Has your appearance changed a great deal as you've aged?

Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
I went to a few events recently and saw people I had not seen for maybe 4-10 years. Many people were unrecognizable- not saying they looked bad just dramatically different. A few looked pretty much the same. Some people look a lot more like one of their parents as they have aged.
I was told I had not changed at all by someone I had not seen for about 4 years. (Thanks?) No one seemed to have trouble recognizing dh or myself immediately.



  • PaperDoll_
    PaperDoll_ Posts: 32,850 Member
    I don't think it has much. People always recognize me. But I do get told now that I look so much like my mom whereas when I was little people always said I looked like my dad.
  • Keto_N_Iron
    Keto_N_Iron Posts: 5,385 Member
    Yes... wrinkle wrinkles and more wrinkles
  • valerian101
    valerian101 Posts: 29 Member
    Well, I have definitely aged! I do not look like I did when I was eight if I multiply it by ten. I agree with bojack5's comment. Keeping healthy and fit is more important than superficial appearances. :D<3
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    The school I attended only had 3 girls in the boarding house where we were the constant students and not exchange Asian sister school boarders who were coloured ( my sister and I + her bff). At school proper, there were only my sister and I who were Islanders, 3 Sri Lankans ( 2 were sisters) and my sister's bff the Filipino/American. In the sea of 96% blondes, they'd pretty much peg us all upon entry, no matter if Mother time has been kind or not.

    The blondes today are more difficult to distinguish, most especially if they'd chosen a more sun worshipper & au naturel life. It's when they're with their daughters that makes discerning their identities easy.
  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 377 Member
    Yes, I have put on weight. I've gained 30 lbs in the three years since I turned 40, which is why I'm here on MFP.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    In the spirit of before and after, I had to go into vintage files to find an old pic. The old pic is a pic taken before Christmas Eve Mass, the latter is very recent.

  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    edited June 2018
    Lounmoun wrote: »
     I went to a few events recently and saw people I had not seen for maybe 4-10 years. Many people were unrecognizable- not saying they looked bad just dramatically different. A few looked pretty much the same. Some people look a lot more like one of their parents as they have aged
    I was told I had not changed at all by someone I had not seen for about 4 years. (Thanks?)  No one seemed to have trouble recognizing dh or myself immediately.

    Approaching reunion in the Southern Hemisphere for me will be in the year 2020, so  ... Yes.  I've not entirely been in contact with my whole year but for the few who'd also migrated here to the US, now married to Europeans whose small family businesses is where they'd met whilst holidaying.  

    It'll be quick for any of my schoolmates to spot me, for the majority look very different.


    ETA: My recent pic is of me with my God-child who was visiting over Father's Day weekend.
  • hud54014
    hud54014 Posts: 3,777 Member
    Aging sucks. I hate it. The minute someone tell you that you that look good for your age... Ugh. At least there are interventions to slow the inevitable.
  • itwentthere
    itwentthere Posts: 404 Member
    hud54014 wrote: »
    Aging sucks. I hate it. The minute someone tell you that you that look good for your age... Ugh. At least there are interventions to slow the inevitable.

    You look good for your age!

    28 right?
  • hud54014
    hud54014 Posts: 3,777 Member
    hud54014 wrote: »
    Aging sucks. I hate it. The minute someone tell you that you that look good for your age... Ugh. At least there are interventions to slow the inevitable.

    You look good for your age!

    28 right?

    Yes.... yes I am :#