New to Keto!

Hi all!


  • dbkyser
    dbkyser Posts: 612 Member
    Been on Keto 7 months and I love it, works great for me and I am feeling the best I have in 20 years.
  • WingsNWeights
    WingsNWeights Posts: 2 Member
    Keto is honestly the only realistic diet/eating habit that doesn’t psychologically feel restrictive by any means. Love it! Welcome
  • SV2727
    SV2727 Posts: 31 Member
    I agree...been on it about 6 weeks and love it...still learning...lots of learning
  • zumbachika
    zumbachika Posts: 10 Member
    hello, im new to keto started last Saturday so today is my 4th day and so far I'm doing good but just have a few questions because I'm experiencing nausea some dry mouth last few days I've been very fatigued which I know is part of the keto-flu but also I've been having my eye twitch and for some reason today a little shortness of breath not much have any of your experience this before?
  • SV2727
    SV2727 Posts: 31 Member
    Dry mouth and tired yes but none of the other ones...but i am still pretty new myself...sorry not much help
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    Hello everyone,

    New to Keto. Any snacks ideas? A bit challenging for me as I have a 6m and nursing. This is my week 2.
  • jrmie333
    jrmie333 Posts: 149 Member
    dbkyser wrote: »
    Been on Keto 7 months and I love it, works great for me and I am feeling the best I have in 20 years.

    Do you have any keto snacks ideas plz?
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    zumbachika wrote: »
    hello, im new to keto started last Saturday so today is my 4th day and so far I'm doing good but just have a few questions because I'm experiencing nausea some dry mouth last few days I've been very fatigued which I know is part of the keto-flu but also I've been having my eye twitch and for some reason today a little shortness of breath not much have any of your experience this before?

    @zumbachika Yes, that's keto flu but it's entirely treatable (and preventable).

    Keto-flu is actually a misnamed electrolyte imbalance. When you lose water weight early on (from cutting carbs and lowering insulin) you lose sodium along with the water. Low sodium causes fatigue, moodiness, bm issues, nausea, headaches, muscle weakness, aches and eventually spasms.

    You need to replace the lost electrolytes with 3000 to 5000+ mg of sodium a day. It sounds like a lot but you're just replacing what you've already lost. If you don't your body will leech out magnesium and potassium too. It's best to nip it in the bud.

    2300 mg of sodium = 1 teaspoon salt. You'll need about 2 tsp of salt a day. Salt your food, drink salty broth, boullion, use salt tablets, make Mio keto-ade with lots of salt, or just eat half a tsp salt with a water chaser. It will help. :)