New to MFP from weight watchers!

Hey there!
I've been on weight watchers and doing well since November when I suddenly realized... Is counting smartpoints for my whole life realistic? What am I even learning about eating in the real world?

So, I'm trialling coming over to MFP to see how I do. Has anyone had successwith this coming from weight watchers?

Also! Does anyone have a treat day? I used to use my weekly points for a treat meal on a saturday night. Can you do that sort of thing on MFP?

Wouldn't love to find community and support here :)

My names sarah, I'm a PCOS sufferer, 25 and enjoy cooking :)


  • sarahlouspencer
    sarahlouspencer Posts: 7 Member
    I would!!! Not wouldn't!!!;;
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I haven't done WW's latest program. The last time I used them was from 2010-2012. Then 4 years where I went completely off and got to my heaviest weight ever. Since October 30, 2016, I've shed just under 107 lbs with MFP.

    To lose weight, you can eat whatever you want within your calorie target. And yes, you can bank your calories. So if MFP gave you a 1600 calorie daily target, you can eat 1500/day for six days and use your "saved" 600 to top up a treat meal if you like.

    Now, to feel satiated and energetic and stay healthy, you need a balanced diet. Doesn't need to be "perfect," just "good". And a perfect diet that makes you feel miserable and deprived isn't good. I've seen other people post about trying for an 80/20 or 90/10 balance between foods that are high in nutrients and foods that are lower but taste good and you just plain want to have for whatever reason or no reason at all. (I'm hungry and that brownie is right there and I have the calories for it? Bon appetit!) Me personally, I don't try to calculate the ratio, but I try to eat reasonably healthy, get my protein and iron targets, and let the rest fall where it falls.

    I don't bank my calories, but on Saturday I tend to make more choices that are less healthy-ish. I stick to the same daily target. That works for me.
  • Warriorprincess60
    Warriorprincess60 Posts: 9 Member
    I came from ww. Not a very nice place at the moment. 😕
  • stephweigel12
    stephweigel12 Posts: 1 Member
    I started double tracking WW and MFP around April bc I was just not losing like I thought and I suspected I was eating to many calories of 0 point foods. I was right. I was easily consuming 800+ calories a day extra. Now that I use MFP, my weight loss has increased and I’m seeing much better results than WW. I am getting close to goal so need to decide which program I want to do bc double tracking isn’t much fun. I guess moral of my story is that I’ve seen great success switching from WW to MFP.
  • allisonlane161
    allisonlane161 Posts: 269 Member
    I came two months ago from WW. I'm lifetime there, attend meetings and weigh in monthly, having lost over 96 pounds. It's just my goals now require knowing my calories. Points aren't very useful for reducing body fat and gaining a bit more muscle mass. I need to be more exact. I do watch my nutrients and macros. Can't knock WW but I find being here tracking very valuable.