Help with hair!

If this is in the wrong place, feel free to move around.

I am seeking advice from some workout men or women who sport long hair! I've been consistently going to the gym 3-6 times per week for the last month or two and I've started seeing an impact to my hair which I pretty much expected. As I tend to workup a sweat, I obviously shower every day after my workout. I still try to only shampoo my hair every other day, rinse inbetween, and condition it heavily to try and retain moisture.

Overall, my hair does not feel dry, but I am getting quite a bit of breakage along my brow, ala mom bangs. Do any of you have any tips or tricks on avoiding breakage despite working out, sweating, daily rinse/wash? If it helps, I have mid-back length red hair that's generally thick and coarser than normal locks.



  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    How are you keeping your hair out of your face? It could be the method is causing wear and tear like a headband in the same spot every day.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    How are you keeping your hair out of your face? It could be the method is causing wear and tear like a headband in the same spot every day.

    This. When I went to a Pixie cut a few years ago, I noticed that I was no longer getting those whispy hairs around my face. I thought about it for a while and realized that I was no longer putting my hair in to tight ponytails and figured that was likely the culprit.
  • acbraswell
    acbraswell Posts: 238 Member
    I have the dreaded breakage around where I pull my hair back with a pony-tail elastic. My hairdresser recommended the following:

    Deep-condition once a week
    A high-quality dry shampoo with a conditioner on days you don't wash (I use Moroccan Oil dry shampoo)
    Pull hair back with looser bands or wear a hat

  • summpear
    summpear Posts: 77 Member
    Ditto the swapping around styles.

    I changed hair product brands back in February and am super happy with my current brand. I went from having to wash/ condition every day or every other to only washing/ conditioning every week-10 days. That's regardless of working out or styling I do - i just rinse well with water when i don't wash.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    My hair is about tailbone length. I get the extra thick hair elastics, or use two thick elastics twisted together to make my ponytail, then bun it with a hairstick. For lifting, I do a higher ponytail and braid it. French braids are also good to help minimize breakage. I also wash and condition (usually) m/w/f and either dry shampoo or a scalp rinse in between. It's summer now and I'm swimming, so my wash schedule is a bit different, but I do fully rinse it and put in a cream after swimming.
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    If this is in the wrong place, feel free to move around.

    I am seeking advice from some workout men or women who sport long hair! I've been consistently going to the gym 3-6 times per week for the last month or two and I've started seeing an impact to my hair which I pretty much expected. As I tend to workup a sweat, I obviously shower every day after my workout. I still try to only shampoo my hair every other day, rinse in between, and condition it heavily to try and retain moisture.

    Overall, my hair does not feel dry, but I am getting quite a bit of breakage along my brow, ala mom bangs. Do any of you have any tips or tricks on avoiding breakage despite working out, sweating, daily rinse/wash? If it helps, I have mid-back length red hair that's generally thick and coarser than normal locks.


    Reactively, I'm confounded that you're only having issue along your browline with your bangs. Am thinking it's a fats (nutrition) and hydration (agreeing with posters above) issue or possibly, a product you're using within that zone is making it porous as suggested by Surfypants. Take a wide band and keep it off your face. If it's just your sweat from your workout, your nape hair should also be suffering, but clearly it's not (?), so it could also be something you're applying on your face or maybe just your eyebrows (?)

    I too have learnt from personal experience that wearing one hairdo for all workouts will stress out the exposed parts. You'll have to change it, even if it is slight. My sister on the otherhand, always changes her hairdo for she was a gymnast, so she'd do all those cute and pretty hairstyles, which I never did. When she'd encounter a slight issue with her flyaways, she'd simply plait it - calling it her "protective plait." I'd copied her out of desperation AND it works!!! I don't know if it's because of our hair texture or if it's because of our higher fat/protein diet right now - But presently, my hair is behaving. It is not fried, crying for dear life!!! Now understand this - I'd almost caved and wanted it all OFF.

    My hair type is atypically Pacific Islander hair - kinkier than most and finer than some. Like a kinky soft body wave lol Our hair lengths are along the hipline, only mine is shorter and far less thicker plus I have much less hair on my head. Compared to her's it's like mine is sparse. I hate that!!!!

    For maintenance (whilst strength-training/running/swimming/....) - the after protocol - I simply rinse it through with cold water (no matter the season), only that I apply leave-in conditioner plus what we call our fat pomade, whipped together and distributed from root to tip. And the maintenance throughout the day, is a water spritze bottle - think spritzing a plant like they do at an arboretum. We tend to workout with a bun, which starts as a pony (which changes location - high, middle, low, side low - left or right), because you need to alternate your stress-points. Then it becomes one long plait, which is then rolled around the pony base. We don't use pins or slides - the hair texture allows it to stay, unless we're in high winds, then we just let the buns drop and Lara Croft it lol susceptible to being spotted by other islanders lol
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    edited June 2018
    I have mid-back length red hair that's generally thick and coarser than normal locks.

    Do you wear your bangs naturally (ie thick and coarse) or do you straighten it?

