Proof that some people can go a lil overboard...



  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    Holy crap! Nigella Lawson is 51? She looks beautiful, radiant, curvy, and HEALTHY!!!! We should all be so lucky ;-)
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I wonder why that blogger said that the first photo is Karan Diwan? It's Gillian McKeith, self-proclaimed nutritionist and buyer-of-dodgy-doctorates! Ben Goldacre wrote a great article about her phoney qualifications on his blog, Bad Science. He's the (real) doctor who bought doctorates from these alleged 'universities' for his dead cat!

    Nigella is half Spanish, I am half Italian....I swear that having Mediterranean genes really helps!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I wonder why that blogger said that the first photo is Karan Diwan? It's Gillian McKeith, self-proclaimed nutritionist and buyer-of-dodgy-doctorates! Ben Goldacre wrote a great article about her phoney qualifications on his blog, Bad Science. He's the (real) doctor who bought doctorates from these alleged 'universities' for his dead cat!

    Nigella is half Spanish, I am half Italian....I swear that having Mediterranean genes really helps!
    Hah, exactly what I was going to say, and just the link I was going to post.
  • Visser1971
    Visser1971 Posts: 131
    LOVE Nigella! Thanks for sharing.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    love nigella and her food! yummy! she does do my head in though with her orgasmic voice! lol! but the woman can cook! and better still whenever i use her book i have everything in the cupboards unlike other cookbooks!
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    As much as I can't stand Gillian McKeith (the top photo) and all her dodgy dieting advice, it should be noted that she has been very unwell in the past and also she has curvature of the spine. Futhermore the picture of Gillian was taken in the jungle when she was in I'm a Celebrity, get me out of here, with no make up and after being there for a while, whereas the picture of Nigella is obviously at a stylish event.

    It makes me quite sad that we attack women for their looks. Gillian's beliefs and teachings? That's something else!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    im not sure you can really say that Nigellas good looks are a result of eating fat meat and puddings, and Gillian Mckeith is because she eats too healthily.
    Most people with unhealthy diets dont look anything like as gorgeous as Nigella. Theres a reason she is a top TV personality, and its not all down to her cooking. Shes blessed lookswise.
    Gillian Mckeith is a bit of a food nazi, but she has turned many seriously unhealthy peoples lives around. Sometimes she takes it a bit far, but extremes is what makes good telly.
    That artical also takes a very very bad picture of Gillian when she was appearing on that celebrity jungle programme camping out in the middle of nowhere, and then comparing it to a very good publicity photo of Nigella in full evening dress and full makeup.
    Youre not comparing like for like
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    and Nigella annoys me how she talks about food as though shes completely sexually aroused by it
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    As much as I can't stand Gillian McKeith (the top photo) and all her dodgy dieting advice, it should be noted that she has been very unwell in the past and also she has curvature of the spine. Futhermore the picture of Gillian was taken in the jungle when she was in I'm a Celebrity, get me out of here, with no make up and after being there for a while, whereas the picture of Nigella is obviously at a stylish event.

    It makes me quite sad that we attack women for their looks. Gillian's beliefs and teachings? That's something else!

    I don't think it's *Dr* McKeith's looks that wind people up, although that's an obvious target, it's the fact that she a self publicising arsehole, who dishes out Mickey Mouse advice on national TV, and is obsessed with people's poo. I think that makes the wizened old hag fair game.
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    and Nigella annoys me how she talks about food as though shes completely sexually aroused by it


    She is one sexy woman. I had no idea she was 50!
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member

    I don't think it's *Dr* McKeith's looks that wind people up, although that's an obvious target, it's the fact that she a self publicising arsehole, who dishes out Mickey Mouse advice on national TV, and is obsessed with people's poo. I think that makes the wizened old hag fair game.

    LOL, now this I agree with 100%
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    As much as I can't stand Gillian McKeith (the top photo) and all her dodgy dieting advice, it should be noted that she has been very unwell in the past and also she has curvature of the spine. Futhermore the picture of Gillian was taken in the jungle when she was in I'm a Celebrity, get me out of here, with no make up and after being there for a while, whereas the picture of Nigella is obviously at a stylish event.

    It makes me quite sad that we attack women for their looks. Gillian's beliefs and teachings? That's something else!

    I don't think it's *Dr* McKeith's looks that wind people up, although that's an obvious target, it's the fact that she a self publicising arsehole, who dishes out Mickey Mouse advice on national TV, and is obsessed with people's poo. I think that makes the wizened old hag fair game.

    And the fact that she lied about her qualifications. And for those who are knocking the comparison photos (quite rightly so), here's a publicity shot of Gillian...


    I still think Nigella looks better!

    Food-wise, I probably eat more in a Gillian-style than Nigella's (I don't eat meat, for example) but that's not to say that I don't do Nigella-esque desserts from time to time (*my* tiramisu and mascarpone gelato are to die for!)!

    TV personality-wise, I can't say I'm terribly fond of either; Gillian comes across as being completely up herself, and rather obsessive (there *is* no other way other than hers), and Nigella just seems to be a caricature of herself these days. Granted, she's fun but I do think she takes the sensuality too far. Having said that, in both cases, I suspect that how they come across is more do with the directors and producers, and careful editing, than the actual women themselves. Chances are that in real life, they are both quite different.

    Still doesn't excuse the fact that Gillian lied though. :frown:
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member

    Bwahahahaaa! My cheeks are hurting from laughing so much! Nice to see Will Self looking cleaned up and *not* with a cigarette for once!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i <3 Will Self
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    My friend went to a weight lose clinic, and they suggested to him that he uses real sugar & butter. He swears by it. He says that using real butter to cook with makes everything taste so much better and that you don't need as much to get flavor. a dab of butter & olive oil & YUM-O! I think everything in moderation is the key! I am weeding out my processed food, and it's nice not to see all that crap in my cupboards!
    In regards to that blog though, I think some people just age different. I have a friend that's my age, similar lifestyles (as in eating habits, actually, she prolly eats better then I did) and she looks OLD! lol I have to thank my parents for good genes! :-)
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    i <3 Will Self

    Me too! The man is a genius....and a bit sexeh too! :tongue:
  • Mythrain1
    Mythrain1 Posts: 27 Member
    So true!!! I work weekends, so I save either Saturday or Sunday for a big 300-400 calorie donut. Its the little things!
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    My friend went to a weight lose clinic, and they suggested to him that he uses real sugar & butter. He swears by it. He says that using real butter to cook with makes everything taste so much better and that you don't need as much to get flavor. a dab of butter & olive oil & YUM-O! I think everything in moderation is the key! I am weeding out my processed food, and it's nice not to see all that crap in my cupboards!

    Agreed - everything in moderation! I really don't think that a little butter and sugar here and there hurts. :smile:
    In regards to that blog though, I think some people just age different. I have a friend that's my age, similar lifestyles (as in eating habits, actually, she prolly eats better then I did) and she looks OLD! lol I have to thank my parents for good genes!

    I completely agree about the genes! I too have friends, some of whom are more than 10 years younger than me, and yet they look older. I think attitude plays a part too. I just refuse to grow up, whereas some people just get bogged down with being middle-aged before they're out of their 20s!
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member