Banned Foods from my Meal Plans

LAYLAH17 Posts: 170 Member
Today I decided to grab something quick (microwaveable) to eat. So I picked up a Tai Pei - Pepper Beef, container meal. MMM...I thought it wouldn't be that bad. It was 190 calories 3 cups in the container..Great I can finish it up for dinner. After dinner I went for a walk and my fingers were swollen. (still is) Needless to say I disregarded until I plugged it in my "quick dinner mix" . 570 calories 2,430g of sodium are you serious!!! Banned.... So what foods are banned from your diet?


  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Didn't completely banned, but I'm trying to stay away from process food, especially highly processed.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I won't ban anything at all, but I do try to avoid frozen meals and (recently) deli meat, both because of sodium content.
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    I have a "blacklist" of unhealthy foods that I am only allowed to eat once a week.

    @ LAYLAH17 BTW, the kitten in your profile picture is adorable!
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Things that I know if I start to eat them, I can't stop like Mr Kiplings French Fancies, jelly beans and chocolate rasins.
  • LozzaMc
    LozzaMc Posts: 9 Member
    Morrisons 'The Best' Coleslaw. Damn it's delicious and I could easily eat a whole container in one go. At 600 odd calories it's not the good snack I used to think it was! I haven't dared buy it since I started MFP, especially as I am the only one in the house who likes coleslaw and thus would HAVE to eat it all to myself, ha ha ha.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Nothing's banned, but I try to avoid things particularly high in sodium, saturated fat, etc. Especially if there's no real need for it.
  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    no processed foods, no white foods (sugar, white flour, pasta, white rice). but even those i'll eat very occasionally. my boyfriend cooks me dinner friday nights and i dont want to force him to buy foods just for me so i eat what he cooks me. which is usually quite healthy. i'm hoping to change his habits over time. lol
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    i am not banning anything but i am not having it unless i have the absolute best version of it. currently i really want buffalo wings but can't decide where the best ones are so i am passing it up. actually truth is mine are the best...i guess i should just make some wings this week ;-)
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I've banned white slice bread, pastries, cakes. Other things I know I can't eat without eating the rest of the packet with it.

    I always check labels thoroughly, I won't eat anything if I don't know what's in it now.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I've only eaten pasta 6 or 7 times since the beginning of the year. I stay away from bread, too. Except for low-carb tortillas. :) Everything else is pretty much an "in moderation" stance.
  • jtbaddison
    jtbaddison Posts: 134 Member
    I started two weeks ago, and we had a lunch meeting a work. I was thinking that a chicken salad sandwich with soup would be a better option than my typical meaty cheesy sandwich and chips. I could have eaten a double cheeseburger the calories were so high. I'll stay away from things drenched in mayo going forward.

    I don't even like Chicken Salad...
  • syu80
    syu80 Posts: 8
    I have banned The Old Spaghetti Factory for life! The day before last, I ate very few calories all day so at dinner time I still had 805 calories remaining for the day. I figured I could go out to eat and enjoy it without worry given my remaining calories. After dinner I came home and entered my calories and I was about 1300 calories OVER and that is with only eating half portions - and rememeber before dinner started I had 805 remaining calories.

    The garlic cheese bread is 1310 calories a single serving (2 pcs) not to mention there is not a single entree on the menu under 800 calories. Even the salads their are more calories than most people should eat in an entire day. No wonder when I asked the waitress upon arrival if the had anything stating calories per entree that she said they don't provide that info in the restaurant. No one would eat there if they did.

    Okay I am off my soap box.
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Skinny cow ice cream sandwiches and Kirkland dried fruit once I start I cant stop
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    The sodium will get you every time, huh? It seems like the "healthier" the product, the higher the sodium levels go up! :grumble: I haven't banned anything, but I do try and stay away from certain things....Kit Kat bars and M&M's are my weakness though, but thankfully I've managed to stay away from them since starting MFP. :smile:
  • I don't drink Sunkist because it's a slippery slope for me! And I can't handle the caffeine.
  • I do not eat bakery items at all--no bread, muffins, cookies, cakes. 50 days without a baked good. Feels pretty darned good.
  • I only eat meat (beef/chicken/pork) once per week. It's mostly for detox/cleansing purposes but it really has forced me to eat more fish which is lower in calories and overall healthier for me. I don't think I could succeed with calorie counting if I was still eating as much meat as I use to, unless I ate at Subway everyday, but that would get boring :)
  • syu80
    syu80 Posts: 8
    out of curiosity what is on the black list???
  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    I haven't banned anything. If I really want it I'll try and work around it.

    But there are a lot of things that I just try don't have often, simply because it isn't important enough to work around.
  • White rice, whole milk (love it) and ( hard to believe) mayonaise. Anything high in sodium. I used to eat a lot of pre-packaged "healthy meals", but the sodium amounts is ubelievable.