Stationary Bike

Just wondering what kind of results people have gotten from the stationary bike? It's a high calorie burn but not sure if it gets good results.



  • Bumblebee26
    Bumblebee26 Posts: 118 Member
    Stationary bikes are all right, I guess. I use them if there is going to be a lot of lighting, but I prefer a real bike because you have all kinds of variables and even following the same commute it is never the same as the day before.
  • MagicandCastles
    I love my stationary bike, it's working well for me, I do 30 mins a day(ish) interval training ie. 4 mins normal pace then 3mins pushing it.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    I used mine all winter when I couldn't get outside. Now I am back to outdoor biking for the warmer seasons and will return to that this winter again. I liked mine, but always watch TV with it because it gets boring not getting anywhere. :-)
  • FifiLea
    FifiLea Posts: 80 Member
    They're ok, but it's easy to get complacent and not cycle as hard as you would if you were outside! But any exercise is better for you than none!

    The only thing I would say is not to go by the calorie burn that the bike tells you. My bike tells me that I burn 300 cals in half an hour, but my HRM says about 160... Very misleading.
  • astul
    astul Posts: 63 Member
    i love my stationary bike! I can jump on it and watch the soaps/films, and when it rains I still do a good 30 mins without getting soaked through!
    Results wise, my tree trunk legs are diminishing rapidly as is my huge bottom.....dare I say I'm heading off (a long to go yet but I will get there!! ) to a Pippa Middleton bum!! Jeans I buy one month are too big the next!
    Hope this convinces you to get on and pedal for your life......try not to mind the numb bum too much!!
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I just got one.. I can't ride a real bike (I have balance problems lol)... and it's hard pushing it! It's an old one.... I find it easier to run than use it.. but I figure it might help my legs get stronger which is why I keep going at it.

    I've been doing 20 minutes a day split into 2 10 minute goes of pushing it hard keeping my HR up... not sure if it's helped yet or not.. I've only had it a few weeks.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    They're ok, but it's easy to get complacent and not cycle as hard as you would if you were outside! But any exercise is better for you than none!

    The only thing I would say is not to go by the calorie burn that the bike tells you. My bike tells me that I burn 300 cals in half an hour, but my HRM says about 160... Very misleading.

    Yes use your HRM for your calories burned, mine doesn't have a calories burned on it.. but I know I burn less on it than any other exercise.. however if I keep my HR up high and push for 10-13 minutes I can burn 90-120 calories.
  • MommyofBoys
    Thanks for all the feedback!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    We love our NordicTrack. It's a walk thru recombant bike and it's been great. We got this model because with my wifes MS it is easy to get on. We have 780miles on it and I've lost a total of 48lbs so far and Hoots has lost 36, so ya I'd say it has good results, but only if we use it. I do interval training on it. Warm up at level 2, thgen go to 8 till the burn is too much, then back to 2, then to 7, back to 2, then 6, etc, till I get to 4 and pretty much will finish my ride at 4. It helps to have a good playlist for motivation. I have a 30min playlist and a 60 min playlist. Keep up your RPM's thats the ticket and your HR. Our's measures heart rate and calories burned and usually shows about a third of what MFP shows but the bike does not adjust for weight or age like MFP.
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    i love my stationary bike! I can jump on it and watch the soaps/films, and when it rains I still do a good 30 mins without getting soaked through!
    Results wise, my tree trunk legs are diminishing rapidly as is my huge bottom.....dare I say I'm heading off (a long to go yet but I will get there!! ) to a Pippa Middleton bum!! Jeans I buy one month are too big the next!
    Hope this convinces you to get on and pedal for your life......try not to mind the numb bum too much!!

    So, my husband is convinced the stationary bike does nothing. My issue is this - I LOVE the treadmill and the stationary bike for my cardio days. My thighs need some serious toning/trimming down and he thinks I would be better off on the elliptical - only thing is, after 5 minutes I literally cannot breath....Will the stationary give me similar results if I up my time (from 30 minutes to an hour???), or should I TRY to slowly incorporate the elliptical in and/or walk faster/jog on the treadmill? Thanks!