Skinny Fat Tummy NO MATTER WHAT?!!?!



  • GeorgeGCT
    GeorgeGCT Posts: 20 Member
    You can always try vacuum stomach exercises. Not so much squeezing your abs, but sucking your belly button into your body as much as possible and holding. Breath out and hold when you do it. You should see your ribs stick out. Keep the shoulders back. Just my opinion. Strengthens the internal muscles that hold the intestines in. Also getting your body to run on it's own fat could help( I.E Ketosis). Just trying to help.
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    okay, so I am I the only one who thinks the OP is cute AF.

    I wouldn't change a thing on you. Have you seen pulp fiction, the scene where Bruce Willis has to explain to blueberry pancakes how cute a girls tum is?

    and pps - you are NOT skinny FAT
  • Davidsdottir
    Davidsdottir Posts: 1,285 Member
    eminater wrote: »
    okay, so I am I the only one who thinks the OP is cute AF.

    I wouldn't change a thing on you. Have you seen pulp fiction, the scene where Bruce Willis has to explain to blueberry pancakes how cute a girls tum is?

    and pps - you are NOT skinny FAT

    No, I was one of the first to respond and said she looked great.

    RE: the comment about recovering from anorexia... I'm on mobile and hasn't seen the OP's profile. I agree, there is nothing wrong with you physically, and you may need to talk to someone. You look really good, but lifting weights can improve your bone density, musculature, and body composition.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    "Abs are made in the kitchen"!

    What does your diet look like? Are you taking any type of toning product? Are you incorporating any core strengthening exercises or isolated ab work during your workouts?

    Toning product?
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    eminater wrote: »
    okay, so I am I the only one who thinks the OP is cute AF.

    I wouldn't change a thing on you. Have you seen pulp fiction, the scene where Bruce Willis has to explain to blueberry pancakes how cute a girls tum is?

    and pps - you are NOT skinny FAT

    Wrong. His girlfriend is trying to explain to him why she thinks a pot belly is sexy. Common get with your fandom.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I agree with the comments that there is nothing wrong with you, but your posture could be better. A good weights program would help, but I also really like my abs roller. It really strengthened my core and costs like eight bucks. Push-ups are another core strengthener you can do with no equipment.

    Not every woman needs visible abs. It irks me that visible abs have become the standard - for many women this look is not sustainable or healthy. Particularly for someone recovering from an eating disorder it's not the best goal. Work on becoming strong and healthy!
  • julie_bee_123
    julie_bee_123 Posts: 25 Member
    I think your body is fabulous, and is the type of body I find most attractive on a woman.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    To add to what @FitSeachely stated, there is a very specific order in which we can optimize ab training. Jeff Cavelier at AthleanX has those youtube videos. I am starting tomorrow (and gonna have a six pack - something that I have NEVER had, even as athletic as I have been most of my life - at age 51!). Put the science back in training, folks (yes, stolen from one Jeff Cavalier!)
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I do not understand eating disorders, @Gainsngrub, so I might not be the most qualified to offer advice to you, specifically, but I would suggest - as someone else did - that consistency will be your friend. And, not that it matters, but I think that you look great right now!
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    Wrong. His girlfriend is trying to explain to him why she thinks a pot belly is sexy. Common get with your fandom.

    ooopss... yeah, you're right ... it's not the Mandala effect, my memory is just a bit *kitten* up.

    Nice scene still tho ...

  • CowboySar
    CowboySar Posts: 404 Member
    I think your too hard on yourself, I think you look great. Work on core, keep working out, and keep your nutrition in check. If its an issue it will come.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    eminater wrote: »
    jessef593 wrote: »
    Wrong. His girlfriend is trying to explain to him why she thinks a pot belly is sexy. Common get with your fandom.

    ooopss... yeah, you're right ... it's not the Mandala effect, my memory is just a bit *kitten* up.

    Nice scene still tho ...

    That whole movie was good. But yeah that one had a lasting effect. No hard feelings! I'm just happy someone else uses that movie on life Haha
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    I don't think you're "skinny fat", I think you really are very nicely shaped. For the goals you mention, I'd second consistent weight training as your best bet, and I also think there may be something to that posture suggestion. It's not a matter of "sucking in your stomach", it's a question of the angle of your hips to your upper torso, how you hold your shoulders, and that sort of thing. Those relate both to habit, and to core strength.

    Because your side photo is from a low angle and not full length, it's a little hard to tell, but it's possible that your pelvis is tilted a bit and your shoulders carried a bit forward, which will tend to give a bit more prominence to the belly area. Experiment with standing sideways to the mirror, drawing yourself up as if suspended from the crown of your head, shoulders down and back, hips under shoulders and pelvis somewhat more vertical, and see if that makes a difference. If so, working on core and posture may help you, in addition to the more consistent strength training.

    You've accomplished a great deal, and really are very lovely. (Nothing creepy intended; I could be your granny. ;) ). Continuing with athletic and body composition goals in a healthy way, working with your support team and other expert sources, will continue to carry you in a positive direction!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    There is ZERO wrong with your body. In fact, it's adorable. If anything, work on posture and strengthening your core. I wouldn't worry about body fat or weight at this point. <3