Been chubby my whole life.

Hi, I've used this app before since like 2012.
I come lose weight and then again it back and then lose it and gain it back.
The first time I went from 220lb to 150 lb.
It took me 1 year.. but I lost all this 70 pounds without working out just very strict dieting
I was eating 1,500 a day which for a 5 foot 10 inch guy is very, very hard but my dedication back then was more powerful.
I then gained weight again to 180 or so and i worked out and dieted again got to 148.
But then I started dating this one girl and we ate out almost everyday and I went back to 175.
I was gonna go back to workout but I had a very bad car accident where I almost died and was in the hospital for around 4 weeks and i lost like almost 20 pounds thhere just from not eating and all the pain killers they gave me.
After I left the hospital it took me a while to walk on my own again.
The girl I was eating said we should stop talking and we'll other personal things got to me and I got to eating, and eating and eating and eating and before I knew it I went from 157 to 200 pounds now.
All my life I've been the "chubby" guy.
I hate that.. I would've loved to have had a high metabolism and be able to stay lean or be lean all my life but that is not the case.
I also have been needing a kidney transplant for the past 6 years.
So, yeah that's kind of where I'm at.
I would appreciate all the support and tips guys.
I hope i don't have to do this journey again alone.
I feel like this time around things are harder.
Harder to workout and to keep my diet.


  • WorkerDrone83
    WorkerDrone83 Posts: 3,195 Member

    I think these two links are extremely helpful and can help you get the most out of MFP:

    The first covers accurate logging and some of the tools in MFP to help you make things easier. The second discusses caloric needs and setting goals. These two posts can completely change your MFP experience and help you be much more successful.

    The journey of a thousand miles begins with tying your shoes~
  • jonathanbarton9
    jonathanbarton9 Posts: 6 Member
    edited June 2018
    Hey man I hear you. I have also been “the big guy” my entire life. I hate it too. Even though Ive been told I “carry my weight” well, I’m still uncomfortable in my own skin. I’m with you. I went from 260 to 217 a couple summers ago, then slowly back up to 248, down to 230, and back to 240. My goal, as a 6ft guy, is to break 200. I have been under 200 in almost 15 years.

    I don’t know what you’re going through with the medical issues, but I’ll be happy to provide some friendly competition if it helps your motivation. Do you use any Apple products? If you share your [AppleWatch ID], we can compete that way.

    I’m not sure if there are ways to do that on MFP...anyone else know?
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    Sorry about your accident OP - on mfp you are never alone!
    Make a few active mfp friends - try choose people who are aiming for a simialr lifestyle to you. There are also various interest groups on here which you can join into - for motivation (monthly challenges etc), various diet types (keto etc) and also sports and hobby groups - I think there is a group for cycling, one for swimming etc.

    I believe the key to success is to determing that this isn't a weight loss process but about developing a better lifestyle - weight loss is a natural spin off from that. There are hundreds of different 'diets' out there which will help you lose weight - after all, all you have to do is eat less than you use. Logging accurately and sticking to you calorie deficit on here is, in my opinion, just about the simplest. The problem you have had is maintaining your loss. Only when you have found a way to live better will your weightloss be sustainanble. Do this for yourself and don't let any new 'dates' sabotage you - eating out is fun but maybe next time date someone who has other interests in common with you (I met my husband 42 years ago when he asked me to teach him to swim properly; we are still swimming) So nice to base a relationship around common activities and not just eating/drinking out - though that is nice occasionally too. Good Luck - you got this.

  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    The GF, oy vey. I'm sorry she did that.

    Many of us are pushing against our genetics so get back up in the ring and let's keep fighting. You want to be in the best condition for your surgery.

    The biggest battle we have to fight is between our ears. You true friends love you no matter what. Don't give up on your dreams.
  • juciyboy69
    juciyboy69 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you to all of you.
    I feel better now knowing there are people out there going through the journey as well.
    If you guys want to add me I would appreciate that.
    Idk how to add people because ive never really used this part of MFP
    And yes Martha you're right.. my biggest problem is keeping the weight off.
    It's like I make it a goal to lose the weight and I do but once it's lost I go back to eating unhealthy and stop working out.
    It's true I need to make it a lifestyle not just do it for a few months and go back to old habits.
  • applesforanna
    applesforanna Posts: 16 Member
    It sounds like you have been through a lot. I admire your will to keep fighting. I can relate to always being “the chubby girl.” I’d love to add you so we can support and encourage each other. Good luck on your journey - you’ve got this!