Absolutely fed up I could cry



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    @TavistockToad first one is 216.3 2nd one is 212.3

    so the trend gives you an average based on all of the weight points. it means that when your weight fluctuates up the trend weight doesn't fluctuate as dramatically as scale weight so you can still see whether your weight overall is going up or down.

    you need a few weeks worth of data to be able to see properly how it works.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I feel like this because in the past twice I have lost about 3lbs per week and I was at a lower weight. I did intermittent fasting and the other I ate 5/6 meals a day at a calorie deficit. This time i decided to just eat at a deficit no matter what food it is. And this time it's just feels really slow even being at my highest weight ever. That's why I feel so deflated because I did so well in the past. I guess I was just expecting the same results this time :(

    How long did you stick with these two other diets? Sounds like neither of them really were a good fit for you, or you would still be doing them. You also mention that you were at a lower weight, so what does that tell you? If you want different results you need to do different things. Trust in the process and give it some more time.

    The trending app works best after several weeks worth of data points have been entered.

    Your being way too impatient with all of this.
  • NikaIris
    NikaIris Posts: 42 Member
    Weight loss will be slower the older you get.
    But if you stick to a calorie deficit you will definitly lose the weight.
    The whole undereating-thing is *kitten*, tbh.
    It's not healthy to constantly undereat but you will never gain weight if you undereat or else we would have no starving kids in Africa but tons of chubby ones from all the "undereating".

    I usually gain about 2-4lbs water weight right before my period, so maybe it's the same for you. Try to weigh yourself once a week at the beginning and don't expect a daily weight loss.
    I lost 55lbs in a year and sometimes I lost 6lbs in a months and sometimes just 1, depending on water weight, how much I exercised, what I ate, when I ate, how the stars were aligned etc.

  • BigMamaLynsey
    BigMamaLynsey Posts: 390 Member
    @nutmegoreo 6 months + I stopped because I ended up with kidney stones as I didn't drink enough. I went through hospital and pain basically and fell of the wagon as Christmas came up. The next time was about 5 or 6 months and I got bored with weighing 5/6 times of food and cooking so much. I have 3 kids so just got tired of cooking all their food as well as mine lol. I like how i eating now as I generally actually like the food I'm eating. Annoying tracking calories but I'm happy with the food I'm eating
  • BigMamaLynsey
    BigMamaLynsey Posts: 390 Member
    @kommodevaran yeah a little. I know I'm very impatient I just hate myself and my body. I wish I could go back to the way I used to be as a teen. I do have anxiety/social anxiety and depression so basically there are days I don't wanna do anything at all. That's why I have cut my exercise down and will only do it if I've gone over my cal limit I don't wanna feel forced to exercise so I'm taking it nice and slow. I don't mind that my weightloss is being slow it's more I'm worried I'm doing something wrong and it's stalled. I worry too much it's part of my illness. Paranoid too :/
  • J_NY_Z
    J_NY_Z Posts: 2,540 Member
    Lynsey, weight fluctuations and weighing day by day will kill your morale. Pick a day of the week and make that your weigh in day. My example for you: Sunday night I went to bed weighing 213.5 pounds and woke up 208.6. That's 5 pounds of water consumption and food metabolism.

    Eat less, move more and weigh only once a week.
  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    @kommodevaran yeah a little. I know I'm very impatient I just hate myself and my body. I wish I could go back to the way I used to be as a teen. I do have anxiety/social anxiety and depression so basically there are days I don't wanna do anything at all. That's why I have cut my exercise down and will only do it if I've gone over my cal limit I don't wanna feel forced to exercise so I'm taking it nice and slow. I don't mind that my weightloss is being slow it's more I'm worried I'm doing something wrong and it's stalled. I worry too much it's part of my illness. Paranoid too :/

    Exercise just gives you more calories to eat. So for people like me who love too much food and love eating, that was one of the reasons I decided to try to incorporate more exercise into my life.

    But you don't have to do it! Nice and slow is good. Until you can feel less anxious about the reducing calories process I wouldnt worry about it. Liking the food you are eating and not feeling worn out prepping it is important. Just be accurate with your logging and the weight will come off.
  • Xerogs
    Xerogs Posts: 328 Member
    edited June 2018
    @kommodevaran yeah a little. I know I'm very impatient I just hate myself and my body. I wish I could go back to the way I used to be as a teen. I do have anxiety/social anxiety and depression so basically there are days I don't wanna do anything at all. That's why I have cut my exercise down and will only do it if I've gone over my cal limit I don't wanna feel forced to exercise so I'm taking it nice and slow. I don't mind that my weightloss is being slow it's more I'm worried I'm doing something wrong and it's stalled. I worry too much it's part of my illness. Paranoid too :/

    Just be present. You can't change the past and can only be present day in and day out to help guide your future. Don't self loath and be patient. Take a mindful approach to every day, it will help with the things that clutter your mind and aren't self serving to help you achieve your goals. It will happen, there are plenty of people in these forums that will help with support. It looks like you have all your ducks in a row now just follow through and stay (mind/body) healthy. Undue stress is going to have the opposite effect on any program you put into place. Get enough sleep, stay hydrated, be active, and be mindful in some way whether that is through keeping a journal of your day and/or meditating. It will get easier.

