When Do You Buy New Clothes



  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    I need to dress fairly professionally for work, although I can be somewhat "fashion forward" with accessories, etc. if I don't go crazy. To maximize my clothes budget and keep me feeling good about whatever success I am having, I make sure I have at least two pairs of pants and two skirts that fit decently since my weight loss usually has a greater effect on my pants/skirts than elsewhere.

    I make sure I have several fairly neutral tops, such as Chico's simple traveller tops that aren't a one-season look and also work at multiple sizes. I load up on scarves when they're on sale, as well as jewelery when it's on clearance (Macy's and Boston Store/Herbergers/Bon Ton are great sources--esp. yellow dot!). That way a relatively small amount of clothes goes a long way and depending on what jewelry I wear with it, the same outfit can look completely different.

    I've used many of the other tips as well, e.g., pulling out the clothes I'd grown out of and replenishing from that stash, having simple dresses that work at multiple sizes.

    And I highly recommend belts! When you use them over a loose-fitting top, you can not only show off your new figure, but also get a few more months of wear from it. Tanks under (now) losse-fitting blouses/shirts are also a good way to perk up the stuff you have. I buy them when they're on sale, too.
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    I have to look nice at work and was sick of my stuff falling off me too, so I bought the bare minimum (black slacks and few tops to mix and match) when I needed to. I've since done it again and need to shop for new one's again (we change "uniform" colors every six months) since nothing from last winter will be fitting me at ALL!!!! I was a 14 last year... I'm now in a 6. Love clearance racks... but properly fitting clothes will not only show off your hard work, it will make you feel so much more confident!!! Please don't wait until you lose 100 pounds... just pick up the basics every other size you hit. So good for the psyche... not so good for the bank account, but that's another story!!!

    Wow! You have done great! That's a good idea for work clothes. I work in a very corporate setting and the women are very stylish. I look like a bum right now.
  • 2pinks1blue
    When my clothes aren't wearable anymore- but I shop clearance/thrift stores, and will until I reach my goal weight.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    I just buy the bare minimum to get buy. Buying a bunch of clothes in a size I know isn't gonna fit long doesn't seem justified to me. I have also found some great things at yard sales and used clothing stores. So i'm not paying alot and it doesn't hurt so bad when it doesn't fit for long.

    Love this! I waited till I was nearly three sizer smaller. My clothes looked awful on me as they were SO baggy!. I bought 5 new pants & shirts but that's all I'm getting as I know that they won't make it through the winter.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I totally get you not wanting to spend on clothes that won't fit very long.
    That's what Target is for.
  • mrsmartin5
    What I have done is sell the clothes that were too big on ebay and then use that money to buy new clothes that fit, some used some new
  • MzMiller1215
    MzMiller1215 Posts: 633 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your suggestions!
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I've been taking my clothes in with a sewing machine. I've dropped about two pant sizes; if I had dropped four or five sizes, I'd probably pick up stuff at a thrift store or clearance sales.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I am handy with a sewing machine, so I take things in, change the elastics so as to gather more. I figure I can loose 3 dress sizes and adjust my clothes from an 18 down to a 14, for example. Lower than that, and new clothes will be needed because the darts will need to be moved due to the decrease in breast size and location on the body. On most fabrics these days, that can't be done invisibly.

    If the tailoring on the dress or pants is simple, then it is simple to adjust them. But if there are lots of special design features, special draping, etc, then, you are better off leaving it alone, and taking it to the consignment store.
  • ashliz2012
    I go shopping every week. I think it keeps me motivated to see how I can wear things that I could never wear before. I'm not saying I spend lots of money every week though. I shop at outlet stores and usually only buy one or two (or three if it's really cheap lol) things.
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    I always say, I worked really hard to get to each stage of weight loss...so I deserve to buy clothes that fit and look good! Besides buying smaller sizes and looking better in your clothes will only motivate you to stay on track!!!! Keep up the good work!