Those who’ve lost a significant amount

I’m curious, did you really feel so much better after losing a lot of weight? I hear people say they have sooo much more energy and feel so much better physically. Is the change that drastic? Because the way I feel it’s so hard to believe that being over weight can cause all this but I really hope it’s all true! Thank you.


  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 697 Member
    Kmarie8212 wrote: »
    I’m curious, did you really feel so much better after losing a lot of weight? I hear people say they have sooo much more energy and feel so much better physically. Is the change that drastic? Because the way I feel it’s so hard to believe that being over weight can cause all this but I really hope it’s all true! Thank you.

    Before i weight 300 pounds, I took up walking and could only tolerate 10,000 steps per day after alot of purposeful effort and much difficulty, now, after 110 lbs lost I can crank out 26k steps at work, get off work, go do a 3 mile jog and end up with around 36k steps then I'm tired. I don't feel particularly hyper or energetic, just that I can last much longer than I used to.
  • Kmarie8212
    Kmarie8212 Posts: 22 Member
    I've lost 28 kilos (think that's about 61.5 lbs). For me, the combination of quitting smoking and losing that weight has changed absolutely everything. I no longer have pain in my knees and hips that I thought was a form of arthritis but turned out to be just that they couldn't cope with the extra weight. I live in a hot climate and suffer a million times less due to the heat. I have a million times more energy and feel healthier in general. And I've taken up running, whereas before just walking for sustained periods was an effort.
    I've also gone from being pretty lazy to really active. Before I got upset if I couldn't lounge about and read or something in my free time. Now I get ratty if I can't go somewhere, do something, get outside and enjoy life.
    Another plus.... my 12 year old daughter and I now share clothes. The feeling I get every time I borrow something of hers and it fits is truly out of this world.
    You know what the funniest thing is? I didn't even really see myself as particularly overweight or anything!!!!
    I still eat cr@p too.... just that now I make myself earn it with exercise and make it fit into my calories.
    Seriously..... best thing I ever did.

    That’s amazing, thanks so much for sharing and congrats!!! Hope I stick this through.
  • Kmarie8212
    Kmarie8212 Posts: 22 Member
    Wow, thanks so much everyone! It’s so wonderful to know that it will be that much better! Definitely gives me motivation to push forward
  • vburgy
    vburgy Posts: 15 Member
    I’ve lost 95 lbs. I feel AMAZING! Shopping is fun again! And I have so much more energy! Exercising is fun even!
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    Kmarie8212 wrote: »
    I’m curious, did you really feel so much better after losing a lot of weight? I hear people say they have sooo much more energy and feel so much better physically. Is the change that drastic? Because the way I feel it’s so hard to believe that being over weight can cause all this but I really hope it’s all true! Thank you.

    Started: Looking like TRex meets Doughboy meets the soft Michelin Man - not the lean muscled version today.

    After I'd lost the excess weight moving down to 18 - 20% body fat, I then chose to relax for 3 years - on maintenance.
    • Emotionally: I'd felt vindicated for having successfully regained my real estate, defying the fearmongering.
    • Spiritually: I'd committed myself to being more active - for having been a private worshipper to being more involved with my local church community.
    • Socially: I've consciously chosen majority daytime outdoor active socials rather than the rigidities of the usual into the late hours soirees.
    • Physically: Am me again and I'm loving it
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I didn't notice an extreme difference in my energy level, tbh. However, I still really loved being slimmer for a variety of other reasons.
  • bufger
    bufger Posts: 763 Member
    80lbs here.
    I'm now hyperactive , loads of energy, confidence. Love clothes shopping (hated it before) and generally like being outdoors
  • Themajez
    Themajez Posts: 61 Member
    I lost 28 kilograms. I didn't feel much different, with the following exceptions:

    Previously my legs got sore after walking 30 minutes
    Waking up without a sore back
    I could run without feeling what felt like bags of fat sloshing around on my chest
    I didn't have man-boobs, something I never liked
    I didn't snore, didn't wake myself up by snoring, nor if I shared a bed with someone
    Sex was easier, less fat in the way
    I felt more attractive (well, I felt less unattractive)
    I felt like I had achieved one of the hardest things in my life
  • Themajez
    Themajez Posts: 61 Member
    I didn't notice an extreme difference in my energy level, tbh. However, I still really loved being slimmer for a variety of other reasons.

    Me neither, losing 28 kilograms. But other reasons, see above post.
  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 697 Member
    bblue656 wrote: »
    I've lost about 96 lbs and still losing, and I feel better physically but mentally i'm still the 300lbs+ girl. I notice I dont need to nap alot and walking doesnt make die. The best part is I dont go home and go straight to bed lol.

    I feel the same way, I'm still the 300 pound guy, lol.