Easy Atkins Recipes?



  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I am not trying to insult anyone. . I am just saying that I got sucked into the Atkins once myself in my quest to become healthy and learned a few things from my trainers. . .

    So I like to pass them along. . My trainer said that your body largely runs on carbs and that if you are overloading your organs on protein you are making said organs work harder and causing damage to your body.. .

    I boxed and kickboxed. . . So I am by no means an expert. . I am just passing along knowledge. . I myself and training to be a physical trainer and studying more on nutrition and exercise. .

    So not saying anyone should listen to me. . I just wanted to pass on what I learned from personal experience. .

    I am not sure if I already said this but I got my CPT a few years ago (Certified Personal Trainer) I have been in to health and fitness for a long time, many many years. I was boxing at the age of 14. I can tell you one thing for sure, there is soooooo much BS in the health and fitness community. So many myths, such as eating speeds up your metabolism, eating 6 times a day will cause you to speed up your metabolism. You shouldn't eat before bed or you'll gain weight. Starvatoin mode, etc...

    Thank you> > >I really appreciate that. . . as I am in the process of certifying right now. . I have a couple months to go~
  • SouLThinking
    SouLThinking Posts: 308 Member
    To the Creator of this topic.

    Google Linda's low carb recipes.

    You'll be amazed.

    To the person who says Atkins isn't healthy.

    I am proof it is. I also was advised by my DR and nutritionist to do this. Not a trainer. If you follow the Atkins WOE faithfully you would see that he never advises to gorge on bacon or protein or anything for that matter. He teaches us a well balanced way of eating. Balanced meaning whole foods not processed junk ..white processed food.
    I am now up the ladder and am losing on 150gm of carb a day. I do watch my calories. I don't watch my fat.
    84 lbs gone forever.
  • Cheermamasita
    Cheermamasita Posts: 40 Member
    Use the internet to look up high protien recipes, my MD recently put me on a diet that requires me to consum 25 grams of protien per meal or 75-77 grams per day. So, I looked on the internet and found simple recipes, for b-fast, lunch, dinner and snacks, it is really helpful. Think simple, easy and if you plan weekly it is much easier to be prepared. Don't worry too much about what others think, you are working on getting healthy and losing weight and that is a healthy move! You go girl!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member

    Super good if you like pizza. . Way healthy way to make it~
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    "Doctors have concluded that people with higher cholestrol levels live longer."
    (Quote from above, don't know why the box isn't there.)

    Could I have a cite for this please? Which cholesterol level? I would like to read more about this.

    And it's not all that important, but the typical American diet is most often referred to as SAD (standard American diet), not ASD. Just wanted to pass that along. Especially since it's an interesting acronym, as the standard diet truly is sad.
  • MintheWing
    Use the internet to look up high protien recipes, my MD recently put me on a diet that requires me to consum 25 grams of protien per meal or 75-77 grams per day. So, I looked on the internet and found simple recipes, for b-fast, lunch, dinner and snacks, it is really helpful. Think simple, easy and if you plan weekly it is much easier to be prepared. Don't worry too much about what others think, you are working on getting healthy and losing weight and that is a healthy move! You go girl!

    Thank you!
  • MintheWing

    Super good if you like pizza. . Way healthy way to make it~

    That's amazing! I love pizza :D
  • kittrelle
    Go to the library and check out any of Dana Carpender's books. She does an awesome job with low carb recipes! Also check outh the blog the lighter side...if I think of more I'll PM you.
  • MintheWing
    Go to the library and check out any of Dana Carpender's books. She does an awesome job with low carb recipes! Also check outh the blog the lighter side...if I think of more I'll PM you.

    Ty! Someone else showed me the lighter side blog so I was just looking at it, there's some great stuff on there :D
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    Use the internet to look up high protien recipes, my MD recently put me on a diet that requires me to consum 25 grams of protien per meal or 75-77 grams per day. So, I looked on the internet and found simple recipes, for b-fast, lunch, dinner and snacks, it is really helpful. Think simple, easy and if you plan weekly it is much easier to be prepared. Don't worry too much about what others think, you are working on getting healthy and losing weight and that is a healthy move! You go girl!

    ha 77grams a day? I was eating like 200grams.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    Yes. It has been shown that when cavemen developed agriculture and farming, man'size got much smaller. Eating vegetables actually made humans smaller!!!! We have evolved to handle veggies though, and they shouldn't be removed from our diets. remove the starchy veggies,. i.e. potato's, pasta, and bread, and you'll be so much better off.

