Best tasting chocolate protein shake powder?

I had some chocolate protein powder that I loved but I don’t remember what it was. Looking for recommendations please.


  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Back when I was doing a lot of smoothies, I liked Chocorite's products.
  • chandraminick
    chandraminick Posts: 452 Member
    I am a cheap skate and not really a bulker so I dont need some expensive insanely super food, so I used it in smoothies to disquise all the crazy veggies I put in there. It is found at Walmart and called six star decadent chocolate whey.
  • unicornasaurus1524
    unicornasaurus1524 Posts: 3 Member
    Essential 10 meal replacement. the Belgian chocolate flavor is delicious. It keeps you feeling full and has tons of antioxidants. I don't know if you have Kroger near you but that's where I buy it. You can find it in the health food section. :)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Any vanilla protein powder with enough cocoa/sugar free jello chocolate pudding added to taste.
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
  • msmit002
    msmit002 Posts: 7 Member
    I happen to like Orgain. But protein powders are incredibly subjective.