Why do I get crazy bad cravings after a sugar binge?

If I do well and eat my calorie budget perfectly for awhile I’m totally fine. But if I eat a couple super high calorie junk food meals, I get cravings so bad I fall off the rails. Why is that?


  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited June 2018
    I remember reading that for some people it is a dopamine thing but I don't know if that is true science or another attack on sugar.

    ETA: Because I don't have a sweet tooth I have never truly investigated it.
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    No no people. I’m not over here starving or whatever and then eating a high calorie meal and going nuts. I eat about 2000 calories a day and workout but let’s say thanksgiving happens. I eat a bunch on thanksgiving and the day after, I’m getting a crazy amount of cravings. My question is why that is. Something to do with blood sugar spiking? Dopamine rush? New bad habits being built?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    edited June 2018
    No no people. I’m not over here starving or whatever and then eating a high calorie meal and going nuts. I eat about 2000 calories a day and workout but let’s say thanksgiving happens. I eat a bunch on thanksgiving and the day after, I’m getting a crazy amount of cravings. My question is why that is. Something to do with blood sugar spiking? Dopamine rush? New bad habits being built?

    OK, just wanted to check as your diary only indicates about 1100 calories daily of nutritionally dense food.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited June 2018
    Food group elimination advocates say if you eliminate about 4 or 5 food groups, along with all of the sugar that you will no longer want to eat all of the things. You will be fixed. You'll go through that extinction burst where the body fights so hard against you and you might have the final knockout round with sugar or thrill eating but after that it's smooth sailing all the way.

    I don't believe that because I've tried it. The cravings come roaring back with rebound weight gain. Some order out of that chaos must be imposed. I gave myself permission to have whatever I want every single day with reasonable restriction and not overrestriction. Yes, you have to count the nuts and track the tiddlywinks but after awhile the things you've always enjoyed aren't calling your name - morning, noon and night.

    The trifecta of every baked good is sugar, salt, fat and flour but eliminating all of the things for the rest of your life with the concept of never going back is too hard to contemplate for most humans and their brains.

    The brain really does not care if you ever stop eating all of the things. The brain is a driver. The brain doesn't care how many food resets you do because the brain will always be in charge. The brain is content with licorice and gummy bears and steak, chicken, grilled portobello mushrooms. You choose, you decide. Give yourself permission to do everything on your own terms with food and movement you enjoy. That will take the wind right of the sails that drive you to fall off the rails. Fall off the rails but learn to moderate yourself.

  • NoExcusesFromNowOn
    NoExcusesFromNowOn Posts: 76 Member
    If I ate a lot at thanksgiving then I wouldn't have cravings. Maybe it's the fat you crave? You didn't say what you craved and people assumed sugar. If I have sugar then I want more,more,more. Real food, no. I do eat peanut butter and healthy fats so I don't crave fat.
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    No no people. I’m not over here starving or whatever and then eating a high calorie meal and going nuts. I eat about 2000 calories a day and workout but let’s say thanksgiving happens. I eat a bunch on thanksgiving and the day after, I’m getting a crazy amount of cravings. My question is why that is. Something to do with blood sugar spiking? Dopamine rush? New bad habits being built?

    How tall are you, I'm 5'9, I Don't even do any cardio and I usually cut at 2400 calories, so I suspect you may be eating too little.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    This got me thinking about pleasure centers in the brain and how certain things trigger some people and not others. I love food but I find the pleasure and cravings come from the experience I have with it. So I won't crave so much the food itself to eat alone, but sharing it with family or friends. For example I was driving one day and I passed by a new seafood restaurant that said "Patio now open, fresh oysters" and all I could think was sitting on the patio on a warm day, cool breeze, sipping some nice white wine eating raw oysters and it's all I could think about for the rest of the day. The thing is once the event happens and I am satisfied, I don't want it anymore in that moment at least. But I do get strong urges for the experience again, and it usually involves wine so if I get cravings for anything wine always comes to mind.

    Interestingly, I eat candy almost everyday before and during my workout. I love candy and I love to eat it, but I eat only as much as I need to get me through the workout. Once it's over, it's over. I don't get more cravings for it or it doesn't set me off for binges. I don't find myself obsessed with sugar at all. But if there is a particular food or combination of foods that set you up for binges, it might be a good idea to limit yourself from those foods at least until you can handle them in moderation (if that is possible at all).
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    I have that problem but I binged to get fat and stay fat. Eating a few sweets doesn't do that to me, but eating a lot does. It gives me the binge urge. I had a problem with that just a few days ago.
  • peachvine29
    peachvine29 Posts: 400 Member
    I have the same problem! I was doing so good for weeks, staying at my low calorie goal and feeling good. Then I splurged on Dairy Queen and this week has been so hard to eat good. I want everything lol my cravings are going nuts! Trying to get back on track...
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    If you're interested, check out The Hungry Brain by Stephan Guyenet. It covers things like calories, nutrition, palatbility, cravings, etc.

  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    A lot of things outside of CICO are woo, but head games you play with yourself are not. They really aren't exactly outside CICO, but the only reason most people fail on any diet that creates a deficit is lack of compliance.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,986 Member
    No no people. I’m not over here starving or whatever and then eating a high calorie meal and going nuts. I eat about 2000 calories a day and workout but let’s say thanksgiving happens. I eat a bunch on thanksgiving and the day after, I’m getting a crazy amount of cravings. My question is why that is. Something to do with blood sugar spiking? Dopamine rush? New bad habits being built?

    I bet that I'm shorter, older, and don't workout as hard as you. And I'm female. Yet I can lose weight on 2000 calories gross. Try eating more on a regular basis and see if the urge to have Thanksgivings too frequently go away.