Pistol squat advice

So I have no problem. Lunges. 3 sets 15 reps each leg. Now doing pistol squats. Of course much harder

Would I benefit from shallow pistol squat. No assist. Or deep pistol squat holding on to rings for extras assist


  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    Generally pistol squat progression starts with a bench or box pistol so that the "down leg" can assist if needed until you're fully comfortable going full depth before brining the leg up for strict pistols.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Start by holding onto something to help with your balance. Then progress to what stanmann recommended and do them from an elevated surface. The issue is usually with flexibility rather than strength.
  • Rabbit91476
    Rabbit91476 Posts: 41 Member
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    Start by holding onto something to help with your balance. Then progress to what stanmann recommended and do them from an elevated surface. The issue is usually with flexibility rather than strength.

    bizarrely, that something can include a light plate(20-40 lbs) or kettlebell held in the goblet position or extended further out.

    Which is why a correct "weighted" pistol is loaded by holding a weight in the suitcase position.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    Start by holding onto something to help with your balance. Then progress to what stanmann recommended and do them from an elevated surface. The issue is usually with flexibility rather than strength.

    My issue is purely strength, getting better as I feel that I have to assist myself a little bit less every few weeks. I am very lucky that I have great flexibility in my joints (didn't realize how flexible I truly was until about six months ago when my former trainer asked "doesn't that hurt" - I would rest the bottom of one foot on my stomach to keep it from moving while lowering myself with my other leg. My daughter is just as flexible, so I always thought that was normal.)
  • Keto_Vampire
    Keto_Vampire Posts: 1,670 Member
    edited June 2018
    As cool & challenging as the pistol squat is, there are much better exercises for building strength. Sure it's great if you are limited to home workouts or do not have a variety of gym equipment. It's more an exercise of skill & balance.
    I inadvertently learned to do pistol squats using a smith machine doing 1 legged squats (easy to balance using arms around the bar & fixed position). The key to this exercise is balance in shifting your hips over (evenly) over the leg bearing the load

    *TRX bands would work too for assistance (actually use these or resistance band as an anchor doing sissy squats)