Everyone tells me to stop loosing weight now.

Well, When I started this I was 229lbs and now I am 171lbs. A loss of 58lbs so far. I have gone from Obese to overweight. Everyone says I have done really well and look great but when I say I want to loose another stone they say no way and that I would look ill.

I am still not happy ith my weigth and would like to loose another stone but what do others think?


  • ai965
    ai965 Posts: 118
    You should be losing weight for YOU, not for everyone else. Listen to yourself, your body, and decide what YOU want to do. It's your body, so YOU should control it. If you aren't happy with your body, then continue losing.
  • JJLive
    JJLive Posts: 88 Member
    Why not just see what you look like.. if you think it looks unhealthy, increase your calories slightly and gain a few pounds back.. it certainly is easier to gain it then to lose it.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    How tall are you? A stone is 14 pounds, correct? If you are a short person, then I don't think 14 pounds is too much, but you should probably consult a doctor to be sure. If people that love and care for you are telling you that they're worried you'll be too thin, it may be out of true concern for your health. The only way to know for sure is to get guidance from your doctor.
  • martinh78
    martinh78 Posts: 601
    How would you look ill? You'd look slimmer as a result of eating and exercising, there's no way that could be looked upon as ill.

    Keep at it, you've done great so far!

    Are these friends overweight by any chance?
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Well, When I started this I was 229lbs and now I am 171lbs. A loss of 58lbs so far. I have gone from Obese to overweight. Everyone says I have done really well and look great but when I say I want to loose another stone they say no way and that I would look ill.

    I am still not happy ith my weigth and would like to loose another stone but what do others think?

    Our society has become so overweight that "normal weight" now looks "gaunt" or "sickly". Just smile, and go do your thing.
  • helenium
    helenium Posts: 546 Member
    Don't factor their opinions into the equation. This is your body. If you're still overweight BMI there's nothing wrong with losing another stone. Don't assume that these people are looking out for your well-being. They probably don't want you to have a better health than they do. They'd feel bad.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    Do whats healthier for you. In my opinion I wont stop until I get to a healthy weight, specially if you are still not happy. Do whatever keeps you healthy and happy, no matter what everyone else is telling you.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think a lot of times when someone loses a lot of weight the difference is so great that people think they've hit goal before they really have. I don't know your height, but if you are 171 then it's doubtful that you are not in danger of becoming too thin yet. Maybe just don't tell them that you want to lose more, but continue with your plan.
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    Someone is always going to tell you that you don't need to lose anymore weight. I'm overweight and I still have people telling me that I shouldn't lose a pound. Who are they kidding? When I lost 65 pounds a few years ago, those same people were flipping out and told me I shouldn't have lost that much. I was 180 or so at 5'2. Are you joking me? Some people will put a damper on your achievements. As long as you are doing things right and know your limitations, keep going. You know what's best for you.
  • Lollyvoddy
    Lollyvoddy Posts: 194 Member
    Well, When I started this I was 229lbs and now I am 171lbs. A loss of 58lbs so far. I have gone from Obese to overweight. Everyone says I have done really well and look great but when I say I want to loose another stone they say no way and that I would look ill.

    I am still not happy ith my weigth and would like to loose another stone but what do others think?

    Our society has become so overweight that "normal weight" now looks "gaunt" or "sickly". Just smile, and go do your thing.

    EXACTLY!!! I'm in the same boat, people telling me constantly to stop losing even though I am still technically 'overweight'. I refuse to let someone else deter me from my goal. I didn't start at morbidly obese to still be overweight at the end of my journey. I'm fit and healthy and strong, not 'wasting away' as some people think. Don't let anyone tell you what to do. Good luck!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Everyone says that to me too. I have gone from 152 ish to 133 ish. I am not yet happy with my body so I am not stopping yet. My arms and legs look good, but I still have a horrible post pregnancy tummy.
  • fairlady17
    171 lbs is 12 stone 2 lbs right? It really depends on how tall you are and your bone structure, also whether you are a man or a woman.

    You have done a great job and I guess people are having a problem keeping up with the new you. Go have a look at what the right weight range is for your height and build, keep a copy to show your family and friends and reassure them that you are not going to go "too far". They may think you are starving yourself but do they see what you eat?

    I think it is great you have people who care about you so much, so you need to work on them now as well as yourself. If you do it little by little and stay on the programme of eating enough calories you should soon attain your desired weight and look, so don't be discouraged.

