Snacks at work to munch on!



  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    celery; broccoli; cucumbers... crunchy without the calories like trail mix and nuts.
  • KiwiGirl91
    KiwiGirl91 Posts: 43 Member
    edited June 2018
    I think what the OP meant to ask was how to avoid all the temptation for treats at work. And it's hard. I work in a library where there are frequent catered staff meetings, as well as tons of cakes, cookies, chocolate, and chips in the break room. It's super tough not to give in, and a lot of the time I will give in to a brownie. I just stop at one and make sure I bring my own snacks to tide me over.

    Exactly!! I think I need to choose my wording carefully from now :3 I find it hard when they have cookies, flavoured crackers, chips, chocolate and all sorts of food for us to grab and I want to take my own healthy stuff in even if it’s carrot sticks just so I don’t feel tempted to eat the bad stuff.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    It is difficult to avoid the pitfalls at work. I work in a cubical hell, before that at a Network OPS center, sitting at a desk. So for the past 17 years I have felt your pain.
    I keep a tin of mixed nuts, pure protein crunch bites, in my locker and bring fresh fruit and yogurt. What I do, well use to do, (I need to get back to it) is measure out the serving sizes ahead of time so I don’t over indulge. And I will over indulge if given the chance. Which is why I basically, have plan for success, or I can plan on failing.
    You got this!
  • clsumrall1
    clsumrall1 Posts: 491 Member

    You should set a timer and try to get up and move your body every 40 min. Drink water. Every 3 hours a snack under 200 calories and potty break and move that body. You could be the one to motivate others you work with. So a meal every 6 hours and 2 snacks in between at the 3 hour mark and you’ll maintain you energy and still lose weight. Good luck. Remember protein first then veggies then fruit. No more than 1 cup total per snack

  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    KiwiGirl91 wrote: »
    I think what the OP meant to ask was how to avoid all the temptation for treats at work. And it's hard. I work in a library where there are frequent catered staff meetings, as well as tons of cakes, cookies, chocolate, and chips in the break room. It's super tough not to give in, and a lot of the time I will give in to a brownie. I just stop at one and make sure I bring my own snacks to tide me over.

    Exactly!! I think I need to choose my wording carefully from now :3 I find it hard when they have cookies, flavoured crackers, chips, chocolate and all sorts of food for us to grab and I want to take my own healthy stuff in even if it’s carrot sticks just so I don’t feel tempted to eat the bad stuff.

    I understand. I work a desk job, and am a big time snacker. And while people will say "don't snack", it's easier said than done.
    Baby steps for just starting out..... And you are on the right track by changing your snacks!

    I like popcorners chips. They are like chips, but made from corn. If you love popcorn, you will like these. If you don't care for popcorn, you will hate these. haha
    Fruit is good, I like berries, cantaloupe, apples, etc...
    Pretzel crisps, stick cheese, veggie snacks (baby carrots, celery sticks, etc...)
    Dried fruit is good. Also banana chips. I always have little boxes of the sun-maid raisins at my desk.
    I recently found that the Quaker rice crisps (looks like mini rice cakes) have more flavor and don't taste too much like cardboard (I like the Apple Cinnamon). haha
    Beef jerky or Turkey jerky is good, if you want to get more protein.
    Greek Yogurt, as someone previously mentioned is good.

    Lots of great options out there! Good luck!
    I am a major snacker, so I understand!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Dried cranberries are pretty calorific, 130 calories in 1.4 ounces. I wouldn't go that route personally. If I were going to munch all day, it would be celery or cucumber. Very low calorie for the volume.

    A bottle of water is my go-to. Get an awesome water bottle that makes you smile when you look at it. Keep it full and drink from it all day. This is mine. I love it. For some reason, having an awesome water bottle makes a difference in how much water I drink. If I get really sick of water, I have some Crystal Light powder in my desk drawer I can add to it.

  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Dried cranberries are pretty calorific, 130 calories in 1.4 ounces. I wouldn't go that route personally. If I were going to munch all day, it would be celery or cucumber. Very low calorie for the volume.

    A bottle of water is my go-to. Get an awesome water bottle that makes you smile when you look at it. Keep it full and drink from it all day. This is mine. I love it. For some reason, having an awesome water bottle makes a difference in how much water I drink. If I get really sick of water, I have some Crystal Light powder in my desk drawer I can add to it.


    Def this.
    Make sure you drink lots of water! Helps curb the desire for more snacks, too.