    If you really want the academic info, read "The Bioethics of Hunting and Gathering Societies. "

    It's interesting you say this. I said i am working on a alkalarian life style. It's mostly plant based. In terms of vegetables, I don't eat starchy carbs, grains, seeds, or pastas or rice. I don't see cavemen having a diet majority in vegetables. I can see them as "part" of their diet but also the bad carbs as well. I don't think the good vegetables can be seeing as a culprit for what happened.
  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    "Doctors have concluded that people with higher cholestrol levels live longer."
    (Quote from above, don't know why the box isn't there.)

    Could I have a cite for this please? Which cholesterol level? I would like to read more about this.

    And it's not all that important, but the typical American diet is most often referred to as SAD (standard American diet), not ASD. Just wanted to pass that along. Especially since it's an interesting acronym, as the standard diet truly is sad.

    haha yeah i knew it was something like SAD, or ASD. I don't remeber the name of the biochemists. There is a good documentary on the subject, it's called "Fat head" they talk alot about it, there are a few doctors and biochemist who discuss it. Also how low fat diets can cause depression.
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    In a few words. . . .ATKINS. .. not healthy. . Good luck!

    Cancer has been linked to carbs... and heart disease...

    don't say things like that, people might actually believe you. please cite from a peer reviewed replicated article. oh wait, you can't.

    Oh wait, I can: http://www.naturalnews.com/001812.html
    "A new study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Mile Markers, and Prevention is presenting evidence of the link between the consumption of refined carbohydrates and cancer. This case-controlled study looked at the dietary habits of over 1,800 women in Mexico, and found that those who got 57% or more of their total energy intake from carbohydrates showed a 220% higher risk of breast cancer than women with more balanced diets."

  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136
    In a few words. . . .ATKINS. .. not healthy. . Good luck!

    Cancer has been linked to carbs... and heart disease...

    Well I am a vegetarian. . and that is BS. . . overloading your system with protein and putting undue on your kidneys and liver is not healthy. . Not to mention your brain runs on carbs. . . I tried atkins once then got educated by my trainer when I was boxing. . and wised up.

    Why do you insist on posting crap like this? Your brain does NOT run on carbs, it runs on glucose. Your liver is perfectly capable of producing glucose from protein and releasing it into the blood stream to feed your brain. Go look up Gluconeogenesis. Also your brain will adapt to ketosis and run on ketones as backup fuel. Anyone who told you that your brain MUST run on carbs is an idiot. The fact that you claim it was a personal trainer is not surprising as many people in that occupation (I said many, not all) are persistent sources of health care and dieting misinformation. Trust me, you haven't wised up at all.
  • KristiGuard
    KristiGuard Posts: 33 Member
    I am a pizza addict and this is my new favorite recipe!! ONLY 6 CARBS This is how I make mine but I am sure eveyone likes different toppings.

    14 small or 6 Deli size slices of pepperoni cut into fourths or eighths.
    1/4 cup pizza sauce ( I use great value)
    3 slices of mozarella part skim cheese OR 2/3 cup shredded part skim mozarella
    10 Medium Black Olives Sliced into fourths ( I use an egg slicer to do my olives)
    Small 7x5 Pyrex dish ($5 @ Walmat and comes with snap on lid) OR any little single serve casserole you have.

    Arrange pepperoni eveny in dish. Fold a papertowel to cover the pepperoni. Microwave for 1 minute. Remover carefullly from the Microwave.
    Cover evenly with the olives. Spread 1/4 cup pizza sauce evenly over the toppings. Arrange the cheese slices in the dish to completely cover the toppings.
    Microwave 3 minutes ( I have to do 3.5 minutes at home). Remove from microwave and using a fork slighty pull the cheese away from the sides of the dish. Let set for 2 or 3 minutes so the cheese sets a little. ENJOY!!
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    I am not trying to insult anyone. . I am just saying that I got sucked into the Atkins once myself in my quest to become healthy and learned a few things from my trainers. . .

    So I like to pass them along. . My trainer said that your body largely runs on carbs and that if you are overloading your organs on protein you are making said organs work harder and causing damage to your body.. .

    I boxed and kickboxed. . . So I am by no means an expert. . I am just passing along knowledge. . I myself and training to be a physical trainer and studying more on nutrition and exercise. .

    So not saying anyone should listen to me. . I just wanted to pass on what I learned from personal experience. .

    I'm sorry but your trainer is highly uneducated in the area of anatomy and physiology and human nutrition for that matter. I hope you are better educated and don't misinform people like your trainer seems to be doing. If you want true information, do some research before you start handing out crappy advice.
  • skinnygirl49
    That [izza rececipe looked great. I will have to try that :tongue:
  • Roeske5043
    I CAN MAKE 1 CARB COOKIES. Message me if you want the recipe :) they are very good