Stronger, Better, Faster.......Feb 16th

Today I'm back on track. I did good with food over the weekend but Mt Dew became my true enemy again! :sad: I drank a lot of it over the last three days and I think I drank enough to end up going through with drawls again (not good the week of finals!)

I feel slightly sore from boxing and bowling on the Wii yesterday so I don't feel too gulity about going to the gym...although I'm REALLY slacking on my miles :frown:

Well you girls have a good day! My major goal is NO POP!


  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    Today I'm back on track. I did good with food over the weekend but Mt Dew became my true enemy again! :sad: I drank a lot of it over the last three days and I think I drank enough to end up going through with drawls again (not good the week of finals!)

    I feel slightly sore from boxing and bowling on the Wii yesterday so I don't feel too gulity about going to the gym...although I'm REALLY slacking on my miles :frown:

    Well you girls have a good day! My major goal is NO POP!
  • jamiesbeach
    thanksfor the message!
    My major goal is no high simple carbs like bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice.

    go us!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Yesterday, husband and I were both feeling lazy. He has the excuse that the Spring allergens are already showing up; I guess I was just worn out from the party. We went for a walk instead of a bike ride. How am I going to be ready for March 7th??? We are signing up for just the 27 mile, but I was secretly hoping to do the 50. Someone told me the course is a little rough (the condition of the road), but it was very beautiful.

    Today, I have two yoga class and some cardio of some sort.

    Happy workouts!
  • sportygal
    sportygal Posts: 221 Member
    :drinker: When you get totally weened from soda, then have one six months tastes like Battery Acid!! I used to drink a six pack of coke a I avoid it almost entirely. If I could only ween myself off of coffee creamer! I try to mix milk and cinnamon, but I need just a little vanilla powder to kill the bitterness of coffee. Happy Day! :drinker:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    The in laws are back through tomorrow. Alex is having his first tantrum for the day...his second or third crying session. I have to get some more cleaning done. Ah! Mondays! lol
    I got my blood work done yesterday and I should know something about my hormones on Friday.
    My goals this week are to drink my water since I've been slacking in that area, work out 3 times this week, and eat better. I am doing good on the sweet fast. I was tempted Saturday night at the prayer meeting. There was cake. I kept thinking about whether to get a piece or not all evening. When I really thought about it hard, I realized it was not worth breaking the fast for. So I just smelled my husband's piece. :laugh:
    I did not lose any weight last week but I kind of expected that. I was eating too many carbs and not enough fruits and veggies. I will do better this week. I hope next week is even better because I am putting Alex back on a strict diet I think, which will help us eat better as well. I am wondering if there are still some offending foods in his diet.
    Oh I have to tell you what he said this morning. There's a flag in our neighbor's yard which you can see from the dining room window. It was hanging limp since there was no wind. Alex said, "The flag is crying." I asked him what he said to make sure I heard him right. Then I am almost positive he said, "The stars are mad." (It's a USA flag with the 50 stars on it.) I thought that was very interesting that he said that. I am not exactly sure what he meant, but maybe when the flag is hanging limp he thinks it's sad. And when it's blowing in the wind he thinks it's happy. Just a guess. I just thought it was cute.
    Okay I'm done rambling. Gotta get to work and do my push ups and sit ups! Have a good Monday!
  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    I did four months of no pop...but no matter how long I'm away it still tastes so good!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    I agree Renae. I was off soda pop for a year, which helped with cravings but they still tasted good when I started drinking them again. I am able to go several days or weeks without them, but some days I just want one! Yummy!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hiya pebbles,

    Just had a (free) session with a "new" trainer at the gym. Sort of made me think "I know enough about this stuff to steal her job". It keeps popping into the back of my head, the whole "just become a trainer already" idea. . .hmmmmm. . .

    Still managed to use up some calories and walked a little extra back road for a twenty minute roundtrip walk. . .the sun was out, so I couldn't help it.

    Take care.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I used to drink about 6 sodas a day (before I switched to coffee and tea :wink: ). I cut out all HFCS and artificial sweeteners - and the thought of a soda now, just sounds disgusting.

    V - I'm considering going to the local community college for the PT certification. It will take me about two years though because I don't want to go full time.