Proof that some people can go a lil overboard...



  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Sorry. That is a RIDICULOUS example. You can show 100 different pictures of people living various kinds of lifestyles. some will look better, thinner, younger than others. You can have 2 people, the same age. One can look young and sexy, and the other can look like a tub of lard hag, and the young sexy one could live that lifestyle that lives a holistic approach to nutrition and health, promoting exercise, and a vegetarian diet, and the hag could be eating the lard and butter and meat.

    This is a very biased view, and seems to be promoting eating animal products and you will look like that other person. And if you live a healthy lifestyle, you will look like some old hag.

    (Insert eye roll here)
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I read the other article, and with all of those people who died of cancer in her family, you would think she would make better food decisions....
  • TheGoktor
    TheGoktor Posts: 1,138 Member
    I read the other article, and with all of those people who died of cancer in her family, you would think she would make better food decisions....

    The article clearly explains her stance on that...

    **Her experience (the deaths of a mother, sister and husband from cancer) has also made her see thinness as something to dread rather than aspire to. “I associate thinness with dying. My mother had real eating issues. When she had cancer, she said, ‘This is the first time I have eaten without worrying,’ and that is chilling. Something clicked, and I vowed never to say, ‘I am not allowed that.' ” **

    And let's not forget that for years her father was obese , so it's not as though she hasn't seen both ends of the spectrum, or is unaware of the dangers of being overweight.

    I don't believe for one moment that Nigella's TV persona is how she is in real life. Or that if she indulged as much IRL as her TV persona does that she'd look like that. I suspect that she has a far healthier lifestyle off-camera. Besides, I've seen her away from the camera, and with very little makeup on - she doesn't look nearly as a polished as her publicity shots/TV work (she is quite overweight and lumpy, for example, which is why you rarely see below her waist in photos/on TV)....but even looking like a 'mere mortal'. she still looks better (IMO) than Gillian, even when you compare publicity shots. I'm not sure however, whether Gillian deserves a thumbs up for allowing the cameras to see her at her worst, or whether it's just a an attempt to revive a dead career at any cost, by a fame hungry egotist.

    Of course, you're quite right about comparisons between people of differing lifestyles but that blogger was merely putting forward his/her opinion, it wasn't a statement of fact. They were not saying that eating high fat and high sugar food *is* good for everyone, just as they weren't saying that eating a macrobiotic, largely vegan, diet is going to make people look rather desiccated. What they did was use those photos to illustrate their own opinion and personal taste. And posters here have done the same - expressed their opinions based on their own set of values. Ridiculous example or not, people *are* entitled to say they believe a person looks better than another person, based on nothing more than a couple of photos...just as you are entitled to your opinion that it's an unfair comparison (and for the record, I agree with you!)!

    I also think that Nigella is completely wrong for making judgements and assumptions about slender/skinny women, based on nothing more than their apparent size...

    **"I do think that women who spend all their lives on a diet probably have a miserable sex life: if your body is the enemy, how can you relax and take pleasure? Everything is about control, rather than relaxing, about holding everything in.”**

  • carolineJ82
    carolineJ82 Posts: 12 Member
    Im in total shock that Nigella Lawson is 51! Wow! Cant stand Gillian McKeith but its nothing to do with how she looks / eats. She did my head in, in the jungle lol!
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I'm in love w/ Nigella...
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Who the hell is Nigella?
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Um. Don't any of you think that there is a slight possibility that Nigella has had "work" done?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    That 1st woman I would have put in her upper 60's. Guess all those colon cleanses sucked the life out of her skin lol

    No, it is the low fat eating that caused that.................She is a prime example of how important adequate fat intake is for us.