Why do some friends discourage weight loss?



  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    As a guy, I don't get the impression that people tell me I am looking too skinny, etc out of jealousy. I think they are just so used to seeing me heavy for so long that I must be starving or making myself sick to lose weight.
    "Your face is getting too skinny", "you look unhealthy", "are you sick", etc are pretty common from people I have known for a while. But if I were to go to a doctor, fitness trainer, etc they would just tell me I need to lose ____ pounds and eat healthy. lol It's weird how women and men say things and it comes across differently to us.
    I just say the same thing as most of you do........"I'm trying to lose about 30 more pounds" or "get down to a Large size", etc. Do your thing and don't worry about what others say or don't say.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    well everyone assumes im on some kind of deprivation diet and try to give me advice and tell me im too skinny.
    but i know i know a HELL of alot more then them about nutrition and weight.
    pisses me off.
    and its not a diet - its a lifestyle change.
    they also say **** when i tell them im trying to get rid of skinny fat, lose body fat and build muscle.
    they say i have no body fat,
    HOW THE **** WOULD THEY KNOW. they dont see me naked. i know i have a very average body fat percentage. and i want to be at least athlete.
  • gritgirl
    gritgirl Posts: 95 Member
    Maybe ask her why she's so worried. If it was random you look too skinny comment, it might be jealous, but from whay you described, she sound honestly worried. Real friends worry about us, so it might be worth asking about.
  • sherdewi
    sherdewi Posts: 14
    I'm going to go with...when you succeed at your weight loss, she wont have accomplished anything herself and she doesn't want you accomplish something and be better than her
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    A case of the Green-eyed Monster
  • PamelaRose88
    I have a few thoughts on this- maybe she IS jealous or maybe she thinks youre losing it in a bad way ( not eating, losing weight because of stress etc) and there fore trying to encourage you by saying you dont need to lose more?

    I dont know- that's just how i saw it
  • focusedonfitbaby
    Honestly, I think that so many people are overweight these days that it's become what people are used to seeing. Their idea of "skinny" has changed to a look that is not actually "skinny". So when you are fit looking and a healthy thin, it is perceived as you are not eating enough, etc.
    I recently reached my fitness goal and felt great. People who did not know what I looked like before would compliment me all the time. However, a couple of those who know me personally would give the backwards compliment that I better not lose anymore weight. I'm not sure why people think that is nice to say. I was proud of reaching my new fitness level. It's hurtful when someone tries to bash it.
    Try to stay positive and concentrate on what your goals are - not what others have in mind for you! Best wishes and congrats on your accomplishment!
  • Chlo92x
    Chlo92x Posts: 168 Member
    Definitely jealousy, don't let people put you off your goals, as long as you are happy and healthy and feel good that's all that matters. Some people want to be the 'best looking' friend in the group and she obviously feels threatened by your hard work :smile: Keep it up! x
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Are you sure you arent just excited to tell everyone that after all the hard work youve put in, someone finally noticed that you've changed enough and said those words together, to you, in a sentence and you just really wanted to share?
  • runmama411
    runmama411 Posts: 162 Member
    hikeout470 wrote: »
    Watch out. Sounds like a sign of jealousy to me. This person could perceive you have something that they believe that they deserve, or something along those lines.

    Agreed on all points.
  • crocky64
    crocky64 Posts: 93 Member
    First of all you lost 10lb fantastic well done. Secondly as in other comments it sounds like the person is indeed jealous and prob feels threatened by how good you are going to look. Please try and not let this get to you try and see a positive in their negativity
  • vchan000
    vchan000 Posts: 38 Member
    The fastest way I found to shut that particular conversation down without it becoming confrontational was;

    "Oh, you can't lose any more weight, you're too skinny as it is!"

    "Not according to my Doctor. He's recommended another X pounds."