    Restting your goals is really important so keep it up!!
  • Sandicook13
    I think you should check with you Dr. It's important to feel good about yourself, but your Dr.'s advice/opinion is doubly important.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Just thought I'd also add that I have had people tell me that I look fine at 220 pounds and that I was at a great looking weight at 180 ... I'm 5'2", and there's no way even 180 was healthy ... but I still think that it's important to get in touch with your doctor!
  • sleepy184
    sleepy184 Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks everyone for your thoughts.
    I am Male and 5ft 6 so no I dont think I will look ill.
    Like some have said, some of these friends are overweight and have tried to loose weight and cant but when I say what I have lost they are amazed but tell me that that should be enough.

    I am doing this for myself and my family but you are right, I will stop when I am happy.
    I'm following the plan and I am losing about 1-2lb per week.
    I have spoke to my doctor and he says I need to loose around another 2 stone so I think 1stone is a good aim.

    It just amazes me that when I was my original weight people kept on at me that I should loose weight and now they are saying stop! LOL.

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts.
  • Rickh123456
    Rickh123456 Posts: 12 Member
    First, congratulations on a great accomplishment! Second, you should realize that you look completely different that you looked when you started this journey, and the folks who are telling you to stop are probably reacting to the change. They might mean well, and there is a chance that they are correct.

    I have lost an enormous amount of weight, and figured that everybody who was telling me to stop were all wrong. Looking back on it, they were wrong when they first started to tell me that. . My "head" still thinks of myself as a man who weighs 306 pounds, but the mirror says 180. At times, I still think of myself as "fat" but with a waist size of 32 now (down from 52) I realize that is simply not the case. However, I have had the advantage of keeping my doctor in the loop during my weight loss, and it was he who set my "goal" weight. (I am a few pounds below the goal weight, but I am no longer trying to loose, but rather to maintain.)

    Just to make sure that your head is not playing tricks on you, I believe that you should visit your doctor for a check-up, and ask him/her what you should weigh. I was a few others mention this advise, and I believe it is sound. If nothing else, it would give you real ammunition to direct at well-meaning family members. When they say "you have lost enough" you can retort "just about .. my doctor wants me to lose just a few more to be at a healthy weight for me."

    Good luck, and again, congratulations on a great loss.
  • RajwaJ
    RajwaJ Posts: 191 Member
    I'm 5ft 7 and currently 169lb after being 218lb. I am always being told by friends, customers at work etc that I have lost enough or there isn't anything else to lose. I see myself naked and can see the fat below the waist. I know there is still weight to lose. My Chiropractor has advised me to stop losing weight by diet but instead do more exercise. She reckons by working out more and strengthening my body I will still get smaller but without losing my muscle (which is important for my job). I am currently on maintenance calories but still losing weight so I guess my body itself isn't ready to stop yet.

    I'm going to stop when I feel ready to stop.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Thanks everyone for your thoughts.
    I am Male and 5ft 6 so no I dont think I will look ill.
    Like some have said, some of these friends are overweight and have tried to loose weight and cant but when I say what I have lost they are amazed but tell me that that should be enough.

    I am doing this for myself and my family but you are right, I will stop when I am happy.
    I'm following the plan and I am losing about 1-2lb per week.
    I have spoke to my doctor and he says I need to loose around another 2 stone so I think 1stone is a good aim.

    It just amazes me that when I was my original weight people kept on at me that I should loose weight and now they are saying stop! LOL.

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts.
    What's your body fat percentage? That's ultimately more important then your final weight. I'm 5'7", and my lean body mass is actually more than your current weight. If I tried to drop down to where you are, I'd have to lose 15 to 20 pounds of muscle, and probably would look sickly. I'm shooting for an 8-10% body fat percentage which will put me at about 190. So keep an eye on body fat more than the weight itself. You may need to drop a stone, you may need to drop 2, or you may not need to lose anything at all. It's all up to your personal goal.
  • Amysgetnfit
    Why not just see what you look like.. if you think it looks unhealthy, increase your calories slightly and gain a few pounds back.. it certainly is easier to gain it then to lose it.
    Isnt that the truth!
    Bottom line is it depends on how YOU want to look & feel & be Healthy. & how tall are you? If you are like me & short 5'1" then 170lbs is still too heavy, if you are over 6' tall then you are close to normal. Also take into account the people who are telling you you would be too skinny. how healthy is there weight / life style? I had a few people tell me this way back when I finally started to get good results & found out later that they were upset because i was no longer one of them or their chubby friend who made them look good.people who really are out for whats best for you will always be supportive!
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    I'm thinking a body fat percentage check and a dr. visit are good regardless of what these people are saying.