How many calories do you eat a day to lose weight?

I was just wondering how many calories people eat to consistently lose weight, including your height and your previous weight would be great for me to get an idea of how many calories people eat and the weight loss they saw and the time it took to lose weight.

I am following WW and starting to use MFP again, I weigh in on Thursday and I hope for a loss. I am 6 feet tall over 350 pounds and plan to eat 1600 calories a day with exercise every day.

Please let me know if this is going to work for me!


  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    i am 5'8.5" 130 pounds, and i eat about 2,500 + a day with exercise. I was at 155 at my highest, and I ate around 1800 to get down to the weight I am now with exercise.
    I think your goal is good. You are at a very high weight even for your height, so you could set up as doing losing 2 pounds per week because youre at such a high weight
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    everyone is different.
    I am 6' tall and started at 295. I have been eating around 1500 to 1600 calories a day with exercise...
    both cardio and some strength training.

    I consistently lose. But if I don't net at least 1200 calories a day I don't lose. Everything just comes to a screeching halt.

    But again, I stress that everyone is different!

    Do some research on your activity level, your BMR, what you burn just sitting versus adding in some exercise.
    Also, I try to keep the carbs, fat and sugar low and the protein high because that is what works for me.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • RebelliousRibbons
    RebelliousRibbons Posts: 391 Member
    I've been eating 1200 to 1400 per day (occasionally over or under. Life happens) and am 5'2" 178 lbs. I've lost 17 so far.
  • mis47330
    mis47330 Posts: 8 Member
    I think it should. I am 5'9 and weighed 301. I have lost 69 lbs since the end of March. I have been eating about 1200 calories a day. I also limit my carbs and exercise about 4 days a week. GL
  • Starting weight: 170
    Current weight: 165
    Height: 5'6

    I work out 5x a week, burning about 450 calories each time. I usually eat 1200-1400 calories/day. As long as all these calories come from decent foods, I've had success. When I have sourced these calories from junk food, weight loss has slowed quite a bit.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    When I was at 300 lbs I ate 1500 net calories - and lost on average 2lbs a week - I am 5'9'..... I
    I weight trained twice a week (burn of around 550 calories), and walked between 30 and 60 minutes on the other days

    Now I eat 1400 net calories a day....

    Total loss over 50 weeks - 105 lbs....
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    If you eat 1,000 calories day LESS than you burn, you'll loose 2 pounds a week. If you're working out that will all be fat loss. You have to figure out your calorie needs to stay where you are, and then eat less than that to loose. I got a Bodybugg so I KNOW that I burn AT LEAST 2600 calories a day, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. Based on my target goal to burn 2600, I eat 1600. On days I burn more.. I eat more. On days I burn less, I cut back.

    I am following the Diet Solution Program for nutrition, and I am at the gym 6 days a week (7 this week since I just went today even though today is supposed to be my day off from working out).

    Between my nutrition and working out, I am loosing 2 to 3 pounds a week.

    I am 5'6. Starting weight was 220. At that point I was eating 2,000 calories a day, on the Diet Solution program and lost 8 pounds in two weeks. At 211 I stalled out and my weight loss was minimal if anything. Then I started working out and I got the Bodybugg, since then I'm down a total of 17 pounds, as of this past Wednesday.

    God bless!
  • lovetheweighitfeels
    lovetheweighitfeels Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you all for the great answers! I appreciate it.
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    1,620 a day plus my exercise calories, i am 5'10, female, 191.6 pounds. today was my first weigh-in though, i lost 5.4 pounds this week. (it'll slow down. i'll need to readjust calories as i lose.)