Exercise with a sprained ankle?

I sprained my ankle almost three months ago (2 torn ligaments) and it still hasn't fully healed. I've gained weight and become sedentary when I'm not at work. Any suggestions for exercise on a sensitive foot that are still effective?


  • millionsofpeaches
    Bicycling is pretty low impact... Swimming is no impact.
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    I have an osteochondral defect in my left ankle and hurt my right ankle the other day. I just did some Wii sports (boxing is great!) and some modified push ups. It works great for me, and my arms and shoulders are sore!
  • brandigreenwood
    brandigreenwood Posts: 2 Member
    I sprained mine really bad a few years ago. I took about 1 month of hobbling around with a brace on most of the time. I was just getting ready to start working out when it happened and I was really bummed. Finally, I decided I was going to workout anyway.

    I got the Power 90 dvd set and it can be pretty low impact. I wrapped my ankle with a long ace bandage and I also wore an ankle brace on top of that. It had hard plastic sides that protected it and kept it pretty immobile. Then I just did my best.

    My ankle grew stronger and after a few months of that I removed the ace bandage and eventually the brace and then it was fine.

    I was unable to wear shoes when I exercised due to all of that on my foot. Luckily you can do Power 90 at home and I was on carpet, so it was fine.

    If you aren't familiar with Beachbody products, you really should check them out. I've been using them for over a year and lost 52 lbs and am in great shape. Not trying to be a salesperson or anything, I am genuinely replying to your post. Let me know if you need any help finding a program.

    Good luck! Mine is back to good and hopefully I never sprain it again!
  • youngtweezy
    Thanks. I'll consider all of those! :) Any others?
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    Hi there,

    Chair exercises...I know it sounds silly, but you can do chair Zumba! My instructor did it while she was out with an injury. You will still get tired and you will also still get to enjoy the fun music!

    Pilates! This doesn't really involve your ankle at all. I highly suggest Mari Winsor Pilates. Her workouts are usually about 20 min or so. They won't give you a huge burn, but they will help you feel stronger and leaner.

    I second the swimming idea, totally!

    Walking would also be good, but you would have to find a flat area. Could you use a boot or an elastic around your ankle for added support?

    Best of luck!
  • azheelshock

    Pilates! This doesn't really involve your ankle at all. I highly suggest Mari Winsor Pilates. Her workouts are usually about 20 min or so. They won't give you a huge burn, but they will help you feel stronger and leaner.

    I second the swimming idea, totally!

    Yoga is also very good, but the swimming sounds like a great idea.
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    There are tonnes of body weight exercises you can do if you can bare any weight, crunches, press ups, squats, half jacks. Kettle bell is also good as you can be stationary, I have chronic Achilles problems and so when it flares up I have to do this