Mirena IUD and Weight Gain/Loss



  • whosshe
    whosshe Posts: 597 Member
    lululau28 wrote: »
    I think this may be an old string by noe, but I cam here searching for an answer myself. I got an IUD about two months ago. I'm 41, NO children. I have gained and am continuing to gain weight. I have gained almost almost 15 pounds on the Mirena. I work out 4 days a week, and my earing habits have not changed. I feel like I can almost feel myself gaining weight. Everyday I step on the scale, I am heavier. I feel like getting the mirena was the worst decision and may look to get it removed if this trend continues. I cannot attribute this weight brain to anything else. I have lessened my stress with a mess stressful job, been working out more and trying to eat better. It just doesn't make sense to me. I am 5'4" and was a little overweight, but carried it well to begin with, but now i just feel like a balloon.

    Are you absolutely sure your eating habits haven't changed? The reason they say might cause weight gain is because your appetite might grow. It can't actually cause weight gain, only you can.
  • atemeng
    atemeng Posts: 1 Member
    So I got the IUD for a medical condition. I am a bikinibody building competitor, ~11% bf and I had it inserted after Nationals. The side effects have been stabbing searing pain worse than my menstrual cycle, bloating and slowly starting to have unexplained weight gain. I see commenters saying you must be eating poorly, or you are making up the weight gain. One, that's highly dismissive of those who know their bodies. I am very athletic and have no issue with large amounts of exercise or eating healthy. I have a nutrition program that is strict and even with calculated cheat meals, have no issue keeping my weight at or near stage weight. But post IUD insertion, it has been nearly like roulette with my weight. Not high for those who aren't athletic. But as a highly competitive athlete, my weight is higher than its been in a very long time and is making it difficult to prepare for my next competition. And despite running between 5 to 10 miles DAILY, and strict caloric intake, I can't predict my weight change anymore which is normally easy for me to do. I am bloated and pudgy weirdly which many women in other forums have described. I had a day where after a full days workout and diet cut, my weight jumped UP 4lbs over night. There are most definitely side effects with it. Some don't have them and that's good. However doctors and others do need to stop pretending that mirena has few side effects as that is flat out not true. Hopefully it's water , which it does look and feels like, but if it continues to go up, after my next procedure, I will most likely take it out.
  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    I got Mirena about two and a half years ago and gained 60 pounds in about 5 months after. The thing is, though, that I was also in grad school, not sleeping, eating slop, and then moved to a new town where I ate all the time.

    I blamed it all on the Mirena but in retrospect I've realized that there were a LOT of other factors in my life contributing to the weight gain. It has not been difficult to lose the weight once I committed to weighing everything.

    What I WILL say, though, is find a doctor that listens to you. I was having really bad pelvic infections, cramps, inflammation, and discomfort during intercourse. It took THREE doctors for someone to finally step up and say that it had been placed improperly. So find someone who listens to you and actually listen to your body. Pay attention to the people and the environment around you and see if maybe there are other factors causing your stress/anxiety/weight gain.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,061 Member
    I've had my Mirena for 5 years now, never had kids or been preggers.

    While I've put on some weight since I had it, I can't blame it on the IUD - and losing seems to go along normal trends, so no surprises there, either.

    At this point I don't see there to be any direct correlation between the Mirena and my weight.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    atemeng wrote: »
    So I got the IUD for a medical condition. I am a bikinibody building competitor, ~11% bf and I had it inserted after Nationals. The side effects have been stabbing searing pain worse than my menstrual cycle, bloating and slowly starting to have unexplained weight gain. I see commenters saying you must be eating poorly, or you are making up the weight gain. One, that's highly dismissive of those who know their bodies. I am very athletic and have no issue with large amounts of exercise or eating healthy. I have a nutrition program that is strict and even with calculated cheat meals, have no issue keeping my weight at or near stage weight. But post IUD insertion, it has been nearly like roulette with my weight. Not high for those who aren't athletic. But as a highly competitive athlete, my weight is higher than its been in a very long time and is making it difficult to prepare for my next competition. And despite running between 5 to 10 miles DAILY, and strict caloric intake, I can't predict my weight change anymore which is normally easy for me to do. I am bloated and pudgy weirdly which many women in other forums have described. I had a day where after a full days workout and diet cut, my weight jumped UP 4lbs over night. There are most definitely side effects with it. Some don't have them and that's good. However doctors and others do need to stop pretending that mirena has few side effects as that is flat out not true. Hopefully it's water , which it does look and feels like, but if it continues to go up, after my next procedure, I will most likely take it out.

    The side effects of Mirena are well known and there is a large list...so to say people pretend there aren't is a misnomer.

    Some impact others harder than perhaps me...or even you.

    but the facts are this...mirena itself does not cause weight gain.

    It does however cause increased appetite, bloating, water retention etc...all of which you are experiencing....

    The issue is i Have is this...people want to blame anything for their issues...well make more informed decisions than...talk to others, get a 2nd opinion.

    If you don't like what it's doing...get it removed instead of complaining about it and doing nothing.

