need some new friends!

Hi, I have been on again, off again for a while now, but I really hope to do it this time! I need some funny, understanding, and supportive friends to help keep me motivated. I am 6'1 and have a 100 lbs to lose. so please add me if you want.




  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    I'm a recent restart (new screen name/new starting weight) after losing 60 lbs last summer. I tried getting back on the wagon, but finally realized I just needed a new wagon. I'm friends with a great bunch of people and we all encourage each other. I'll send over a request.
  • lady_hellis
    lady_hellis Posts: 20 Member
    I checked out your profile and see you are a football fan! I am a Boise State fan and am dying for the season to get underway. glad your on board!!! :)