What's Your Little "Trick"

Hey Pals!!

I know we all have our little "tricks" we do to keep ourselves on track to our weight loss goals, my friend puts her fork down after every bite so that she eats slower, my mom will drink a whole glass of water before each meal to feel fuller. So my question is, what's your trick?? I've been having a bit of trouble lately and would love to know how everyone stays on track!!

Thanks in advance for sharing everyone!! :bigsmile:


  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    i make sure i have all the food on a plate in front of me; rather than graze the kitchen until i feel full. that way, i know exactly what i am eating and how much i will eat. i always have a glass a water before and during every meal!
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Before reaching for seconds, or going for dessert, I wait atleast 15-20 minutes. :)
  • bonnykate
    bonnykate Posts: 123
    I forgive myself for slip ups, but don't forget what I did -- being conscious of the eating choices I've made goes a long way toward keeping me on my goal, and forgiving myself for those mistakes keeps me from binge eating as an emotional response.
  • Soccerstar19
    If I'm going out to a restaurant I'll only eat half of what they give me and take the other half home to have the next day. I also try to eat smaller meals, almost like snacks, then if I'm still hungry after a half hour I'll have another small snack.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I pack my food for work and don't take cash or credit so I can't buy something else
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    Lots of water and i use to hate chewing gum, I have started chewing gum and that seems to take some of the issues I have with eating away.
  • kerr2010
    kerr2010 Posts: 219 Member
    Here are two good ones. I never use a dinner plate. They are too big and it always looks like you have less food. Use a lunch plate. Also, instead of putting dressing on your salad put it on the side and dip your fork in the dressing then take a big bite of the salad. You will use a quarter of the dressing and it tastes the same.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I don't eat after 7:00 p.m.
  • solflyer81
    solflyer81 Posts: 119
    i ve found eating every few hours helps me. I actually feel my metabolism's change since I started about 5 weeks ago. Breakfast as soon as I am up, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. All my water through out the day and right before meals. I used to have horrible eating habbits. Since I have forced myself to eat like this, my body now actually tells me when a few hours have gone by. On top of it, because I m doing this, I get full faster because I am eating when I am suppose to and not eating way too much because I m starving and waited too long to eat.
  • lakenleona
    lakenleona Posts: 22 Member
    I always drink a sip of water after every bite and if I'm out at a restaurant I divide my meal on my plate and put half of it aside or on my boyfriend's plate before I start eating.....but now he complains he's eating too much so guess I'll just have to start getting a to-go box at the beginning of the meal! I also measure my snacks out the night before into individual baggies, so if I'm having pretzels, I put the serving size in a baggie and eat it from there instead of the big bag.
  • cfred40
    cfred40 Posts: 151 Member
    Nude pics of yourself on the fridge. Note to self: take down when company comes over. JK

    Never forget your motivation for starting this journey.
    Write/paste on your bathroom mirror and read every single day!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Here are two good ones. I never use a dinner plate. They are too big and it always looks like you have less food. Use a lunch plate. Also, instead of putting dressing on your salad put it on the side and dip your fork in the dressing then take a big bite of the salad. You will use a quarter of the dressing and it tastes the same.
    Love the dressing idea! Going to do that!!! I totally agree with the smaller plate idea too. It makes your mind believe you have eaten a lot if you clear the smaller plate.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I don't give up any foods, just find more healthy ways to fit them into my diet. That and of course using the MFP mobile app.
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    I try to track meals for the day in advance so I know where I stand during the day, and I go back and edit any changes.
  • Timo113
    Timo113 Posts: 23 Member
    I have been listening to the CD's Enjoying Weight Loss by Roberta Temes, it is suppose to help you stay on track. it is Self Hypnosis, we'll see how it works.
  • ijessieb
    ijessieb Posts: 25 Member
    Thank You Everyone!!!! These are all GREAT TRICKS!!! KEEP THEM COMING!!!!
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    I try to have a sip of water between each bite so I get fuller as I'm eating. I also weigh in every morning so that if my weight fluctuates a few pounds I'll usually know what caused it (if I ate junk, didn't drink enough water, etc.).

    Other than that when I get cravings but am not actually hungry, I try and chew gum to keep my mind of off the food, lol. So far, so good! You will find something that works for you as well :)
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day (smoothie for breakfast, salad for lunch). It's kinda boring but I keep it interesting by changing up the ingredients. It is so much easier for me to plan this way, and a lot easier for me to count calories too. I've read that there have been studies that show that eating the same thing every day for at least one meal helps people lose weight, and in my experience I think that's true!
  • lubilu24785
    I have also started to use a side plate instead of a dinner plate so i cant pile my food on...i do feel better esp if i have water before & during meal times...i dont eat bread/pasta/rice/potatoes at all so it's harder to feel full but i do think millions of veg on my plate makes things colourful & look 'more'
  • bbecker613
    bbecker613 Posts: 20 Member
    i bag up food into snack size baggies.. carrots.. nuts.. small things like that and write cal on baggie.. and on cans of food write calories on front of can.at beginning of week. i know i can eat 1200 cal a day. at beginning of day i pick out all food i may want that day equaling 1200 cal put on table in front of me like Halloween candy.. (unless it has to be cold) . its nice cause you can see everything you can eat all day right in front of u . it looks like alot. usually.. also i dont have to worry bout calorie counting cause its already done.. i can grab and go...half the time i dont even eat it all cause theres so much