New at this...just looking for training food ideas

Just looking for some food prep ideas for weight training.


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I think you should be looking at the three different aspects, together and separately:
    What you need to eat to fuel your exercise properly.
    Whether and how meal prep is going to help you eat properly, without interfering with your schedule/family/social life.
    What you like to eat, your schedule, cooking skills and cooking/storing facilities.
  • GeorgeGCT
    GeorgeGCT Posts: 20 Member
    What type of nutrition plan? I prepare Keto meals but have cooked for a very long time. I always enjoy food chat.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    I like 4 oz. ground turkey + 3/4 c. green beans + 1 T. sugar-free ketchup as a basic go to.

    Additionally, I do a "taco egg scramble" with 2 oz. ground turkey, 6 T. egg whites, 1/2 c. spinach, handful of chopped red onions, 1 T. Kernel Seasons Nacho Cheese and 1 T. Fiesta Seasoning. Sometimes I'll add on 1 T. sour cream and 1/8 c. taco shredded cheese if I have the availability in my macros.

    Basic salads are always good - 18 g. goat cheese, 1/2 c. Perdue Short Cuts chicken, 1 T. balsamic vinegar on top of spring mix - add in 1 T. cranberries and 1 T. walnuts if you have room in the macros.

    Simple protein cake - 1/3 C. Hodgson Oat bran + 3/4 c. water and microwave for 1.5 mins. Then add in 1/4 c. PEScience Protein 4 Oats, microwave for 30 seconds. Top with Walden Farms syrup of your choice, maybe some fruit and PB.

    Siggi's yogurt, cottage cheese, edamame, hard boiled eggs and protein bars are my grab and go snacks.
  • Brabo_Grip
    Brabo_Grip Posts: 285 Member
    Sweet potatoes. Never was fond of them until the last few years, now I have one almost everyday. “Good” carbs, that really give me that next days boost. I’m on a weight cut right now and they are the difference maker for me to maintain training intensity while on severely restricted calories.