    ETA: I've only just been to your page Eve and I'd noticed you'd cited Graves Disease. Sometimes medication can alter your hair condition. I'm not at all familiar with thyroid issues but having perused several discussions on here, women and men have mentioned its effects with their hair, from growth to loss. Having seen your photo, what I'm imagining is coarse is not coarse at all, so maybe one of your medications is affecting your hair structure from the tip? I chose to use hair gel for ONE event and suffered as a consequence because of it. My sister cautioned me to NOT use it because of our texture but I dared to anyway, regrettably. Result - hair damage, looked sunfried. Did you by any chance use something similar to control the bangs?
  • Dani9585
    Dani9585 Posts: 215 Member
    I pin my bangs back with bobby pins. Have you tried them? I cross them for a better hold.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,082 Member
    I would say you are under-eating and that will cause hair damage at the roots. Your body tries to conserve energy when it is stressed - hair is not necessary to life, so that will be one of the first signs of under eating.

    What are your stats? (Height, weight, occupation, calorie level? Are you eating more on exercise days? That is how Myfitnesspal is set up to work.)

    Here: (from "Help" at the top of any page)

    Myfitnesspal goals explained

  • bohoT
    bohoT Posts: 37 Member
    I agree with varying your style up to avoid breaking. French braid, high and low pony tails.
    Switching to a softer headband or hair tie (fabric instead of rubbery).

    If I know I'm showering right after I use the opportunity to put a little leave in conditioner in my hair. That reduces the friction and adds some nutrients. Plus it smells nice as you start sweating.

    If you eat meat, proteins like steak and fish are really good for your hair and your macros :)
  • MorningGrace73
    MorningGrace73 Posts: 36 Member
    Wow! So many amazing thoughts, thank you so much!

    For clarification on the questions that have been asked so far, I do not have bangs and have generally struggled with the flyaway breakage every since I had my son (even with my high-fat, terrible diets). This is mostly due to frequently using the 'struggle bun', but that is significantly more an issue now. I typically have my hair up in a mid-height bun for my workouts so that might be part of my issue. I'll try alternating the style/band and see if that helps.

    As for moisture, I condition every day I wash my hair (usually M/W/F) and use a leave in conditioner and/or serum as well. I think I'll make sure I add the deep condition weekly as well, and maybe ensure I spend more time on the front portion of my head.

    The comments about diet are something I had not considered and I have noticed what I feel to be 'thinning' at my temples, although I wasn't sure if it was that or sun bleaching due to being outside more often. It is entirely possible that I'm not eating enough calories on workout days or that my macros are out of whack as I tend to eat lower calories and macros than what's recommended. I've found when I actually eat my recommended calorie and macro intake, I am unable to lose weight. This is not an issue where I'm having non-scale changes and just not giving it a chance, this is something I've noticed after a month of 1200 calorie (and appropriate macro numbers) with exercise daily - and no change to my weight or measurements. I believe my BMR is likely a little lower, I've presumed due to the thyroid issues of the past, but it could be something else. I'd tossed around the idea of consulting with a nutritionist, maybe I'll actually setup an appointment and do that!

    On the comment about medications, I'd be more inclined to think that was the case but I've been on the med I am currently on for 2 years, and this is really the worst the issue has been so I think it might be more about diet and how I'm treating it.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited June 2018
    I have the same problem. I have really thick hair so I have to pull it back into a really tight pony tail otherwise it doesn’t stay up and starts to fall out. Perhaps I will try braiding it instead. I only wash my hair 2x a week but still have a lot of breakage. It’s to a point where I pull my hair back I have a ton of whispies sticking up all over my head.

    Also, I have never heard the term “mom bangs” so I googled it and brought up a bunch of porn links here at work :D
  • MorningGrace73
    MorningGrace73 Posts: 36 Member
    hesn92 wrote: »
    Also, I have never heard the term “mom bangs” so I googled it and brought up a bunch of porn links here at work :D

    Oh... oh my... I'm so sorry!

  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Those hair bands with the sticky strips pull on my hair terribly, and I gave those baby hairs around the hairline as it is. The wide, flatter bands may not be as cute but they are a gentle hold and do some sweat catching too. Sometimes I'll braid my hair side to side in front and ponytail the back, that gives the front and part a break.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Thyroid condition can affect your hair and so can your diet. I notice when I work out too hard and/or cut my calories drastically, my hair starts to shed a lot more. You might want to get a blood panel and make sure your thyroid and vitamin levels are good.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    I have worn my hair up all summer long for decades and never had a problem due to that. I do however have brittle hair when my anemia is untreated.

    Do see a dietitian rather than a nutritionist.

    What brand of shampoo/conditioner do you use?
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    edited June 2018
    Here's what works for me, I have butt length hair and bangs. Put it in a long braid and use a big hair clip to pull the bangs back. After my run I just hop in the shower and rinse off, I don't use soap every day... is that gross? lol that's why they invented deodorant ! During the summer here in FL it's so hot you sweat just stepping outside so I wear a braid pretty much the entire summer. It helps hair from tangling when sleeping too.
    I like what others said about getting your levels checked, make sure your thyroid isn't out of wack... make sure you're getting plenty of fruits, veggies, and protein! And maybe take a multivitamin if you aren't already.
  • MorningGrace73
    MorningGrace73 Posts: 36 Member
    I think perhaps it might be a good idea to check in with my physician and get a blood panel done, based on all the feedback. My thyroid levels could be out of whack anyway given I haven't had the dose 'recalculated' since losing 50 lbs. I know I'm already due for that so might as well get it all out of the way! Thankfully, I am already taking a multivitamin and will see what the doctor thinks about consulting with a dietitian.