30 Day Shred - Started 8/13/2011

I started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred yesterday 8/13/2011. I posted pics below and wanted to track my progress here. Anyone that wants to join me is sooooo welcome! I could use the extra encouragement and *kitten* kicking!!! :) I plan to incorporate other exercise along the way. I really just want to finish this and not give up!

I will weight, measure and take new pics on the 15 day mark, August 27, 2011


Day 1, Level 1
30 Day Shred
Height: 5'6"
SW: 164

Neck: 13.5"
Left Arm: 12"
Right Arm: 12.5"
Chest: 38"
Natural Waist: 33.5"
Lower Abdomen aka Spare Tire: 39.25"
Hips: 42.5"
Left Thigh: 25.5"
Right Thigh: 25.75"
Left Calf: 14.5"
Right Calf: 14.75"


  • Hey...good luck on completing this...take each day as it comes...

    Can you advise how i go about doing this...do u need a DVD, book, CD or something or is there a website, thank you for your help in advance :)
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey! Good luck with this. Me and my fiance are on day 12 (level 2 day 2).

    First thing I'll say is stick with it, it does get easier around day 3 or so and by day 10 you'll be amazed looking back at how difficult day 1 seemed. Then it's pretty much the same for level 2 - first day was a *****!

    Rooting for ya!
  • I started her 30 Day Shred today! The push-ups are hardest for me, since I have a rather large chest and no core/upper body strength. I can use my legs for days, but she really gets everything moving! Good luck to you! I am excited to incorporate her stuff into my new lifestyle!!

  • I'm thinking about doing the 30 day Shred. I just started her Ripped in 30 workout. I would love to be doing this workout along with someone else. Good luck to you :)
  • Hey...good luck on completing this...take each day as it comes...

    Can you advise how i go about doing this...do u need a DVD, book, CD or something or is there a website, thank you for your help in advance :)

    Hey there! You can purchase Jillian Michaels workout dvds at Walmart and I believe they are only about $10. At least they were at my Walmart. Good luck to you!!
  • bergebl03
    bergebl03 Posts: 89 Member
    hey i'll be here for support me and my boyfriend are on day 4 level 2, but I've already done this once before, feel free to ask me any questions you may have about this video. Good luck!!!!!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Hey...good luck on completing this...take each day as it comes...

    Can you advise how i go about doing this...do u need a DVD, book, CD or something or is there a website, thank you for your help in advance :)

    You can get the DVD on Amazon or Ebay, it's pretty cheap! I think I only paid about £5 for my copy.
  • kate8085
    kate8085 Posts: 62
    I did D1L1 today. I'm with ya!
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    Oooh, also bare in mind that you will see a weight gain on the scale for the first week or so. This is normal, just push through it and it'll come back off again.

    I read a good 30DS FAQ a while back which explained it but I can't find it now so I'll attempt a 'back of a *kitten* packet' explanation: When you start putting stress on muscles which haven't been strained for a while, you inflict micro-tears on the muscles and your body retains fluid around them to aid with the repair. So the extra weight you'll see is water weight.

    Also you should really try to push through the soreness of your muscles to complete the workout every day. You'll get the best results if you don't take any rest days, or maybe just allow yourself a rest day between each level.

    Go for it! :)
  • Nancymcgregor
    Nancymcgregor Posts: 150 Member
    Oh thanks for posting that, I was so distressed when I saw my weight had gone up. I haven't been that good with my eating this week because I've been craving meat but I can already see a change in my body.
  • kezziemc
    kezziemc Posts: 51 Member
    I got my copy today so starting tomorrow morning. Good luck everyone!
  • Aww thank you...i've found it on Amazon...bit scared after reading reviews hehe but got to be done :) x All the best to you too xx
  • zuzka
    zuzka Posts: 26 Member
    In with you..did 30DS about 2 months ago but only a week...this time I want to finish whole 30 days:)) I am also doing it along Ripped in 30 so awaiting big results:))
  • Oooh, also bare in mind that you will see a weight gain on the scale for the first week or so. This is normal, just push through it and it'll come back off again.

    I read a good 30DS FAQ a while back which explained it but I can't find it now so I'll attempt a 'back of a *kitten* packet' explanation: When you start putting stress on muscles which haven't been strained for a while, you inflict micro-tears on the muscles and your body retains fluid around them to aid with the repair. So the extra weight you'll see is water weight.

    Also you should really try to push through the soreness of your muscles to complete the workout every day. You'll get the best results if you don't take any rest days, or maybe just allow yourself a rest day between each level.

    Go for it! :)

    I'm so glad you posted this. I feel like I've been gaining instead of losing. I'm so happy to know that it is only water weight. Such a relief. It all makes total sense. It's amazing how the body works!!
  • Hey guys thanks for all the input!! Good luck to those who are joining with me or have been doing it for awhile! I appreciate all the new info also... I've seen some people saying they were noticing a weight gain at first, I had heard about the water retention and read to drink more water, which sounds crazy but apparently it helps. I hope to just push through and not miss a day!!

    I just finished Level 1, Day 2!!! It was difficult but I did it! I even have my boyfriend doing it with me. It's nice to have the added support at home!

    I plan to start Ripped in 30 after I finish the 30DS!

    GOOD LUCK everyone!!! Keep up the GREAT work!!!
  • Me and my friend tried it killed our knees... If u think is too hard do it at your own pace and don't give up...
  • LinsiJM
    LinsiJM Posts: 2
    I started the 30 dy shred yesterday 8-14-10 Its a burn! lol
  • LindzHop
    LindzHop Posts: 1 Member
    Proud of you momma!! You can do it! And I know you're going to look so great and feel amazing when you have accomplished your goal. GOOD LUCK!! :smile:
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Yes! I would love to join you! I got my copy in the post this evening and Im going to start it first thing in the morning. Im super excited. Ive seen so many great before and after pics so it really does give results! And we are the same height aswell! And roughly same weight + measurements :) This will be fun!
  • kate8085
    kate8085 Posts: 62
    L1D2, Done! A little rough today because my legs were sore..those cardio sections really made me feel the burn. Ouch!