

  • maria1993
    maria1993 Posts: 112
    I have a friend who is like thins with berries.. She is out for about a week or two when she has a bad reaction
  • badfish602
    My wife is allergic to Fruits and Vegetables. There is some sort of protein in them that gives her the same reaction that your having. There are a few fruits that she can have raw. Apples and Pineapples. As for Veggies she will have a small amount of fresh Cabbage, Lettuce, Onion and thats a hit or miss with her having a reaction. Most veggies have to be cooked. To get the nutrients from fruits and veggies, she drinks orange juice, V8, and V8 fusion with out a reaction. Processed fruits and vegetables seem to be okay for her to eat. But some times she gets curious or irritated and will try cherry tomatoes, etc. I have been with her 8 years and have never had to take her to the hospital for a reaction (knock on wood). Most of the time her throat swells up a bit or she gets real itchy.

    We have a Costco Card and i will let her know about the Fuitfestiv and Juicefestiv supplements.

    Im sorry that i couldnt be of much help. If you have any specific questions for her feel free to ask.
  • lcm3
    lcm3 Posts: 2 Member
    You could try grilling them. Not the same as raw, but it's a start.