    Personally, if I have to get up and refill it, I will forget. It's always, "I will fill it as soon as I am done with this." And then an hour goes by, and it's one more thing I need to finish before I go fill my water bottle.... So I actually come into work with 3 full water bottles totaling about 100 oz.
    I drink one in the morning, one with lunch and one in the afternoon. I stay hydrated, it sits in front of me so I am constantly reminded to drink water, and it helps keep my desire for more snacks, in check.

    Love the idea of Crystal Light! Might have to get some of those packets... haha

    Also, I LOVE your water bottle. B)
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    I pack my lunch and breakfast everyday. This is usually several smaller snack size portions that I eat through out the day. I pack things like oatmeal (it holds the heat so you could cook it before work), veggies, hummus, pretzels, Greek yogurt, fruit, soup, whole grain pasta and sauce, hard boiled eggs, pickles, protein bars, chicken breast, etc.

    I spend my lunch break walking instead of eating.
  • rikkejohnsenrij
    rikkejohnsenrij Posts: 510 Member
    I work in a similar place. I have a tin of Ricola bon bon's at my desk. It's a herbflavored bon bon that leaves a toothpaste kind of flavour in the mouth, which (for me at least) removes the need for normal sweets....
    I have about 5 each day, instead of the candy/cake I used to eat
  • strongwouldbenice
    strongwouldbenice Posts: 153 Member
    One of my jobs is pretty slow and surrounded by food so for that one I'm definitely just getting through the time before I get to eat again. I generally bring a banana, an apple, a high protein yoghurt single serve, a protein bar (usually eat half at a time), cherry tomatoes, sliced capsicum, tinned beans or tinned corn, a piece of bread with butter or peanut butter.
    I usually bring MORE than I'll likely eat, and prelog it in the morning, so if I really want it I can have it. Saves me from being hungry and frustrated and just grabbing something else I probably shouldn't.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,111 Member
    Anything that is low calorie, high volume will do if you want to snack a lot over the day.

    Alternatively pre-log your day and pick filling snacks that you'll enjoy but make them fit around your meals.

    Drinking sparkling water or diet soda/ chewing also works for me if I want to avoid snacking altogether.
  • rosileem
    rosileem Posts: 31 Member
    edited June 2018
    KiwiGirl91 wrote: »

    I wish :( cherries are so damn expensive here more so cause we’re not in season yet - I’ve considered dried fruit as an option (I’m in winter atm ) :3

    Some snack ideas?

    Fresh fruit (whatever may be in season and that you enjoy)
    Trail mix (nuts have great great great healthy fats that keep me full*- although mindful of dried fruits because they can be high in heart breaks every time I log dried dates lmao!)
    Bringing your own snacks? Hopefully there’s access to a fridge- cheese strings, or grape tomatoes and cucumber slices with some dip?
    Nut butter with a slice or two of bread

    I think as long as I’m being calorie wise and within my daily intake, and eating healthier (maybe not the healthiest!) it’s a good day :)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    you can eat the snacks but you just need to fit it in your calorie allotment.
    me, i like crunchy stuff. it curbs my snacking
    so veggies. rice or popcorn chips. grapes.
    if i have those, i don't want the higher calorie snacks

    as for drinking water. i have NEVER found it curbs my hunger. not snacking? why? there are easy options that are low calorie. I graze. i don't typically eat meals. i graze all day
  • Mandylou19912014
    Mandylou19912014 Posts: 208 Member
    KiwiGirl91 wrote: »
    Okay so I work for a company doing tech support (great job, great pay and I love it and my conworkers). Down side? I’m sitting on my butt allday munching on snacks because they encourage us to do this.

    What I really want to do is start eating the right foods etc.. something that will help with my weight loss etc.... so suggestions are a must pretty please!

    I’m a grazer so I literally munch through out the day so something that will help me - I’m thinking dried cranberries but that’s all I’m coming up with :/

    Can you guys recommend me some healthy filling snacks!

    I would suggest plain Greek yoghurt with nuts and seeds and a little bit of honey. Handful of strawberries and blueberries, hard boiled egg with some raw spinach, protein shake, protein bar, some cooked chicken
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    If you just want something you can snack on for very few calories, veggies with a low calorie dip or dressing are a good option. Fruit may also be good, though the calories in fruit can add up faster than many people realize.

    If you want something more filling, try small protein-rich snacks like jerky or string cheese.

    I also drink a lot of tea at work, either unsweetened or with low calorie sweetener.

    We don’t have tons of food around, but on days when there will be food and I expect to eat it (lunch provided during a meeting, for example), I pre-log it.