20% fat in my ground beef. There are ways to trick yourself into thinking you're eating a lot when in fact you're just eating right!

    Feel free to check out my diary for ideas (we're both doing 1200 cals). Add me if you want to do so. Oh and also, great job logging and being honest with yourself! You are going to rock this...

  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Im going to send you a list that has helped me.....first cut to whole grain pata, extra lean meat...the rest is on the list...sending now....
  • carolrayes
    carolrayes Posts: 30 Member
    I think for a start, your beef patty is over-stated in terms of calories?

    Regardless, you really want to try to even walk a little every day - some kind of exercise will really help you toward your goals and means you can eat while you lose weight which I think is the key to all this. If you can eat, you won't feel deprived which means you will stick to it long term to see results. Seriously that's the only way I stuck to it - exercise.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    I've only been here five or six days so far, and I have a 1200 cal limit and I find that 1200 cals is a heck of a challenge. it's really hard. What I have ended up doing is possibly not that healthy but I am managing to cope with the 1200 so here it is.

    breakfast: coffee with milk and sugar. I find the moment I put food in my stomach cranks into action and if I eat breakfast I guts my brains out all day. So I avoid breakfast like the plague.

    Morning tea: coffee with milk and sugar.

    Lunch: four weet-bix with about 3 tsp sugar and 100ml supertrim milk. this sorts me out for fibre. It leaves me needing more - an orange. At this point I have water as well, with a squirt of lime in it. It's more bioavailable with a squirt of lime, and less depressing.

    arvo tea: I have 2 squares of cooking chocolate, a glass of lemonade and now I have about 750 cals left to go... I can have another piece of fruit. Anything under 100 cals.

    Dinner: EARLY or I will die. This is where it's all aimed. i know people say 'get that metabolism going in the morning' but if I do I binge. i can eat 3000 calories on a day I have breakfast because I am starving. I am starving again by ten, I am starving again by twelve and nothing I put in there seems to help. so as I say, nil by mouth till that huge bowl of weetbix.

    Sorry... dinner. Meat, 100g. Lean. either in a stir fry, or maybe no meat. I had a potato bake one night with mashed swede and carrot together with beans and peas. it fills you up, gives you all that nutrition you truly need and leaves you with another 200 cals or so for a tiny skerrick of icecream and some apple crumble.

    Some people can handle eating very little food. i can't. When I eat I want to be full. And I want at least one normal meal a day. Well, not normal - but I want to feel normal after i've eaten it, and not feel robbed and starving. :D

    I'm having carbs for lunch, so I have everything else for dinner. I don't have enough calories for it all, but sometimes with something like a stir fry which has few calories I might have rice, - I have half a cup artfully designed into a tower in a children's drinking glass. It helps. :D LOTS of veges is key. LOTS and LOTS of veges. And one night the boyfriend made cheese sauce with bacon in it, and he made it runny so I could actually have some on cauliflower. gosh that was nice.

    A little bit, say an oz of grated cheese on your hot veges.

    And when I say lots of vege - I mean 2 cupsful. You do get used to it, eat it first. :D
  • Julianacaceres
    Wow thanks you guys r great!!!!! I feel a bit better, for some reason i wasnt able to control the urge. To overeat.
    I had it all planned out, and it was under my calorie number.
    But we went on a road trip, was hungry and the slice was the only non deep fried food at the gas station.
    Then came home late and in a hurry made dinner for all, had my designated portion and then repeated...twice!
    I love veggies, but when its cold i get very hungry (its still winter here in new zealand)
    Tganks for the encouragement guys really needed it and will try take on somevof your suggestions:)
    Its just hard when i have 2 fussy boys in the house to feed