Sabotaging myself?...

So I have always been an emotional eater...and I did so good for three months and now I have some family issues and I have been eating crap all day everyday. It's like I'm purposely sabotaging myself!! I want to get back into healthy ways again so badly but I can't seem to... my mind is full of other thoughts and I can't focus. I can't find the motivation to do so...please help!!


  • dhwatts
    dhwatts Posts: 32
    Try Yoga, or just taking long walks, sometimes that helps to destress you and gives you time to put things into perspective. Focus your energy in other directions instead of eating, that seems to help me, I clean house or play with the grandkids, or just get in the car and ride, help others, go to church. Hope you find your way soon! Feel free to add me!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    that is what we're here for. Do you have a real life friend you can go to their house & say 'stop me!' ? Sometimes I just go to my neighbor's house and she will 'talk me down'. Sometimes I find that I want to keep walking. Walking is GREAT cause you can think too.
    Drink water. Walk. Try on clothes. Groom your dog. Eat a piece of fruit if you're hungry between meals.
    Lean on us
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    If the junk is in your house- THROW IT OUT. You aren't wasting it, you are saving yourself the trouble poisoning yourself. Go to the store and buy healthy snacks. Put those out- carrots and hummus, green bell peppers, fruit, etc.
    If the junk is out of your house, don't tempt yourself. Or bring healthy food with you. Don't tempt your willpower, which isn't high at the moment.
    Good luck!
  • 2pinks1blue
    Pick a hobby and throw yourself into it when you get those cravings, or better yet, exercise! Diverting myself has worked better than anything for me.