I have a question??

I am trying to edit my meal plain for tomorrow every time I do it my sugar goes over mainly with fruits, yogurt, & cereal should I worry about to much sugar, protien etc...?


  • kellicarter11
    kellicarter11 Posts: 178 Member
    fruit is natural sugar I wouldn't freak much
  • alecta337
    alecta337 Posts: 622 Member
    I pay attention to keeping protein high and saturated fat low and obviously calories, everything else isn't as big of a deal to me.

    I never pay attention to sugar levels, especially if its coming from fruit. The sugar in your cereal and yogurt probably is processed sugar and not very good for you, so be wary of that. Try to get non-sweetened granola and plain yogurt and you can sweeten it up with fruit.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Make sure your sugars from fruit are coming from non-processed sources and you wont need to worry too much about it. As for Cereal...that can be a killer pending the type of sugar.
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    Thanks for the help eveyone that sugar thing is driving me nuts!! I am not diabetic but I don't want to eat so much sugar unless it is from a healthy item like fruit..