Help, I need to get back on track!

Hello, I have recently stopped working with a nutritionist after losing 15#. My goal was another 10# and a new lifestyle. Well all I have done is put 5#’s back on! I need help!


  • dellistic
    dellistic Posts: 3 Member
    Hey I need help myself
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    All nutritionists are 'certified'. Weight loss and health coaches, not so much. Certified may mean 8 or 9 months of online tests, so on. Regardless of all that because I've been taken to the cleaners myself -

    Clear the decks and clean the slate. You can do it all by yourself without paying someone an arm or an leg for dieting advice. You can throw out all of your dieting books, too. I did.

    Simply eat the foods you enjoy because that's exactly what you're going to do when all of the weight releasing is done. It makes no sense to overrestrict yourself and avoid your personal favorites. That's not sustainable.

    Reasonable restriction is tracking all of your foods here to the very best of your abilities. In the beginning, that means measuring or weighing on your scale. Counting out all of your tiddlywinks, every single goldfish cracker and potato chip.

    Pay as you go. Don't wait until you're ready for bed to see what your day delivered. Be accountable to yourself with your stats and data points. Do this like it's your job. Drink your water. Find movement you enjoy and can continue doing for the rest of your life.

    Doing things we don't want to do all in the name of weight loss is the recipe for eating it all back.

    If it's not sustainable now, it won't be two years down the road. You may love going to the gym. Or not. I don't like them and I don't go. I simply took it back outside, hike with a backpack, lift heavy things, swim, run around with my dog. It's the strategy that works for me. I started 5 years ago and I'm still standing.
  • dkoenig217
    dkoenig217 Posts: 2 Member
    I also have been working with a nutritionist, but with opposite results. Gained about 20 pounds over last 8 months, but also think starting an antidepressant was a factor. Stopped the med last month and also had my thyroid meds reevaluated and upped. Trying to get back on track. I had lost 50 pounds, but have now gained 40 back. Ugh.....
  • You can do it! Recommit to yourself right now and anytime you feel yourself getting off track. Count your calories, eat well as often and as best you can, work out or stay active, and be patient. Your body will reward you! It's a slow process, but slow and steady wins the race especially when it comes to adopting a new lifestyle. Also, I feel weight loss is not a linear line, it's fluctuations in a downward trend...I hope that makes sense.