  • jjtweb
    jjtweb Posts: 37 Member
    I have had to have that IUD and I'm 55. I did have a child but honestly I really don't think that makes a lot of difference. When I was put on Provera weight maintenance or loss is impossible so the IUD was my only option. I was told since it is medication that is directed to an area and not the entire body it wouldn't affect my weight loss efforts. I have lost 228 pounds in the past fourteen months with it.
  • marphoria
    marphoria Posts: 14 Member
    edited January 2018
    No kids, had my Mirena since May 2017. So far, I have maintained my weight, and have no issues losing it when my eating/exercise habits are in order. My periods are much lighter, but I get annoying spotting from time to time. I also get more bloated than usual before my period, but the bloating subsides when my period is over.

    I personally don't have any negative connotations with weight with my Mirena. I have not experienced any dramatic weight gain or increased appetite, which was my biggest concern before getting Mirena. But every woman experiences it differently, I hope those who have had negative experiences find the solutions they need.
  • celeste1070
    celeste1070 Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2018
    I know this is an old thread however I am wondering if mirana and weight gain or trouble losing coincides with previous births or age. I am 47, 3 kids. I have a pretty good gym in my home, I run. I exercise. I understand nutrition and have a degree in cooking and catering, I count calories, fat grams and carbs. I had lost 50 lbs using my fitness pal 5 years ago and was holding my goal weight for two years perfectly. Then came the mirana. 30 lbs in three years back on and was rising. I kicked up my exercise. No change. Talked to my doctor, found a specialist that dealt with hormones and weighloss in woman. No change. Never even thought it could have been my mirana! Had a complication with it. It was removed and a new one scheduled to be put back in. I am finally down 6 lbs and losing an average of 6 oz a day! I cancelled my appointment. I feel tons better and am sleeping better. Never dreamed it was the mirana!
  • Dee_D33
    Dee_D33 Posts: 106 Member
    First of its important to note that weight gain on any birth control comes down to your habits. Some birth controls increase cravings which in turn makes you eat more if you’re not careful. Sometimes it can make you retain more water but usually that’s not what’s being talked about when women complain about gaining on BC. I didn’t read through the comments so forgive me if that’s already been said. I don’t have any children and have had the mirena for about 6 months and I’ve lost about 25 lbs. I had nexplanon for 6 years prior (two different ones) and gained a lot of weight but it was completely my fault for overeating due to hormones and my husband being deployed. I started to track calories about a month after having it inserted and it hasn’t gotten in the way of anything, really. I don’t have cravings and I don’t have a period which helps too because I used to eat a LOT every time I was on my period which was like every other week with nexplanon. I definitely recommend it although the insertion if you haven’t had kids is PAINFUL! They told me it would be like a period cramp but it was so much worse and the cramps lasted for about a week. If you’re worried about the hormones then Paraguard is also an option but you’ll have periods on it.
  • Ninkasi
    Ninkasi Posts: 173 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I've been doing a lot of research over the past week about the Mirena IUD and the possibility of weight gain and weight loss. The manufacturer says it can go either way. Many forum sites that I've been reading have had mostly stories from women who have had children and then used the IUD.

    I was wondering if there were women out here who have NOT had children but HAVE used the Mirena IUD. If so, did you experience weight gain? Loss? Did it stay the same? If gain, how easy was it to lose the weight compared to not using an IUD, and were you actively tracking and working out or were you just sort of trying.

    Sorry if this is in the wrong section or really random. But I'm just looking for more information.



    I don't have kids and I'm on my third Mirena. My weight didn't change because of the IUD, I got fat by eating too much and not exercising.

    I'm not an endocrinologist but I think because it's hormonal birth control the presence, type, and severity of side effects could be very different between users.

    (I realize this answer is not very helpful)
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    Best BC by far out of all the ones I've tried was my partner getting a vasectomy.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    My Mirena gives me epic, pregnancy-level food cravings that are hard to resist. Every month it gets a tinier bit better.
  • categ78
    categ78 Posts: 47 Member
    I had the mirena for 5 years,

    It neither made me gain or lose and while I did secretly hope I’d lose weight on its removal alas no scales stayed the same

    I have felt healthier generally in my body since it was removed but my pmt has come back and is horrid so it’s all pros and cons
  • nicolehorn0114
    nicolehorn0114 Posts: 51 Member
    I think Mirena helped me lose weight. I don’t get crazy PMS cravings like I used to.
  • GrumpyHeadmistress
    GrumpyHeadmistress Posts: 666 Member
    I thought Mirena wasn’t eostrogen based and therefore shouldn’t have an adverse (or beneficial) effect on weight gain. But I guess there’s always the possibility of an outlier effect.
  • cnave99
    cnave99 Posts: 63 Member
    edited June 2018
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I had a Mirena before I lost weight. I had a Mirena during the 2.5 years in which I lost 100 pounds. I have had a Mirena while in maintenance over the past year.

    I lost weight by being in a calorie deficit and I maintain my weight by balancing my calories eaten with my calories burned. The Mirena did not affect that process.
  • doittoitgirl
    doittoitgirl Posts: 157 Member
    edited June 2018