    I understand where you are coming from, I had one crushing day this week and really didn't feel like doing anything but I stuck to my routine and what normally would have been a week long "IDGF" week turned into 12 hours of meh. My instructor from last semester said "that on the days you don't want to meditate are probably the days you really need to plant your butt on the cushion and do it". Same goes for exercise in my opinion and whatever lifestyle changes you are trying to implement.

    Give yourself time and space and down the road you can look back and see where you were and just how far you have come.

  • BridgetPrzy
    BridgetPrzy Posts: 9 Member
    I know I'm very impatient I just hate myself and my body.

    I'm so sorry you feel that way about yourself. You need to find positive things about yourself and not focus on the number on the scale. You can change the way you look in the mirror, but it's not going to change the way you feel about yourself on the inside. You honestly seem like a very beautiful person, inside and out. Focus on what you want to achieve from being lighter, like having more energy, feeling stronger, running a 5k, etc. It'll give you something to work towards instead of trying to make the scale cooperate.

    I've been on my journey for 3 weeks now, and I swear the scale is tormenting me. I have only lost about 6 pounds, but I lost about 8 inches from various measurements I took at the start, I feel physically stronger from going to the gym 5-6 days a week, and I feel better on the inside from eating less and eating good food. Non-scale victories are very important!
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    You need to give it more than three weeks :) Eat healthy for 3 months. Then compare. This stuff doesn't happen overnight.
  • chulipa
    chulipa Posts: 650 Member
    You could be like me lost a lot of water weight then didnt lose much for a while I think your body puts the water weight back on just give it time you will start losing like I did and if not lower it by 100 calories wait a few weeks and see and if not take another 100 off and you will find what makes you lose like you want to
  • kitsana_d
    kitsana_d Posts: 1 Member
    Weight loss fluctuates more for women - our cycles get stuff screwy. Do your best to ignore the scale and look at other indicators like how you feel, your energy levels, your skin tone and color, etc. You can do this!!!
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    Did anybody say "monthly" yet? She's 28 so she still has her mense.
  • GrantRKn
    GrantRKn Posts: 17 Member
    So you was averaging 1000-1100 kcal and you’ve boosted up to 1400-1500, carbohydrates lead to a rise in insulin levels which inevitably can cause a rise in water retention and cause the kidneys to re absorbs more water, 400 kcal isn’t enough to significantly make you put more weight on especially only at 1500 ( taking into concideratio the way your body actually works as everyone is different ) I would suggest to weigh yourself every 2 weeks, water influx can be triggered by many things and is the main cause of weight gain which is something that is troubling me at the moment. No need to get frustrated you’re doing an excellent job
  • Leannedoddy
    Leannedoddy Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah I think your being too hard on yourself! 3 weeks is no where near enough time to allow your body to get used to the new eating/exercises. You need to be doing this consistently for a good 3 months before you will start to notice true changes.

    Also 1 pound a week is a great number, you lost big numbers weekly on other diets but it sounds like you gained that back + extra!

    Slow steady weight loss is much more likely that you will keep it off! Like you say your enjoying your diet now... Its a lifestyle change and your not starving yourself!

    Be patient and keep doing what you are doing! Try new foods and don't let it get stagnent eating the same thing day in day out xx
  • jkaczke5811
    jkaczke5811 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't know if this happens to any other ladies, but my weight does rapidly change that one week a month... No matter how great my diet or fitness, there's just no way I'm going to loose weight around that time (but can easily gain 8 pounds of water weight). You might want to invest in a body fat composition scale. It will tell you if you've lost fat, but is equaled out by water or muscle. One month isn't a good representation of weight loss potential. Besides that, I feel like slower loses are much more sustainable. A win is 1 pound a week, awesome if it's 2. I didn't gain this weight all over night or rapidly, so I figure I'm going to loose it slowly too. Stick with it! Don't be too hard on yourself! Sometimes everyone needs a good cry on the bathroom floor with the scale, but be kind and understanding with yourself!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I don't know if this happens to any other ladies, but my weight does rapidly change that one week a month... No matter how great my diet or fitness, there's just no way I'm going to loose weight around that time (but can easily gain 8 pounds of water weight). You might want to invest in a body fat composition scale. It will tell you if you've lost fat, but is equaled out by water or muscle. One month isn't a good representation of weight loss potential. Besides that, I feel like slower loses are much more sustainable. A win is 1 pound a week, awesome if it's 2. I didn't gain this weight all over night or rapidly, so I figure I'm going to loose it slowly too. Stick with it! Don't be too hard on yourself! Sometimes everyone needs a good cry on the bathroom floor with the scale, but be kind and understanding with yourself!

    Scales aren't accurate to determine bodyfat